Who said it was beer?:sly:
Exactly the point!:cheers:
Good, one down, 569,000,000,000 to go..............
Cool...i love arguments.
Ok ok ok im sorry, if you didnt want to know why did you read it?????? answer that!
Could you transpher those for me to gameshark?
Uh i dont think thats against the rules...
I'm not sure how to respond to that....but sorry?
Sorry guys i messed up, i just posted everything i know about the secret video
WARNING!!!!!! This thread has a LARGE amount of spoilers! Do NOT read if you do not want uncover the secret of Kh2 FM+!!!! Ok i realized a while ago that Terra's hair looks a LOT like Xehenorts. Sooo i did a little investigating and figured out Terra IS Xehenort! How is this possible you ask? Well if you saw the secret ending of Kh2 final mix+ then you would see at the VERY end when the camera zooms in on Terra's face, his eyes turned orange! And i remembered that Xemnas AND Xehenorts eyes were orange. Then i did a little more investigating and found out after both of his friends were lost in the battle with Master Xehenort and his apprentice, he had nothing, and faded into the darkness. And his heart became SO weak he lost the keyblade, and was so ashamed of it, he changed his name to Xehanort. You must be thinking, but Xehenort, and Xemnas's hair is white. And after looking for hours of reason, i found a video documentary of Birth By Sleep and it said "Terra was brought forth to so much light, that it bleached his hair. Then he became jealous of Ansem the Wise, and Jealousy and Anger consumed him causing him to become a nobody and a heartless. But he held on to his feelings for Aqua and Ven, and was brought back. In Castle Oblivion when Axel said that Sora came back from being a heartless, and only one other man has been able to do that. That "man" was Terra. But Xemnas had the same feelings for ven and aqua, and found the room of sleep. where Ven's armor lay from the battle. While Xemnas was serching for Aqua, he found Xion. Supposably Aqua's nobody. so he welcomed her into the organisation. But she betrayed them. Right before Xemnas died, he realized that the room of awakening (where aqua was) was located on Destany Islands. That is the ture story of the secret Video of KH2 Final Mix + Plz comment
On the role mod (below) Put: Player is (red) and add the last six digits (blue) into the xxxxxx's and BOOM "Player is NPCs" Player is: 2037A3CC 00XXXXXX Allies are: 2037A3D0 00XXXXXX NPCs are: 2037A3D4 00XXXXXX Bosses are: 2037A3D8 00XXXXXX Enemies are: 2037A3DC 00XXXXXX Weapons are: 2037A3E0 00XXXXXX Battle NPCs are: 2037A3F0 00XXXXXX Large Bosses are: 2037A3FC 00XXXXXX Summons are: 2037A418 00XXXXXX Digits: 16EA14 - Player 16EA24 - Ally 16EB58 - NPC 16EA3C - Boss 16EA64 - Enemy 16EB58 - Weapon 16EAB4 - Battle NPC 16EB04 - Large Boss 16EC10 - Summon Sorry if it didn't answer your question..
Red Zone, whats that?
Is there a code to have Final Sora as your ally just like roxas?
Nice job, very impressed.
No, but the code may be invented in the future.:D
I dont understand what your saying...like put pictures from google on your playstation and wield them? I tryed it but it was just a normal kingdom key.
Ok, try E001F7FF 0035B55C 01CB985F 0000000A but press and hold R1 when going into a new room.
Alright cool ill look into it.