Nothing, everything was exactly the same dude :( but it might not be the bezerk mod, ill try it sepratly and see what happens. What was it supposed to do anyway?
It didn't affect Valor at all, sorry?
Yeah ill test em
Sweet thx man
No problem man, i was new to once. XD
You could try Gameshark/codebreaker/ARMAX/etc./.com
Thx i need some codes for this game.
They might work for PAL...test them to see if they work.
Is there a code to permanitly be dark riku even in cutscenes and stuff????
Yes, that should work...
The Final/Master for party/room mod...
Yeah he said he got Marluxia to walk around, but no attacks.
Here.....:huh: 3/4 Sora Fix (This allows you to use two playable characters simultaneously. They will run, attack, etc. in synchronicity.) HU30-4BVN-B047W 8HZ0-FE6Q-KT6JE 201D4990 00000000 Add it to the code to get the crash fixed.
As your party member?
DONT SPAM!!!!!!!!!!! BTW what do you mean by New Things? Try this: Journal 100% Complete VTJT-Q3ZM-KGJUQ XV95-WEB6-AATP8 3T27-20DC-JXYZR 4033FDB0 00040001 FFFFFFFF 00000000
Yeah it does sound kind of odd...but for now i do not belive it, i need proof to belive it.
Depends which sora you use.
Ok, you may be new, but ALWAYS look on the front page before you ask the questions. K? But here are the codes. 40340C9C 00130001 NNDDWWMM 00000000 NN = Slot 4 DD = Slot 3 WW = Slot 2 MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky) 00 = Roxas(start of the game)/Sora(before and after he gets his new outfit) 01 = Donald 02 = Goofy 03 = Partner Character(world specific)/Riku(TWTNW) 04 = Valor Sora/ Valor Roxas( During Roxas' part only) 05 = Wisdom Form 06 = Master Form (Crash) 07 = Final Form (Crash) 08 = Anti Form 09 = Mickey 0A = Invisible 10 = Nothing (put this if u dont/can not have 4th character) Replace the letters with the numbers to have your party. Ok, try this... 10354E9C 00000001 10354EAC 00000001 This code silences ALL music. If you want some other world's music in a different world, then PM me the music you want, and i will give it to you.
ok thx, ill also try the code.