When he was a young warthog! xD
really?! o.o i think they are all really gewd! ^-^ how much practice have you had? and do you really play LoZ?! :D ummmm..... what ish an...
(ohhh emmmm geeee! Finally! :D someone who actually does it! ^-^) It means no worries, for the rest of your days!!!
all of them! :D I wish I could draw half as gewd as any of your drawings! Im pretty bad! o.o ieuieuie! (alert: this member ish not gewd at...
xD Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!
pfffttt.... thanks.... yewr real help.... >.> (just kidding! :D did I fool you?!) but....im scared to find out now! o.o what happens if I do...
thank yaz! ^-^ and speaking of cool, a-maze-zing drawing!!! :D it ish so epically aweshum that.... that..... that WORDS can not even explain...
feewww! <---- (alert: this person does not know how to spell sounds!) you had me going there for a second! xD how do you know if youve done...
*gasp* does it?! o.o
thank yew for the friend request! :D btw- purple ish awesome! ^-^
zomg! o.o I got a reply back! :D sorry! not really sure on how this whole thing works! xD
thank yew for the request AWESOMEman13! xD
haha! thank yew for noticing! xD and for that, yew are epic! :] lets see here, all of the stuff yew just said, ish epic!!!!! 8D *High fivez* and thank yew vury much! I will be sure to do that. funzies <------- a-maze-zing!!!! (yesh, its vury fun! ^-^)
thank yew vury much! ^-^ *gasp* you love purple too! o.o you are a-maze-zing!!! :D ohhh emmm geee! o.o yew my friend, are also a-maze-zing!!! :D High five for Legend of Zelda! and thank yew vury much! ^-^
is awesome for liking Legend of Zelda!!! :D
Hewwo guys! I'm new here and I thought I would just stop by and say hello! Yes, I know spelt hello wrong! I just love to sometimes make up my own words! hope you guys dont hate me for it! :[ I love Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. I also really love Legend of Zelda and Gir (I loveded you piggy, I loveded you!)! My favorite food ish (another made up word!) spaghetti! I can not get enough of the stuff! I also love the color purple! Just to let you all know, I can be a little random sometimes, and even a little goofy! I hope this is accepted here! Nice to meet yew (yet another made up word! :p) all! I hope to get to know you all a lot better! *hands everyone a cookie* <---C is for cookie, thats good enough for me! Cha cha cha! :D