now I feel a widdle scared.... o.o are all of them like that?!
ooooooohhhhhh! really?! she seems SUPER DUPER nice though..... :/
gotcha!!! and why would that make wolfie mad? wait. hold on a second... who in the world ish wolfie?! o,o
xD spam ish nastay! and it comes in a can! yucky! :[ how can you eat that "stuff"! CORRECTION! Thing!! so, what if I came on every day? then...
over time? like...... a few days time? a few weeks? o.o spam- whats bad about spam?? :/
i can?! :D wow.... how in the world do you guys remember them all?! o,o i dont even know if I remeber the first! xD thats a releif! ^-^...
how in the world did you get soooo many posts?! o.o its almost insain!!! :0
oooohhhhh! I see! ill try to keep that in mind, if my "dead head" doesnt forget! >.> and thank yew, i'll be sure to do that! wait..... so the...
ohhh emmmm geeeee!!!! I didnt know you guys had one! o.o but thank yew vury much! ^-^ and sorry for all the questions! xD
yesh! i ish vury funny! xD but now I sound concededed...... :[ i has a question for yew! o.o
besides being two pwnsome superheros at once?! how in the world do yew find time to do anything?! o.o (just kidding xD) gewd, confusleded, but gewd!
waz going on?! :D
hewwo aweshum Link person! :D
so your telling me, you do great on tests, you can draw, and your goal ish to be a pwnsome concept artist for the gaming industry?! are yew...
haha! didnt think you'd do that part! xD *backs into pwnsome music* Thought of changing my name!!!
And oh, the shaaaaammmeeee!!!!!!
I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned!
you dont have to thank me for something that ish true! ^-^ aha! shame, shame! (just kidding! xD) but how in the world did you get away with it?!...
Very Nice! :D He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
wait. are we talking about Kingdom Hearts 1, the race against Riku, or [RE:]COM, Destiny Islands- fighting Riku on his 4th battle??? im confuselded!!! o.o KH1- Race: very easy! not a problem at all! he actually seems a bit slow! (IMO) [RE:]COM- Destiny Islands 4th battle: yesh! he was soooo hard! I still cant beat him to this day... and it makes me so mad since I had to give up my "Ive beaten every Kindom Hearts Game" title... :[