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    Profile Post

    waz going on?! :D

    waz going on?! :D
    Profile Post by .Link for Feenie, Jul 19, 2010
  13. .Link
    hewwo aweshum Link person! :D
    Profile Post by .Link for Feenie, Jul 19, 2010
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    And oh, the shaaaaammmeeee!!!!!!
    Profile Post by .Link for KH2man13, Jul 19, 2010
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  20. .Link
    wait. are we talking about Kingdom Hearts 1, the race against Riku, or [RE:]COM, Destiny Islands- fighting Riku on his 4th battle??? im confuselded!!! o.o

    KH1- Race: very easy! not a problem at all! he actually seems a bit slow! (IMO)

    [RE:]COM- Destiny Islands 4th battle: yesh! he was soooo hard! I still cant beat him to this day... and it makes me so mad since I had to give up my "Ive beaten every Kindom Hearts Game" title... :[
    Post by: .Link, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX