oh, right- xD im sorry about that. wait- when you mean rough, you mean busy? chaotic? stressful? d. all of the above?
xD wait- how are you sapost to get around with no feet? :O
oops! O.O were those cookies for others too?! Dx ehh... fighting monsters, saving hyrule, saving damsels in distress. same old- same old, thank...
really? :O how come? D:
so, its not spainish then?! :O .....activities? i thought you could only post and talk on here >.< would you? (: that would be great! ^^
but it only said 4:02 pm when you typed that. O.O can i ask why you are so tired? but, im doing pretty good- thank you! ^^
8D my favorite!!!! :3 *garfs all cookies down it one bite* ahhh...... ^^ that was a-maze-zing, shank you!!! =D how have you been Mrs. Clause?
oh emm gee! so you're in.... you're in- upsidedown world?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 8DD
*gasp* you do?! you are so shmarticles!! 8D wait.... do you really know what language its from? O.O because i have no clue... xD im gewd-...
*gasp* cookiesh! 8D wait- what kind of cookiesh? >.<
*gasp* *sniffles* yew remember meh?! :.D yay, thank you! (: really?! i thought only new people and mods were allowed to talk to other mods........
psh- but of course! why would an aweshum pershun like yourself ask such a silly thing?! (:
If you're refering to "Spirited Away" then it is in-fact a Disney Movie. It was Produced by Gibli, but was Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. If you look in the link below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirited_Away Walt Disney Pictures is listed as a distributer. Also, I wouldnt say "half" of the films wernt Disney, because all of the others that I listed are Disney Movies..... >.<
id probably like to see Spirited Away, Treasure Planet, The Jungle Book, The Fox and The Hound, The AristoCats, The Incredibles, Oliver and Company, The Sword in the Stone, National Treasure, Bolt, The Rescuers, James and the Giant Peach, Brother Bear, etc. [wow, thats a mouth full! O.O]
ello famous person named Ven! :3
*gasp* is it who i think it is?! O.O It's Mrs. Claus!!! 8D hi hi hi hi! ^^
hiya! :D or hola, if you speek spanish, that is O.O
xD well, yeah- but you also get these pwn-some weapons! >:D like the ultima weapon, metal chocobo, etc. dont yew remember? >.<
okay, so lets say your walking down the street, and oh emm gee! O.O you coinsidentialleeleey met none other than Rick Astley! :O Post what you would do to him, and then the person under/next has to top it, in any way they could- and it goes on and on! xD get it? got it? GEWD!!!! >:D ready, set, START!
.....O.O you dont know your own weapon?! D: