hmmm.... its that sound you make, when you taste something! :D (if that helps any... ><) thank you very much :3 But, i thought that the North...
haha. id kinda be sorry for that person if they couldnt xD meh Dx i cant think of anything now T.T
......Santa is one smart cookie! :DD *makes sound with mouth* <---- sorry, can't describe it better than that. xDD :O I do taste the love! :3 Do...
lol, yesh! its very good! :DD because i heard that when a conversation starts with "how are you?" it often end's very fast.... :|
O.O im sowwies! Dx i didnt mean to.... i-i- wait! how in the world do you fit in something like that?! :O
goodness! :O here since february? O.O if you've been here for.... almost a year, id be shocked on how long the staff have! well, no- its not...
lol! that's Gir. :D and he is a puppy....sorta! xDD
im sowwies! >.< it must have been a really bad day if you felt that bad -.- .......wha-? do you mean Link? :|
-looks under rock- hello....? -.-
It did?! O.O Yay, I actually made some sort of sense for once! :DD That's good to hear ^^ I'm doing pretty good myself, thank you! (: Hmmm.......
holy bible! :O that's a lot of words! O.O thank you for the information, i appreciate it :DD how do i know what is an activity, and what isnt...
thats an activity?! 8O
What is the BEST/FAVORITE action movie you have ever seen? (can be from ANY YEAR!) (explaining why is recommended!) and it doesn't have to be a movie from the top! ready, GO! Also, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong spot.... D: there were many certain reasons to place this topic in a multitude of categories, so I just went with this one.
psh- bet nobody knows where my name's from! >:DD (if you don't, I pity you so much! T.T)
I'm sowwies! D,: Don't you have one of those magic oven thingy-maboober-contraptions that makes all the cookie's for you? :DD Haha, thank you...
really?! O.O you guys weren't already staff members? :O oh, right! silly me. xDD sorry about that >.< but wouldn't you temporarily be the top...'re here, but you're "a go go".... which means.... you're gone? -huh? :O
.......ummmm......section? >.<
lol, i gottcha! (: so, how are you famous person who didnt know they were.....? not sure if that made sense... >.< sorry if it didnt T.T
a-a-as in go go?! O.O