yeah i do i actually just finished reading them lol
i dont know just wanted to say thanks
great an d yes i think that we only did one of those to lol
vanitas- to the keyblade graveyard AWAYYY Luxord- in the tunnel playing cards with nobodies0 did you here something gambler- No you been drinking to much luxord probably
I know i am leaving it in good hands (cry's a little)
okey lol but there one more condition my characters get to keep characters get to keep the personalities i made them
yeah but me you and terra would have to work together
vanitas setimet- unties him and shakes him untill he wakes up) MX we have come to rescue you so we can attempt to recreate the keyblade war for about the seventh time now sir
vanitas- yo setiment Vanitas setiment- yo van- help me find MX okey van s- dude i found him awhile ago he nailed to what looks like a winnie the pooh doll at the end of that tunnel vanitas- (facepalm) master i have come to save you (trips) on laces
vanitas- oh master oh m master oh where can he be--
vantias- well then you enjoy your ice cream and if you need me ill be in the keyblade graveyard ughhhh gardening yeah gardening (flys to keyblade graveyard) now to find which tunle MX is in)
vanitas- oh allah i missed alot what about MX did he ever get re awakened since are last loss.
vanitas- yep you got it and so instead of talking why dont you tell me whats happened in my absence
van- well riku come on down then i have your icecream back here
yeahi did and its good to seem that people are still into this personally im making my grand re entrance to the group today so im BACK BABY.
van- you still should come in this ally i have ughhhh what do you like
Van- hey riku why dont you come into this dark ally and eat your chocolate
van- well in that case would you like some chocolate (puts ruffies in chocolate while he not looking)