vanitas- WHATS YOURS IS MINE (blocks punches and grabs snow and throws her to the ground) hey us power ranger consplayers have feelings you know (shoots dark fire balls at lighting) vanitas setiment- so marluxia sense your the only guy here would you like to join the thirteen seekers of darkness so we can begin the keyblade war once again.
vanitas- oh sh!t ( gets knocked down) beotch get off me you can mess with vanitas he has the power of ummummumm darkness yeah darkness (pulls void gear out and uses dark impulse on him)
Why are we waiting?? vanitas- marluxia you can help me if you want im creating a special team with special powers to do special stuff if you know what i mean.
vanitas- (in his mind (hell yeah)) yes sir oh Aqua you sexy women come here so i can sexualy harass you some more
Well anyway im just glad to be back and i just realized that lol
pretty good i havent been on in a while but i actually came back right when the good stuff was happening in the khrpg. How is our group doing.
vanitas- can i help you sir as you can see im trying to rule the world
hey remember me we used to talk lol.
oh wow i missed alot. but that doesnt mean we cant go back. But anyways whats up with you.
vanitas- this shall be my finest moment. (pulls out xblade and attempts to summon kingdom hearts) come to me kingdom hearts
nothing really just came back to the website right when everyone was leaving the group lol. Made my grand entrance
whats the new one called lol
hey hey terra whats up!
is everyone in a new rpg because no one has posted in days!
luxord- (drunk) yes! vanitas- luxord you idiot what shall we do master
vanitas- and now we are what shall we do master luxord- do drugs with gamblers
hey waz up
i think the group is dead again
anyone here
vanitas- barges through marluxias wall) OH Yeah