you should come in both groups more often ill be fun
vanitas- All right Sh!t just got real (pulls out the complete x blade) hand over the imcomplete one marly or else face the might of the vanitas and is partner vanitas S (cue old batman and robin pose)
vanitas- ugh i would actually prefer if she gave it to me but what ever. vanitas setiment take it from her. vanitas S- with pleasure (xaliden reference) teloport all over the place shooting dark fire balls at her
vantias- give me the chi blade(attacks lighting with dark volly)
vanitas- so i would stay this garage sale was successful we have a total of one sale
vanitas- how did you get the chi blade no dont touch it (a burst of light comes out of the chi blade blinding everyone except lightning)
vanitas- cries in corner
vanitas- okey i was walking home when all of the sudden these hippies jump me long story short they took it from me but no matter we have the incomplete chi blade and together we will build are forces together
They do man i havent been on for a while then
vanitas- ow my mask just crushed my face and here take the incomplete one instead i lost the real one
xigbar- clearly yen sid luxord- tony the tiger xemnas- my mom when i tell her i need money vanitas- (puts muchtashe on mask) why hello sir how are you today, im looking to buy monologues by my favorite mast-- i mean male singer and commentator Mx do you know were i can find them
i keep laughing at the stuff you ask her lol
xemnas- I ll sell my sole (laughs) who am i kidding i dont have a sole. wait how did i laugh then xigbar- ill sell my bad ass voice actor sex
vanitas-yes yes yes i love you mx aqua i got a 100 munny with your name on it
vanitas- ill sell my weed that i always try to get you guys to buy luxord- rum sheperd my love for america spetnaz- aihadjklghaljkdka (dont know russian) vanitas- WTF
ugh what are you and aqua talkin about
vanitas- lighting you can join us i need a fighter like you van S sucks vanitas S- F you (get into an old cartoon dust brawl
vanitas- i remeber it like it was yesterday not really but xeaonort yourcraxy im bring khrpg back to life through ---------------- a kh garage sale where we sell all of stuff in order to fund this rpg
yeah i just saw the post terra posted laughed so hard lol
vanitas- uses lighting strike on anything thats near him