vanitas- all right boys its time to enter the dream realm ( enters the dream realm with unversed) xemnas- (goes into terras dreams)
vanitas- well that was easy xigbar- i say we send dark link in the mind of that girl vanitas- yes dark link you know what to do
(in the world that never was) vanitas- i have devised a plan to torment everyone solos in there dreams just trying to figure out how to make them sleep luxord- i could use date ra--- vanitas- dont even finish that
voice- now you must enter kingdom hearts and defeat the evil that plaques the world once and for all
vantias S- (still on the bench with dean who are still i guess invisible trying to scare people) ps hey guy you have the time guy- oh sure its wait were are yo-- GHOST (runs) vanitas S- snickers
vantias- how long have i waited for this moment vantias S marluxia get the drinks and lets celebrate first and then kill them (starts dancing
vanitas S- i agree then i can touch aquas boobs and she wouldnt no know hehe (back in the castle that never was) vantias- why is my vanitas senses tingling i feel as though van S is about to touch aquas boobs, hm probably not
a version of xemnas fortress is made inside kingdom hearts and the door is open now all unversed die and go back to vanitas to power him up
oh okayyyyyyyyyyyy
hey not to be rude but are you ignoring the plot in the khrpg with vanitas attacking link
vanitas- dark link go help kill vantias S kill the real one
vanitas- (inside kingdom hearts making his creation)
vanitas S- starts to cry)
vanitas s- hello im attepting to kill you but dont worry you work out your emotional problems and then tell me your ready yo fight (sits on bench)
vanitas S- walks up behind link) bla bla bla you guys are so boring let me spice up your life draws keyblade and attacks
vanitas- okay now that we have dark link marly xig and other non important characters on are side we will now cominse face two of my plan we must kill the one who walks the path of dawn (riku) vanitas S, xigbar, marly and link go rip sh it up
vanitas- yo setiment go help dark link vanitas s- right (teloports behind dean and knocks him out) Come with me if you want to live
xemnas- walks up to terra) ah well if it isnt me (summons enthereal blade and attempts to stab terra
xemnas- searching for aqua and terra)
just put a d ion front of his name so i know which is which