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  1. Panda Face
    I told you "I do."
    You said "I don't."
    You change your mind,
    I'm in a bind.
    My heart a tad insane.
    Said I was vain, for ever thinking it true.
    Mr. Heart ache & pain.
    Mr. Dilusion insane.
    Now Mrs. Heartbreak will now break you.

    I walked down the hall in agony. This was the 5th time in 3months I'd been turned down. "Bah. Maybe I'm just ment to be alone."
    She hardly noticed the new kid in class staring at her.

    He was a new kid. Most of the girls already wanted him. He was so new, and already, so popular.
    He passed by a lovely angel in the hall. She had lovely brown hair with red highlights. and darling hazel eyes. he decided at that moment that he wanted her.
    Her, and her alone.

    Her name was Rikka Namida.

    His name was Kurayami Daisuke.

    She took a quick glance at the new kid. 'Wow. He's gorgous.' She didn't even bother introducing herself, her was wanted by all the girls already! She'd never even be able to talk to him.

    Or so she thought.
    Thread by: Panda Face, Jan 9, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Panda Face
    Its my b-day! the night of Halloween!! Happeh b-day 2 me~~~
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 31, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Panda Face
    care to join? 17 members, plus endless crazy equals... A NEW ORGANIZATION??!!!

    Names of the organization members so far...

    Kylex--Azure Flame
    Herax --Hercules
    Kexiko -- Friendly_Heartless
    Xalibur -- Ventez
    Lox -- Hopefuldreams
    Sharix -- Death Twister
    Haxana -- DeadlyxMascara
    Maxanda -- ProsperMoon
    KuaXa -- Aqua WaterDragonKing
    Xika -- Magick
    Skatxre -- Skatxre-Kestra
    Mylex -- KHOmega
    Kaixir -- Scarred_heart634
    Kix -- Magick (her second character)
    Drewxan -- AndrewTemari101

    Daxen, Axiwa, Sixaru, Taxu, and Xazzon. (they are children nobody.)
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 28, 2008, 1,482 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Panda Face
    I know you can name them, go ahead.
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 25, 2008, 78 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Panda Face
    Please! Come on in!

    A few rules!

    No spam!(of course)
    must say your playing!
    you can kill some people....SOME.
    If you want to join, just do this stuff, please.

    character name:
    character appearance:
    weapon of choice:
    village/ world:

    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 20, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Panda Face
    user-name: iFishy
    character name: Ankoku Ikami Chi-Maaka (Ani or Ami)
    appearance:robin egg green hair, dark blue eyes/ lavendar eyes, 5'2", always wearing iPod, wears emo clothes/ punk clothes
    weapons: MY BRAIN! (tellipathy, moves stuff with mind), kunai, shuriken, 2 blades Midnight Rain, Morning Dew, and the power of mind control via song!
    my side: I'M ON THE GOOD SIDE!! (i think)
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 20, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Panda Face
    Whisperwood Hollow

    The high school life of Harmony Heart

    Welcome newcomers! To Whisper Hollows University. Home of the Whisperwood Owls! Join in on the many clubs here on campus! And we have a wide variety of subjects including haunting, ‘turnings’ and of coarse! –Scaring and fighting swordsmanship! ^^

    By: Theres_Always_A_Bigger_Fish a.k.a Lyana Choate


    Chapter I, School is chalk-full of crazy.

    You’d think stupidity wouldn’t be contagious. Wrong.
    I looked out my window only to see the darkness of a thick storm cloud headed my way. Perfect. No one could track me then….
    I grabbed my book bag and opened my window, looking out it to make sure no one could see my escape. I climbed down the side garden railing and made it to the side walk. Okay, Harm. Now to grab your bike and be on your way. I went into the garage quietly and grabbed my bike, --- only to hear the sound of a load of old stuff fall to the echoing, harsh ground. Uh ohh…. “Steven! I heard someone in the garage! Go check it out…†I heard my ‘mother’ say from in the house. I jumped onto my bike and speed away, just in time to hear, “It was probably just a stray cat, dear.†Good. My covers not blown… I used all the strength I had in my legs to go faster on my bike and get out of the neighborhood.

    When I was out of the neighborhood, I made my way towards a pawn shop and sold my bike. Okay, now I’ve got…. 207dollars and 58cents…. Perfect. I was walking down the street towards the links bus stop when I saw a Seven Eleven. I might as well…  I walked into the mini mart and bought ranch corn nuts, cheddar chex mix, and a coke. “That’ll be 6.37, miss.†Said the cashier. I gave him the money, and ran to the bus stop, only making it to the bus just in time. “Long ride or short?†asked the driver. “Long sir.â€I said in return. I gave him my bus token, and sat down before putting my headphones on and thus began the 6 hour drive.

    “Last stop! Whisperwood, Oregon. “Yelled the bus driver. I walked out of the bus, and made my way to the nearest payphone. I dialed a number into the payphone and waited. Grandma Mollie, please pick up. “Hello?â€Asked an old lady on the other side of the phone. “Grandma! It’s me, Harmony. Can I stay over at your house for a while?†I asked eagerly. “Harmony? Oh, of course, dear. Come as soon as you can. Want me to have Edgar pick you up?†Rapidly spoke my grandmother, obviously happy to have heard the question.

    You see, Grandma Mollie was a novelist. A widely known novelist. AND she was married to my grandpa Joseph. He owned a large market of enterprises—in video games. (I got to make, publish, and play games I wanted to make, and play any beta-testing games.) They were cool grandparents. And I was not their only grandchild. I was just—The only grandchild that still visited
    them and still called them grandparents, and not “Mollieâ€andâ€Joeâ€.
    They were the only ones who knew about the problem with me and my—“parents†They were my foster family. Grandma and Grandpa were my REAL family. My grandparents told me to keep my contact with them a secret for when I needed “helpâ€. They, (my grandparents) were quite wealthy. Yay! X3
    “Yes please Grammy. I’m on—Second and Third. Love you. ^.^†I said. “See you in about half an hour, dear. Bye†said my grandma before hanging up.

    Now all I have to do is wait for the car--- I didn’t even have time to finish before my grandparents black limozene pulled up. The window pulled down and I saw Edgar and… someone else?! Who in Christ’s name is he?! I stared at the young man about my age in the front with Edgar. He had dirty blond hair, hazel brown eyes, and a big ‘ol cat grin played across his face.

    I hate it when people smile like that. His smile disappeared as words formed across his lips. “Well? Are you going to get into the car, or are you going to have to be dragged like the dumb bell you are?†What?! “Even! Don’t speak like that towards the mistress!†Edgar yelped at the angel-faced monster. “Do not speak to me so rudely†I said, my words dripping with venom, as I got into the back large area of the car. Though the mirror, I saw his face turn pale as he realized what he had said to whom. Serves him right. On the drive over, I had made up many thoughts on some novel ideas for grandma. I know she’ll love that idea!! Believe it or not, I was not one to hold grudges, and I didn’t plan on making one. From the mirror, I noticed that he was staring at me.

    After our half-hour drive, my grandparent’s mansion came into view. Yes, I said a mansion. Their wealthy, remember? You can pick your mouth up off the floor now.
    Edgar parked the car up front, and ‘Even’ got my stuff from the back of the car. Edgar opened the door for me, and I made my way towards the front door. As I opened the door, I was trampled by my grandmother, and was caught in her death grip. (Hug  ) “Harmony! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!†squealed my grandmother. “I know grandma. But this time… is it okay if I stay with you and grandpa… for good?†I asked, growing a bit quiet. “For good? ...OF COURSE! “She yelled, hugging me once again.
    I made my way to my room, stopping to look at it, not having been here in about 3 months. I sat down in front of my laptop, and started writing in my virtual diary.
    After an hour of writing, I saved what I had written, and turned of my laptop. I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.†I stated, not really caring who came in. When I saw who it was, I put a mental sticky not that I had to see who knocked on my door before letting any one in, FROM NOW ON.
    “Uh… I’m sorry for talking like that to you miss..?†“Harmony.†I stated to Even. “I’m Eavion, but most people call me Even.†Spoke Even. “I forgive you, but do you talk like that to EVERYONE?†“No, I was just in a bit of a bad mood… I really don’t like having to go with my dad to pick people up.†“Edgar is your dad?!†“Yeah.†“So, do you live here with my grandma?†“Mistress Heart is your…?†“Yeah.†“She looks like she’s only in her early 30s.†“You’re of by about 15 years. My parents had me when they were, like, 16. And she had my dad when she was 17, grandpa was 20.†“And how old are you?†“16â€

    “So your grandma’s 49?†“It’s rude to ask a women’s age.†“Sorry.†He left the room, giving me the freedom to turn on my iPod, plug it into my stereo, and start dancing to Hamster Dance . I heard laughing as I saw my “big brother†Jeremy walk into the room. “Nii-san!†I shouted as I tackle hugged him. He pried me off of him, and started dancing with me. When the song ended, I tried to press replay, while he grabbed me and spun me in the air. “Hey! Put me down, Jer! “I squealed.
    Jeremy was my childhood friend from here in whisperwood. We went to elementary and middle school together. Of course he was always 1 year ahead of me, I had skipped 1 grade. Jeremy was 18, 2 years older than me. He was like an older brother because he always watched out for me. He and my grandparents helped me when… my parents suddenly died. They were “killed in a crashâ€. Well, I don’t believe that… I know better… They were killed. And I was their 2nd born. I have a twin sister, and a little sister. But they… were adopted by a different family. I still keep in touch with them… But not often enough.
    As I was saying, Jeremy had roasted chesnut hair, (a brown with a hint of autumn red.) forest green eyes, he was only about 3 inches taller than me, an exotic/enthusiastic smile, and he was a bit childish. But… there was something about him that had changed since I had last seen him. (Which was about… 3 years ago in person? I texted and e-mailed him a bit, but I haven’t seen him in a while.)
    As Jeremy put me down, I noticed that he got taller. “Jeremy! You cheater stop growing taller!†I snapped in a fake annoyed tone.
    “Well, grow up! Stop being 16 and skip an age!†He fake snapped back. “I missed you…â€I said, getting a bit serious.
    “I missed you too…†Jeremy said in return. “So, are you going to school here?â€Jeremy asked, changing the subject. “I guess…What school is it?†“Whispering Hollow University.†“So it’s a collage?†“No, it’s a collage and a high school.†Jeremy replied. “Oh. It sounds… interesting.†With that, Jeremy ran over to my laptop, turned it on, and started fiddling with it.
    “Um, Jer? What are you doing?†I asked, giving him a weird look. “Enrolling you in school. What’s your full name?†“Harmony Harper Chrysanthemum Christlynn Heart…†“And your full birth date?†“October 31st 1992.†“There! All done! Now you can go with me to school tomorrow.â€
    “…Just like that?†I asked, unsure. “Yep. Just like that.†He said, getting up and leaving. “Now, I believe you have to bathe, Miss Harmony.†He said, putting on one of his silly grins, and leaving the room. I grabbed some of my pajamas and ran into the master bath.
    When I was done bathing, and getting dressed, I took a look at myself in the mirror.
    My longish-length brown hair, (kind of like an ashy color) lay limp across my face, as I looked at my reflection. I had interesting, light hazel eyes, and fair colored skin. I was a bit skinny (a perfect size quite incomparable ) and I was a medium height girl. Only about 5’2â€. I didn’t think I was gorgeous, but I thought I was pretty. Back when I was little, everyone called me “Charmy Bee†It was because of my honey-ash colored hair. I was also the shortest kid in my class. 
    When I was done examining myself in the mirror, I shut off the lights in my bedroom, and listened to the sound of rain softly pitter patter against the roof, drifting me off to sleep.

    In the morning, I awoke to the sound of someone playing “Cartoon Heroes†on full blast. “Five more minutes…†I mumbled, attempting to steal a few more peaceful moments of sleep. “We are the cartoon heroes! Oo-oh-o! We are the ones that gonna last forever!†Sang a very loud Jeremy. “Silence Jeremy!â€
    I yelled, now fully awake. Without warning, a school outfit was shoved into my face, and I was thrown into my walk-in closet. Well, THAT was a nice wake-up routine. “So this is my school uniform? Pretty nice.†I said as I put on the delicate outfit. “Done yet?†half-screamed Jeremy, obviously quite impatient. “Yeah, Jer. But do I HAVE to go to school today?†I half-screamed back, a bit annoyed. “Yes.†Jeremy said in reply, as I was yet again dragged away. Jeremy handed me a book bag (that had all the school supplies needed) and I was stuffed into his car.

    When we arrived at school, (Whisper hollow University) Jeremy parked, grabbed my hand and led me away to my first class.
    The class we arrived in was homeroom. “ Mr. Deadwood! Please take your seat!†instructed a teacher. “And I’m guessing you’re our new student from Maplewood?†“Yes mam.†I said, not wanting to stick out. “Well, introduce yourself.†Continued the teacher. “Um…Hi. I’m Harmony Harper Heart.â€I said, not knowing what else to say. “Well, I’m pleased to meet you.
    I’m Ms. Celestial. Harmony, would you please sit in-between Mr. Eavion Nightcrawler, and Mr. Vague Nightly please?†“Yes mam.†I said as I made my way towards—“Wait…could someone please tell me where they’re sitting?†I asked, a bit confused. The two boys who were called raised their hands. Oh god. I have to sit next to Even?! *sigh* Life is so unfair… I walked through the maze of students and made my way towards my seat.

    After class was over, I got from my seat only to be pushed back into it by a group of squealing girls. Fangirls. But…for whom?? I looked more in depth . “ Eavion!! †screamed the group of Fangirls. You’d think I was in an alternate dimension. No way in God’s name. And once again, more Fangirls, WHOM CAME OUT OF NO WHERE, attacked the spot I was sitting at and a menacing, “VAGUE~! â€Could be heard throughout the room.
    This is going to be an interesting year. DEFINETLY. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Jeremy waving at me. Wait! Jeremy’s in this class?! And once again, more Fangirls…… “Quick! Follow me!†I heard someone whisper as a hand grabbed mine and I was dragged out of the room. “Whoa! I need that arm if ya don’t mind!†I shouted, while attempting to keep my arm in its socket. “Sorry! I really wanted to get away from that man-eating group of Fangirls, and you were almost trampled.†Said the boy that had dragged me. “So I’m guessing your ‘Vague’ right?†I asked, taking my hand from his. “Yeah. I am.†He said, reluctantly. ….is he…blushing?!!
    “Sorry about that…. ^^’ “ he said, holding the back of his head, with rosy cheeks. Is this guy for real?! Dude! Is there something on my face or what?! “Harm! There you are!†Jeremy said as he ran up to us, breathless. “Where’d you go?!†“Mr. Popular kiddy-napped me…. T_T†I said, putting on my cutest face. Then I noticed…why are all the boys staring at me?..... Chya, talk about CrEePy….
    “Who’s that cute little one over there?†I heard one of the boys say to one of his comrades. Cute…little…. Now I KNOW they aren’t talking about me….. While I was being dragged away from the scary group of boys, I looked back at Vague. He had dark hair, black I believe, and blackish colored eyes, fair colored skin, and he was still looking at me .
    Wait?! He’s still looking at me. Now I finally understood why every guy on campus was staring at me. I was in a school mixed in with boys. Growing boys. Boys with raging hormones. Now I am officially scared… School this year is just going to be WONDERFUL. D:<
    Chapter II A whole new kind of crazy.
    BBBBBRRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!! Went the school bell. “Oh thank you dear God!†I said, running out of yet another one of my newly acquired classes full of fanboys, when I was suddenly grabbed by a group of girls. ‘Why me, dear God? I’ll never eat the last of the ice cream, or bump into someone without saying excuse me ever again! I swear! ‘ I silently pleaded in my head.

    “Okay!â€Said someone whom I assumed was in charge said. “What’s your relationship with Jeremy, Evi, and our precious Vague?!†she said, giving me a death-glare that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Okay….Jeremy and I are childhood-friends, ‘Evi’s’ father works for my grandmother, and Vague just sits next to me in class….now…um…can I go home now…?†I said, a little scared.â€Oh…that’s all? Okay then. But this is a warning.
    They-are-ours. Back off if you know what’s good for you.†She said, as they untied me and I was set free. Well that was…scary terrifying the scariest thing to happen to anyone in their high school year. I wandered in a half-daze to the main entrance, when I was bumped into by Even, who was running away from Fangirls like a cat would run away from water.
    “Hey! Watch it—‘Evi’!†I said, giggling a little at the last part. Even turned around as soon as I said ‘Evi’. “That’s not my name.†he said, getting kind of scary. “Eek! Evi-kun is scary!â€I said, running and hiding behind the first random stranger that I happened to come by. Big mistake. When I looked to see who it was I was hiding behind, I found it to be Vague. “Opps! Sorry Vague-san! I’m trying to escape death via Evi!†I said, letting go of him and giggling. Then he did something unexpected. He turned around and hugged me. “Uh-oh†I said as I suddenly sensed the menacing auras of a large group of VERY angry Fangirls. “Hmm…? What’s wrong Harmony?†he said as he turned around and noticed the group, giving me the scariest death-glares possible. He then turned back, grabbed my hand, and made yet another run for it.
    “Why do they keep chasing me?†Vague said, out of breath. “Um…shouldn’t you know that? They’re Fangirls. That’s what they do.†I said, not believing that he seriously didn’t know why. “They’ve been following me around the 3 weeks that I’ve been here.†“So you’re new like me! That’s a relief! Well, I’m not entirely new. I used to live here until I was about 7.†I said, ultimately stopping myself realizing that I said too much. “Sorry about that…†I mumbled, getting a bit flustered. “For what? You were only speaking your mind.†He said, yet again, blushing. “Well, I have to go home so… see you tomorrow.†I said as I ran to the parking lot.â€She’s so…wow.†Said Vague as he stared at Harmony speeding to the parking lot.
    “You’re late…†Said Jeremy as he sat in his car with a bored look upon his face. “Fangirls—are—evil…â€I said, out of breath, jumping into the car. “That’s what I think too†said Jeremy, with a ‘flash back’ look on his face.
    When we arrived back home, I was “greeted†by “Evi†giving me the evils. “Meep!†was the sound I made as I ultimately hid behind Jeremy. “Now, what was that, ‘Charmy’?†Even said as he wrapped me into a hug. “Hey! Let go!†I said, blushing at the fact that he used my nickname. “No way ‘Charmy’.†Yet again, he used my nickname. O.o “Stop calling me Charmy or I won’t stop calling you ‘Evi’!†I yelped, trying to free myself. “Deal.†He said, letting me go. Then, unexpectedly, Jeremy grabbed me, pulled me to his chest and said, “Don’t touch her, Nightcrawler.†Whoa, talk about touchy-feely! All he did was be mean… Go big brother! Jeremy V.s Even, Cool! Are they gonna fight?! …I wonder if I can get another hug….
    Even didn’t take that challenge….â€Sorry…Won’t happen again. Are you guys gonna come to that house-warming party a few guys were talking about earlier?†asked Even, changing the subject. “Yeah. Harmony, you wanna come?†Jeremy said, putting a smile on his face. “Yesh. I’ll go change.†I said running up stairs. This is what I changed into: A white dress, with lace at the bottom, and some white flats, my hair put up in two ponytails. I look so cute! ^ . ^ “Whoa…†came from the mouths’ of the two boys at the bottom of the stairs.
    We drove out to the house that had the said house-warming party. It had a large white marble balcony, and a white swing hung on a dog-wood tree. Wow… I noticed a boy about my age sitting by him-self on the swing.
    “You okay?†I questioned, sitting next to him. He looked at me a bit shocked. “Why are you sitting with me…?†he asked, with a look of disbelief. “Because you look sad, and why shouldn’t I sit with you?†I said, starting to swing my legs. “Because I’m second best compared to my twin brother. Wouldn’t you rather sit with him, like everyone else?!†he replied, bitter.
    “Well, who’s your twin brother? Aren’t you two supposed to be… identical?†I asked, looking around… “Him…†he said pointing to … Vague?! Was…Vague walking over here…? He looked a bit mad… name…?â€I asked the boy, putting all of my eye-contact onto him. He blushed and said, “Distant.†Was their mom spacey or something?! … Nice names anyways… “I’m Harmony.†I said, smiling. I noticed he was looking down. “Hello Vague…†Distant said, growing quiet. Vague sat down next to me, and started to swing his legs, looking down. “So you guys are twins? That’s cool… I have a twin as well.†I said, trying to even out the awkward silence.
    They both looked up. “You do…?†Vague said, giving me his undivided attention. “Yes. Her name is Melody Mello Heart. I also have a little sister named Delilah Dream Heart.†“You have more than one sibling?†asked Distant.
    “Yes. I have 7 younger siblings, but my twin Mello is older than me.†I explained. Vague and Distant stared at for me a second, and then said, “You don’t know much about Whisperwood, do you…?†“Well…no. I lived here for 5 years before moving away.†“So you haven’t heard the rumors…?†“What rumors?†I said, getting excited. “Well… you’ll find out soon enough.†Aww… now I REALLY want to know…….  “Distant! Vague! Come inside!†said a very young-looking woman. She couldn’t have been older than her early twenties. “Oh! Bring your friend inside too!†she said, looking at me, smiling. We walked into the house, into what looked like the largest living room in the WORLD. Woah.

    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 13, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Panda Face
    Fruits basket fanfiction

    She awoke alone in the morning, as it had always been. Her name is Ikami. She did her early morning routine, like she always did. Brushed her teeth, took a shower, brushed her hair, and got dressed. Today she was leaving "that" place. That place filled with her blood. For good.

    [Ikami's point of veiw]
    I've gotta leave soon before he notices. I ran through the bushes, in the fastest way i knew how. Almost. I ran a little further, and heard an alarm. "There! Get her!" I heard one of the guardsmen yell. NO. Just -- a little farther.

    I ran 17 more blocks, now very much out of breath. I passed by a high school. Someone pulled me inside. I looked up. It was a girl. About my age. With medium length brown hair.

    She brought me to the main office. Did she know my family? Was she gonna rat on me? I heard her mumble something to the administaighter. "cousin" was what I'd heard. "And her name?" Came from the little lady who looked a lot like a doll. "She's--" I interupted her. "I'm Ankoku Ikami Namida." I mumbled, watching the lady scribble something on a piece of paper.

    The lady handed me a paper, listing my classes.... When we were out of the office, the girl who called me her cousin smiled. "Ankoku, right?" "Why'd you do that..?" I mumbled, almost too quiet for her to hear. "Because-- I don't really know... something inside me told me to help you...." "Well... thank you..." I mumbled. "Tohru Honda." She stated. "Your-- name?" She nodded. "Well, let this be the interesting new start of our family, cousin Tohru."
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Panda Face
    Have you seen me around? I'e been posting as much as my computer will allow. -_-" I'm 15, and you can e-mail me at talk ppl! i'm homeschooled, and my youtube account is Nikki Natsume. I'm trying to get to the next level of online schooling.... xC (not much luck so far) i LOVE music, pocky, fish(salmon), and DDR!!
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 8, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Panda Face
    Under lock and Key
    Some secrets REALLY should be KEPT secret.

    By: iFishy

    Name: Ankoku Ikami Maaka (Koko, or Ani)
    Age: 18
    Birthday: October 31st
    Height: 5’2”
    Weight: 82lbs
    Hair color: white (albino chick :D)
    Eye color: blood red
    “Size”: C36
    Blood type: O+
    Personality: Kind, gentle, polite (to most people), a bit short tempered, prone to panic, gamer, fan of Kingdom Hearts, likes sweets, likes to sleep in, a bit cat-like.
    “Last box!” yelled one of the movers. Finally! No more boxes!!!! I thought to myself
    “Whoa, I wonder who’s moving in…” I heard one of the nosey neighbors across the street say. Geez. People really need to mind their own business. I walked into my now fully unpacked four-bedroom home.
    The swing on the porch gave it just the little pizzazz it needed. “Why do we have so much stuff?” I heard one of my brothers complain.
    “Because the house is big, and it needs to be filled with something other then hot air—unlike your head. “Well, that’s a rude remark coming from the third born in the family.” Remarked my brother,
    Name: Yaku Kubo Maaka
    Age: 23
    Birthday: December 24th
    Height: 5’7”
    Weight: 92lbs
    Hair color: Black
    Eye color: A fairly dark blue (navy)
    Blood type: AB-
    Personality: Bratty, protective, kind-hearted, sly, mischievous, chatty
    “SMACK!” was the sound I heard as I saw my eldest brother hit his sibling in the back of the head with a fairly large, now dented, book.
    Name: Kenran Waizu Maaka
    Age: 24
    Birthday: January 7th
    Height: 5’8 ½”
    Weight: 89lbs
    Hair color: white (yes, he’s albino :D)
    Eye color: reddish (he’s albino, remember?)
    Blood type: A+
    Personality: Kind, loving, protective, brotherly, wise, quiet

    “OWW! What’d you do that for Kenran?!” whined Yaku, as he rubbed at the bump now forming at the back of his head. “Don’t make fun of Koko. SHE’S letting US live here free of charge. Don’t complain. Nice neighborhood by the way.” said the nicer of my two brothers, Kenran.
    “I know! I wanted EVERYTHING to be perfect. It’s my first real home, and I intend on making it absolutely dream-like.” I said with a happy look perched upon my face.

    Then I noticed something strange. The way Ken-nii was staring at me—different.

    Kenran and Yaku were part of my only family left; they were actually my 4th and 6th cousins. I was orphaned at the age of 7, and their families happily welcomed me in. We were all apart of the mysterious Maaka family.
    A family tailored in secrets, wealth, and blood. All of the Maaka are actually supposed to be called Chi-Maaka, but that end was cut off when my part of the family became the main branch. I’m the only left full-blooded heir to the Maaka fortune, and I plan on investing it. So MY family can live their lives in happiness too.

    "HELLO!!!!!” yelled Yaku in my face, as he grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. “I is kiddy-napping her, and dare is nothing joo can do about it!!!” Yaku yelped evilly,
    “Let me down you dunce!” I yelled as I pounded my captor. “OW! OW! OW! Okay! Okay! I’ll let you down!” Yaku said, rubbing the new bruises that had been formed on his back.
    Alas, this is the beginning of my “Wonderful” life.

    “BBBLLLLLEEEEEPPPPP!” went my alarm. I reached for it, only to hear someone enter my room. “I’ll turn off her alarm and let her sleep in. She deserves it… She’s worked so hard…” I heard Kenran whisper as he turned off my alarm.
    When I finally heard my door close, I got up and walked into the bathroom. I walked out in my kitchen clothes. I hopped down the stairs, and slipped into the kitchen. I grabbed all the ingredients I needed, and started making what my brothers would call rare. I call it—Breakfast.

    “Mmmm… What smells so good?” I heard Yaku mumble as he eagerly trotted down stairs. “I wonder if…” I heard Ken-nii trail off. “Oh my God! She IS making breakfast!” I heard Yaku yelp in awe.
    “Yes, now, close your mouth and seat yourself on the table BEFORE breakfast becomes lunch.” I happily chimed as I served the table. Kenran looked at me, the table, the food, and then at me again. He gave me a questioning glance before sitting down to eat, not wanting to be rude.
    I sat down with them, and started to eat.
    When breakfast was done and the dishes were clean, I got a call from an unknown caller. (My brothers had just left to go to the orientation for their collages.) “H-hello?” I asked, happy my brothers weren’t home to be nosey.

    “Is this Ankoku?” asked a somehow familiar voice. “Y-yes this is her…” I said, wondering who it was. “It’s me; Rikko… from middle school…” trailed off the girl. “R-rikko?! You mean my best friend in the history of the universe, Rikko?!” I asked, more than a bit happy.
    “Koko! You remembered! When I heard from someone that you moved back to Japan, I was ecstatic. ““R-really? … Did you ever get a boyfriend?” “Oh no! Not you too! Ha-ha, I did get a boyfriend, and I love him very much, thank you. What about you?” “…*silence*…” “—I’m guessing that’s a no?” “…” “Are you still there?”
    “Yes…” “… You’re birthday is in a week, right?” “Oh my god! I forgot! I must prepare for the little children!” “???” “Halloween? Candy and scares?” “Oh…yeah.”
    “Hey, Rikko, wanna spend the birthday at my house? I’m gonna be home alone, because my brothers will be at their collage trip…” “Sure! I’ll surprise you with your birthday gift… Hey, what DO you want for your birthday, Koko?” “Well, honestly… A boyfriend. But I don’t see how THAT is going to happen anytime soon…”

    [Rikko’s thoughts] A boyfriend, huh? Easier done than said. >:3 she’s gonna get the biggest surprise of her life for her birthday… 
    [One week later]

    I awoke in the morning to the sound of banging on the door. I quickly put on some clothes and ran down stairs. I yanked open the door to find Rikko with a large, cat-like grin on her face, while she was hiding something behind her back.
    “Good morning, Birthday girl!” Rikko chirped, hugging me. “*yawn* Yeah. Thanks… can we, um… go inside?” “Sure.” She said, as we walked into my house, and entered the living room.

    “Whoa.” I heard her whisper. She passed me a small, square shaped present. “Um… a CD?” “Sorta, its PC disk. Put in your laptop.” She explained. “Okay… Is it a PC game? Because those don’t work on my laptop…” I replied, putting the disk into my laptop.

    (Everyone has their own laptop now.) A site called “Kronos Heaven” appeared on the screen. “Okay, now click personal Boyfriends…” Rikko said. I clicked on the tab, and a tab called “Pick a face” appeared. I raised one eyebrow at Rikko. Out of all the faces, one stood out to me, so I clicked on it. It read, “Two for One deal, yes or no?” I clicked yes.

    The top of the tab now read, “Gamers special, these two lovely boys Sora and Roxas have their real personalities, so that means only a few questions for you… Question #1
    Would you like to have kids?”
    [Ankoku’s thoughts]
    ‘Um… a personality question? How strange… oh well.’
    I clicked yes.
    “Question #2
    Do you want a man who can take care of the house, and can cook?”
    Of COURSE I clicked yes.
    “Thank you, your shipment will be here within the month.”
    And then it logged me out of my computer.
    …I looked around, and Rikko was gone, leaving a note that read, “Hope you like your gift. Koko.

    I walked up stairs, fully confused about today’s occurrences. I walked to my bed, and lay my head down, waiting for sleep to come.

    I awoke in the morning, with the sun shining on my face.
    I stretched, and walked downstairs, to make myself breakfast.
    I was eating my bowl of cheerio’s when I heard a knock at my door.

    I ran to the door, curious to what or who it was at the door. I opened the door. “Yes?” I asked, looking at the UPS man. “Miss—(he looked at a piece of paper) Maaka?” “Yes? What is it?” “Your order from a—(looks at paper) Kronos Heaven?” “Wow, they deliver quick…” I mumbled, signing the paper he had stretched out towards me.
    “Thank you. Wow, what did you order, two refrigerators?!” He half mumbled, putting the two packages in my living room and walking out. I looked at the two, huge packages. Is this some kinda joke?
    I closed my eyes, putting one hand on each of the opening to the containers. Just like a band aid, Koko. 1, 2—3! I opened the containers, and two somethings fell on top of me. “Ahh!” I yelped, pushing the two heavy carcasses off of me. Are these—corpses?!
    I looked back at the two bodies. GAH! >///< ESE NUDA!! I looked at them, the ceiling, them again, and then I looked away, only to have something like a book fall on my head.
    “Ow!” I said, picking up the book, and starting to leaf through it. These are what I ordered?! I’m gonna KILL Rikko.

    I read a part that said. “To active your lover, kiss them on the lips.” I leafed though another part that read, “Your special edition lovers are very special…” Blah, blah, blah…. So all I have to do is… activate them? Maybe I should give them some clothes first…

    After the two were…dressed, I bent over the “corpse” that looked like Sora. Okay, here goes my dignity… I gave him a 2 second peck atop his velvet soft lips and then I lightly pecked the other one, which looked like Roxas. I sat in front of them, staring for a while.
    No movement.
    “Oh well.” I thought as I got up to walk away. Well, my stomach was empty! What was I supposed to do?! I rummaged through the kitchen, looking for something to eat, when I smelt something cooking.

    What in the…?! I turned around, and saw one of the corpses moving, and cooking something. “Good morning.” He said, smiling at me. …! “G-good morning…?” I said back, kind of confused. “Roxas! Can you get her a seat please?” I heard him holler to someone. “Okay, Sora.” I felt someone grab my hand and lead me to a seat. Did I dare to open my eyes? Sadly, yes. I peeked through one of my eyes, praying that this was all a crazy dream.

    They were still there. “You okay…?” Roxas questioned me. “Not really sure…” I mumbled, starting to fidget.
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 7, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Panda Face
    Today has still gone slow. I watched the clock tick idley by, as I looked out the window. It is WAY too quiet here in Castle Delirium. Why won't anyone post?! I'm in desperate need of new members, and no one seems to care. Organization G.I.R.L is starting to collect dust, AND ITS ONLY A DAY OLD!! Some one please help me! Anyways, #4, Daixta keeps saying that we should cosplay to catch peoples attention. I think she has gone off the deep end. But maybe we could promotee something else. Like-- dressing in-- miniskirts.... NO. I won't swoop to that low. I shall keep my dignity. We've started our-- experiments today.. All I need is to try it out on the bystanders... *_*...

    end report #2
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 7, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Panda Face


    lol! i love waffles! do u like waffles??? cuz i sure as hell do!
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Panda Face
    I've created a group entitled Organization G.I.R.L, any one who wants to join, go ahead!

    Today, member #4 Daixta made a bit of a mess in the kitchen, and I was forced to clean it. I swear, i don't know how Xemnas did it. -_-" Everymorning, I wait for new recruits to come... WHY ME?! Oh dear god, why me?! Daixta excuse for the mess this morning was simply, "I cooked it, you clean it!" I swear, one day I'm going to shove her in the fridge. And chain it up, and throw it in the briny blue. -_-" Being #1 sucks. Maybe I can find some other sucker for the job?? Yes. That sounds very promising... +_+

    End report #1
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Panda Face
    i really dont think any1 has... T^T
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 3, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Panda Face
    plz? i am inn need of help! i'd like the picture i hav already, but with my name on it, some navy blue paw prints, and a light blue back round.
    Thread by: Panda Face, Oct 3, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. Panda Face
    :C no one has joined...... T^T
    Thread by: Panda Face, Sep 27, 2008, 155 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. Panda Face
    Not a single person came to claim her. She was all alone. She didn't want to talk anymore. The tears in her eyes stopped flowing. She needed to remember her name. Tears?? Oh yes, her name had tears.... Ankoku Ikami Namida Chi Maaka. That was her name. It meant, Darkness pain tears blood red. She was only 16. No one told her anything. All they did was stared. She limped all the way to the nearest town, trying to find a hospital for emergency care. She was almost there, a man saw her limping towards the town gate and said something to his friend. She blacked out.
    "Lady Tsunade, who's this girl?" mumbled a female about 5'4" in height. "I don't know yet. When shes awake and fully healed, we'll have the ANBU talk to her. A man walked into the room with a mask on his face. "Ah, Kakashi, hows Naruto's training going?" This "Tsunade" asked the man. "Hmm, good. He's progressing faster than expected." the man said, his eyes drifting to me. "Who's that girl?" he asked." Don't know yet...."replied Tsunade.

    The man walked up to her and looked into her eyes. "Well, look who's awake. Now, what's your name?" he questioned, noticing she was awake. "Ankoku." was the word that she mouthed. All of a sudden, a very annoying voice started to ring threw the air. "KAKASHI-SENSEI!!! WHEN ARE GOING TO CONTINUE MY TRAINING?!!" yelled an obnixious blond haired boy. -_-"
    Thread by: Panda Face, Sep 27, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Archives