lol, i'm 18 and find both *Sora* and Roxas veeeeery cute @.@ how old are them??? @.@ and, for the sake of the not-spam... another pic of the con... me and jack ^-^ that's my beloved Envy t-shirt, i will probably post a pic of it in the future :p
well... they were my favorite band a couple of years ago... but i changed :p anyway i think they were a GREAT group... until they did that thing with jay-z i think (i'm bad with mtv music XDDD) and they screwed up... totally lame... pity... but anyway both hybrid theory and meteora are great albums!!! and i love chester's voice...
Gackt - Vanilla (Mars Version) yeaaaahh i'm in a Gackt high now... xDD Axeeeeeeeeeellll PANIC! roooooooooooockssssss!!! :D
uummm... i'm between 1 and 2... guess the 2nd one... gosh i can't decide either i lurve him sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhh <3
ok... real name... Agustina... mostly my family calls me Agus (woooo add an x and start switching the letters =P) but my friends call me by my nicknames... Justine, Ninah, Rinoa, Guxas... oh and the university peeps call me Flipper xD Ummm... let's seeee... it meanssss.... "The One that Deserves Veneration" wooooooooooooow i hid my name with the color because i HAAAAAAAAAAAATE it... that's why i have so many nicknames =P
yay! i lurve this kind of topics!!! mmm... right now Gackt - Fragrance my new love in Gackt songs xDDDD
that was it!! he reminds me of him!!! but Roxas is waaaaaaaaaay cuter *blushes* *hides* xDDD shanny, don't be silly gal, ur very pretty! ^-^ weeee come on guys, pic fest!! (????)
yaaaaaaaaay! awesome pics!! larxene looks soooooooo cooooooooooool! :D and i want to know what happens on the scene with the org guys!!! zexion's hair is gooooorgeous @.@
awwwww thankies Tallian! :D BTW it's time for you to show up now xD ummm... let's see what i have here... sunburnt Gukku-chan x.x it's from february i guess... i've been in my aunt's pool the whole day with NO SUNSCREEN T.T that hurt later. a lot. more to come soon... i guess xDDD depends on the feedback, and the pics that i have xDDD
Photoshop CS here! ^-^ Also it's like I must use it... for college and everything... I love it, once u get used to it, it can make your dreams come true XDDD
naaah don't be silly, ur kawaii too *hugs* and Rikku... geez gal u have to settle things up with your selfestime (sp?) ur not ugly at all ;) Mish, wow, it's hard to find such a pretty girl like u that can handle a PS2.... awww *Sora* thankiesss n_ñU the town here is asking for a Tallian pic XD
*hides again* gomeeeeen gomen kairi ._.º me didn't know |-| waaaa silly me always looks at cute guys that are already taken *keeps on hidin*
thankies thankies thankies peepz! :D u all are tha sweeetneessssss n_ñU xDDDDD i've been only a day here and this rockz!!!
*looks from side to side* oki ^-^ *takes cracker and comes out of the desk xD* :D ur so niiiiiceeeee n_ñU
aaaaaaaawwww thank you guys n_ñU *blushes* *hides* ur so nice! waaaa Roxas u remind me of someone and i can't remember whooo T.T and me has to say that u and *Sora* are cute! n_ñU *hides under desk xD*
wasting time in front of the computer... and listening to music ^_______^ also daydreaming :D nyaaaaaaaaaa i'm so cute (??????????)
wooooooooooow. it's awesome... it gave me the chills... i couldn't do that... i can't spend more than an afternoon, or a day in the same thing XDDDDD
well... here i come... from the con i went 2 days ago... a lame attempt of a Squall-chick or She-Squall xDDD but anyway, it was the only time where i could wear the belts and noone would notice! xDDD that thingy in my mouth is my little gunblade keychain n-ñU xDDD gomeeeeennn i don't like how i look like in photooooos so i can't pose T.T beware of teh scary gukku-chan! the squallistic chibi!!! (????????????????) well... um.. that's it n_ñU *hides* (if the pic is too big don't hit me plz ._.)
sora, i absolutely lurve ur wall... kairi!! yay for kadaj!!!! :D well... here's mine... pretty crappy but i needed an axel wallpaper made by myself... andddd that's it! ^-^
Sonata ROCKS!!! i lurve them, the music, the lyrics, the feeling... they're awesome... probably my favorite band.... i think W&R is a bit shocking for Sonata newbies, ne? :p doesn't matter 'cuz it is amazing :D i think that they started recording again... dunno... still gotta watch For the Sake of Revenge ._. me wants ittttt!!! and i want the gaaaaaame!!! xDDD it would be soooo coooool so, people, Sonata Arctica Rocks. Got it memorized? :D :p