thanks guys!!! n_ñUUU isn't axel adorable, helping me with homework? xDDDD
they ROCK. big time. Tuomas (band's brain and creator) is GOD. that dude is awesome. and i'm sure he played kingdom hearts >.> he's such a disney freak XDDD blah, pity for tarja =P now she and her disgusting mind corrupting husband live near my place i think... she wasn't really good at live performances anyway >.>
i love them. they were the first finnish band i heard. i saw them live last month... I HAD THEM SO DARN CLOSE!!! they're not the best band ever but they're pretty good... anyway i don't think they're pop or alternative... well... maybe the old stuff XDDDDDD but i suck for music styles, so i just call them "finnish metal" :p
i've heard some of their stuff... pretty cool indeed... i should look for this art of life one
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww *gives cookie =D* anyway... for the sake of the topic... there are a couple of webs where they have the full manga of fma up to date... but i dunno if i can post teh links >.>
anime or manga? nyahahaha... honestly, the anime is a fanfiction of the manga, more or less... compleeeeeeeeeetely different... nup gal, don't worry =D just the girlfriend thingy got me crazy... besides i got ur point =D
u see? =D u and me are the same age gal xDDDDDDDD aaahhh these situations make me feel so wise xDDDD we PWN xD
actually that's right... but it pisses me off when they call him a she, because if u've seen the full series... (in the anime, in manga well =P) for an envy fan, it's irritating (i said fan, not fangirl, it's not the same XD)
guess who's back to the thread? xDDDD meh. came to show my last photography assignment... PHOTOCOMPOSITION YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! concept: student + object + background (optional) TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! beware it's HUUUUUUUUUUGE (not dial up friendly - 2380x1548 px) XD nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D i was thinking of adding a big huge "FINISH HER!" mortal kombat style XDDD
aaaaaaa can't wait!!! me wants this so badly!!! T.T
welcome to the club hun xDDDDDD they're really starting to piss me off yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk and besides... I'M A GIRL!!! I DON'T WANT BRAZILIAN GIRLS!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
omfg ur killin'me ENVY IS A HE!!! stupid dubbing x.x why? why do they do that? *glances at the gashapon who is actually crying, holds it like gollum holds the one ring* nuuuu... don't cry my poor palmtree nununu.... gah, stupid dubbers, i'm gonna kill them. anyway FMA PWNS. BIG TIME. I was just listening to the OST now... it rox XD ENVY IS A DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! T.T btw, i was thinking of makin an amv of him with the song "dude looks like a lady" ROFLMAO
where you want to go, all the way. this is the point where u have to be selfish XD listen to granny guxas kids school (or high school) friendship forever <3 is a MYTH. once u start with university, every one has their own paths, their own schedules, their own life, and it's not easy to meet and hang out... every group splits after finishing. maybe a year later. also. in most of cases... school pals are not friends. they are classmates. u'll get the difference when u reach my age =D xD sorry to pop the bubble
don't know why but i snorted when i read the "Beastiality" thing @.@ lol, stupid burnt brain due to study T.T straight female here, yo <.<
well actually it's sort of an old film... it's from 2000 :p anyway, the mpaa rating says: "Rated R for intense depiction of drug addiction, graphic sexuality, strong language and some violence." u tell edit: WTF UR 12?!?!!? ur nuckin futs if u wanna see this film kid, sorry oh and treah, u have jared leto *yum*, jennifer connelly and marlon wayans, just to say some
it is a great film, actually. i've seen it and then when it ended i was like... ...ZOMG... i won't do drugs. EVER. great anti-drug thingy, actually. it works xD what i love of the film, is the soundtrack... wooooooo awesome!!! but yeah, great movie. anyway, KIDS STAY AWAY FROM IT!!! UR TOO YOUNG!!! >.>
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SONATAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! T.T Envy Lvl +100 dude i'd die to see them on stage T.T
it's latin dudes the lyrics are adaptated from the big, great, gorgeous Carmina Burana its not. japanese. at all. like, NO. WAY. =D
sorry, but Anastasia is Fox ^^ Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado are Dreamworks but anyway, songs... the whole Beauty and the Beast ost xDDDD Meg's "I won't say it"... "Go the Distance " (Michael Bolton's version) "kiss the girl" =P XDDD aaaannddddd "if i never knew you" guess that's it... for now
ok, if i'm not wrong, and you're talking about a swf file, photobucket can host one of them... and also imageshack... i think... i'm pretty sure about it