well, in my opinion it's ok and besides, i think that before doing such a thing as marriage you have to know COMPLETELY each other... i mean, technically ur sharing your life with that person!! besides, who knows if u can't satisfy completely each other... maybe that'll lead to cheating >.> of course i won't talk about the biological hormonal needs of a human being xD and OF COURSE u can't be like go and get laid with any person u know... in my opinion, if u do it with the responsability and matureness that it takes (b.c. sex is not a game for kids, duuuuh) i think it's ok, and maybe it's a beautiful way to express ur love to ur partner... as my friends tell me of their experiences... when ur making love (not having sex =P) it makes the bonds between u WAY stronger... <3 so for me it's ok... seems for my mom too... i started going out with a guy a week ago and today she told me i should start always having condoms in my bag xDDDDDDD THAT'S IMPORTANT!!! CONDOMS! ALWAYS! don't be stupid... if ur wise and mature and old enough to have sex, u are old enough to know its risks... and... btw... i'm 18 and i'm a virgin... so i'm not coming like "lol guyz i say yes to sex before marriage because it's awesome" XDDDDD nice, interesting topic... and it surprises me that everyone is soooo respectful with other's opinions and thoughts... i don't see that quite often >.>
Bloodparade - Waiting for the Horror nice band... they have POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA XDDDD
Bishies is short for Bishônen which literally means "beautiful boy." :p and, for the sake of the topic... another pic XDDD i dunno if i posted it... when i bought axel maybe i'll get some pics of me and my boyfriend soon, so... beware!!! (yeah, Guxas FINALLY has a boyfriend... since today xDDDD)
happy new year peepz!!! =D that necklace's not mine (of corz!!!)... it's my cousin's who was in the pool XDDDDD
omg... i'm gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! T.T so many memories there... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hey guys thankies for all the "axel-stealing attempts" xDDDD i said i was getting a haircut and i said i was posting a pic here it is =D nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i LURVE it n_ñU *takes a second look at the pic* kwek, my arm looks weird @.@
ZOMFG!!! My friend just sent this to me!!! First Image of Keith Richards as Captain Grant Sparrow, our beloved Jack's father, who's gonna make an appearence in the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's End IT'S AWESOMEEEEEEEEE!!!! DAAAAMMMMMNNNNN I CAN'T WAIT!!! (source: nistagmus.com.ar)
well... i was considering naming my son Axel... unless I marry an Axel XDDDDDDD if I marry an Axel... then my boy's gonna be Aleksi, just because I lurve the name... And for a girl, she's gonna be Anya n_ñU
yeah, i was like SO. DARN. HAPPEH. besides i was having an awful week, and suddenly i got the email saying "oh, the delivery came sooner than expected, axel is waiting for you in the shop! =D" and i was like ZOMFG HE CAME LIKE A MONTH EARLIER I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! and i phoned my friend who was like, sleeping and said "AXEL. IN THE SHOP. NOW. GO!" that day was hilarious... this is my awesome desk, my habitat XDDD and all my pretty thingies who live in it there they are... edward elric and sesshoumaru plushies... envy and hyoga gashapon... axel... a picture with Facundo Arana (an argentinian celebrity, that guy is amazing) and now i have Anastasia's Bartok hanging there!!! n_ñU
nice pics in here gals!!! Streya ur really cute! and don't worry... same happened here with sora and roxas xDDDDD well... not that u care peepz... but in the battle with axel thingy, in the exam... i got an 8!!! =D yaaaaaaaaaay! now yes, pics with my beloved boyfriend who helps me with homework xDDDD takin' him out of the box "ZOMG IT'S ADORABLE LOOK HIS LEGS MOVE!!!" caaaaaaaaaan you feeeel the loooooove toniiiiiiiiight? XDDDD that's it for now =D i'm going to some sort of "80's + goth" party tomorrow... maybe i'll get pics XDDD or on saturday, in a super kind of con party with cosplay, the new saint seiya episodes and j music and drinks and YAAAAY XDDDD and besides, i'm getting a haircut tomorrow... Ö NEW STYLE!!! and i have FFAC Cloud's Earrings now n_ñU well, let's see what can i get...
OMG LIKE IN THE "FOREVER YOUNG" MOVIE!!! n_ñU xDDD I love that film XD And I totally agree with Treah and Fayth... I don't thing I could give all away just for the sake of seeing the future. Maybe if you actually lost everything, it would be something considerable...
dude if it doesn't have a sex it's neither a male nor a female for that matter... and the chibi ova is SPOILER FOR WHO DIDN'T WATCH THE FILM... anyway, the palmtree androgynous look we know and like is just a mask, it's not the real envy... <spoiler> in the anime the real envy is hohenheim's dead son, who is actually a GUY. in the manga the real envy is just a big awful lizard, genderless. </spoiler> so... if people keeps on trying to prove he's a gal, let's just call it an IT. even if in the series and manga people talk to it and about it as a he end =D
ZOMG THAT WAS AWESOME! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD um... me and my bro got early a 2nd joystick for my ps2... i'm getting myself cloud's earrings and probably a KH necklace andddddddd... the marluxia haircut xDDDD oh, and i hope that santa brings me a boyfriend, since i'm havin' this HUGE anime party with cosplay and the new saint seiya oavs and and and... on saturday 23rd night =D SANTAAAAAAAAAAA BRING ME A BF!!!!! XDDDDDD i want a cool cellphone too >.>
I'm a Gemini Dragon, element Earth... and I think I'm yang >.> (1988) nyaaaaaaaaaaa
Miyavi - Girls, be Ambitious this guy rocks my brain soooooooooooo badly XDDDD
omg... that's that's that's SO SAD!!! =( depressing, actually =( i couldn't watch it, i think... i'm such a cryer XDDD i lurve ur avatar XDDD
i haven't... but i can't stop laughing at the title thingy xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD what is it about?
ur welcome hun! and yeah, as i remember is a sorta confusing film, so u have to pay attention to it >.> like yeah, u can blink, but not too much xDDDDDDDDDD
that was maybe the smartest answer i read here... (along with rena's) and that is a great thought considering your age! =D
that is SOOOOO true gal... specially the drawings and amv stuff =(