Search Results

  1. Guxas
    one of my best friends is crazy for them XDDDD

    i like The Kill a lot... and From Yesterday...

    Jared = *drool*
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Music
  2. Guxas
    I was getting scared that NO ONE was saying the real best song of all time...

    Until Big C...

    thank you.

    Guys. Bohemian Rhapsody is the BEST SONG OF ALL TIME.

    Papa Roach? Linkin Park? Blink 182?

    We're talking of actual Songs of ALL TIME.

    I'm not saying that these bands don't have good songs.

    But I doubt that in 10 years many people will remember them (except probably the fans)

    Bohemian Rhapsody has lots of different styles perfectly combined in one gorgeous song, which, actually is a song that every person in the world knows, and probably likes...

    As I say. The best song of ALL TIME is, and will be, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Music
  3. Guxas
    ummm i know 3 of their songs...

    shut me up, tornado and kill the rock...

    i like them...

    i dunno why, but they fit good in FMA's Envy AMVs XDDD
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Music
  4. Guxas
    well, that's a nice blur DA xDDDD

    more pics!!!

    YAAAAAAAAAAAYYY DRINKSSSSS!!! Red Bull + Champagne, oh yeah :cool:



    Post by: Guxas, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Guxas
    i've played it, even if i don't like any of the 3 series XDDD it doesn't matter, these kind of games are awesome if you have the multi thingy so 4 against 4 BOOM it's like an awesome permanent ROFLMAO

    but the dragon ball characters are all the same >.>

    i prefer the full metal alchemist dream carnival :P
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Guxas
    Indeed. Blue candy. Yum. They were like... freeeeeeeeeshhh xDDDD
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Guxas
    Guess who's back
    Back again
    Guxie is back!
    Tell the thread


    Back from holidays people!

    Did you miss me? I know you didn't >.>




    At the Beach. Coughing XD


    more to come soon!!!
    Post by: Guxas, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Guxas
    i could say some cute stuff about *Sora*'s hair. But now i have a bf with beautiful hair and i have to behave XDDDD


    yeah i'll be gone for 15 days... soooo....

    this is from a cool anime party with cosplay and drinks and screenings and stuff...

    there was a guy who was cosplaying riku... the blade kicked *** but he was waaayyy too ugly and dorky, so, i was drunk enough to ask him to have a picture WITH THE BLADE ONLY XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    so here! taken with my friend's cellphone


    and yes... the shirt says "Attack Magic Summon Item Run" FF7 menu style xD


    oh, and those who were wondering about my bf's hair...


    yupz... long beautiful hair... >.> EEEEEENNNNVYYYYYY @.@ <3

    k i'm going or the bus will go!!!

    Post by: Guxas, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Guxas
    yeah i've seen it, the first time like "ZOMG THAT'S KAIRI!!!" but didn't say anything b.c. i thought it probably has been said before and i was too lazy to search XDDDDD
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Guxas

    Death Note

    wow. seems cool. what's better the manga or the anime? so i know what should i ask my bf for xDDDDD
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Guxas
    OMFG... this is awfuuuuuuuuullll!!!!!! XDDDDDDD
    nyaaaaaaa so meannnnnn!!!! xD
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. Guxas

    Death Note

    What is it about? my bf is reading the manga and watching the anime and he told me it's pretty cool, but he didn't tell me anything about the plot!!! xD
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Guxas
    i saw it today. i had a good time. it was a nice film. i don't think it was a waste of money at all because it's one of those kind of films which are worth seeing in the big screen.

    but like i won't probably see it again... i MAY read the book... when i finish this creepy "Diablo: Legacy of Blood" thingy i found >.> ok off topic @.@

    back to eragon... the film was nice... but kinda predictable... and eragon himself bugged me A LOT.

    brom and saphira PWN big time, the best things in the film... oh, and murtagh <3 *drools* also durza's hair lol xD

    but it's like "lord of the rings" meets "chronicles of narnia" meets "dragonheart" meets "dungeons and dragons"... :p

    again, for me it's neither a bad film nor a good one, it's just an entertainment.
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Guxas
    it pwned when they were just 150... 151...

    aaaahh! the pokérap!!!

    THE TEAM ROCKETTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! jeeesseee!!! jamessss! xDDDDD

    ah, good times...

    for teh sake of the opening...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Post by: Guxas, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. Guxas
    ROFLMAO at ur post, Roxas XDDDDDDD

    thanks for the couple compliments guys!!! nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa n_ñU

    and well, yeah, REALLY big family...

    Daddy has 7 siblings (they're 4 brothers and 4 sisters) and everyone of them has at least 1 child XD and 7 of the siblings are married sooooooooooo... normally in NOOOORMAL reunions we're about 30...

    probably in that pic we were 50 with all the in-law thingies and stuff XDDDDD

    again, thanks guys!!! ^___^
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Guxas
    TLK has 19 votes and Beauty and the Beast 5?!?!


    geez... i think that u guys were too young when that film came out...

    Beauty and the Beast is THE. DISNEY. MASTERPIECE. Characters. Animation. Music. Story. Everything. It's wonderful. Fantastic.

    A true Jewel.

    Mulan... Mulan?!?!? Come on guys it doesn't even touch Beauty and the Beast's anckle!

    Again. Beauty and the Beast is the best disney animated movie EVER. Followed by Hercules.
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  17. Guxas
    thanks gal!!!! n_ñU nyaaaaa

    and yeah, my cousin sometimes is like that XD but not with us >.> hehehehe that guy is nutz...

    he's the oldest of us four, he's 2 months older than me... and then the girls, the one in white is 1 year younger than me and the one in black is 2... i think XDDDDD i'm the oldest of the girls (in my father's side >.> we're 14 cousins... 5 gals and 9 boys) so that would be pretty disturbing when i'll have to introduce my b.f. to the family... like... MAAAAAAANY PEOPLE


    New Yearz Dinner: people and people and people xDDDD (and that's just my father's side!!!)

    and another pic with my harry-kun (but u've seen this one mish! =D)


    nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! <3
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Guxas
    crapz... i can >.>

    let's see here



    ROFL at ur avvy mish
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Guxas
    thanks darky!!!! n_ñU his shirt PWNS xDDDD

    the kiss shirt, says "my a$$" on the back, with an arrow XDDDDDD

    and nup, i couldn't get wasted, daddy was like "that is all you're gonna drink tonight young lady"

    new year's pic, with my cousins


    Post by: Guxas, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Guxas
    thanx for that, general =D


    (since yesterday n_ñU pic is from friday)



    kawaii, ne? n_ñU
    Post by: Guxas, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone