Mc. Donalds, all the way... Wendys died here many years ago... And Burger is ok... but I LOVE Mc. Donalds ^.^
well, actually partying with me was cooler before harry, since he doesn't want me to get drunk (awwwwwww), and i spend like 90% of the party with him now XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD mah coat PWNS. well, actually my aunt, who found it abandoned in a closet XD nyaaaaaaaa i said i was not drunk xDDDDDD i was talking!!! i swear to drunk i am not god! xDDD nyeh, new piccie phear teh gang (??) i took it from the club's website... hehehe i'm famous (?????) friday party again!!! more piccies soon!!!
i love it. it's plain beautiful... like... wow
Daaaaarrrrkkyyyyy!! (}) xDDD nyaaaaa thanks DK!! n_ñU as i promised... pictures from the party yesterday!!! =D Isabella, Guxas and Vickah I think u probably know this guy by now XDDD I wasn't drunk, it's just that the guy who took the pic never told me when was he taking it!!! xD Uuuuhhh, I'm scary! Phear Teh Leather Coated Team!! uuumm... that's it for now =D
Blah... I want Reaction Commands =D They are teh pwner XDDDD
3221 Well... it ends on 1000000 who will be the lucky one? @.@
ZOMFG i hate you. badly. T.T it looks beautiful... gorgeous... fantastic... and OH! THE SPECS!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M GONNA CRYYYYYYYY!!!!! may i ask what uses u have planned for that HELL OF A COMPUTER?!?!? T.T 14 year old... T.T (hey, don't get me wrong... it's just that i'm an 18 year old multimedia student with a crappy pc... the hate is not evil hate... just... eeeennnnvvyyyyy T.T)
well, it all depends on how you type... because there is a certain way to put ur fingers, every single one has its own special key and blah... i started to type without looking (at my own way xD sucky indeed) when i was... i dunno... 13, perhaps... then when i was 16 i had typing classes at school and the teacher was a freakin psycho, but she taught us how to put our fingers correctly and soooo... now i can type faster and better than before... i was the best of the class XDDDD oh yeah the computer freak!! sometimes now i even type (and perfectly) when i'm talking to my mum (and actually LOOKING at her, not even the screen) so yeah, i'm teh typing pwner XDDDD
interesting... i may take a look at it... it all depends in which one are the Audio & Video Editing professors are gonna ask me this year... soooooooooooooooooooooo
nyaaaaaa thanks guys!!! Actually i had to make it black so it mixed with the background of my fotolog, which is BLAAAAAAAAACCCK (of course XD) so it's like harry and me are floaaaaaaaaaaating in the screen XDDDD the real background, was grass XDDDDDDD uuummm... let's see what do i have in here... more adorable lovey dovey piccies!! XDDDD in his bedroom (yes, he has a fairly oddparents poster next to his bed XDDDDD... he cosplayed cosmo last year XDD) nyaaaaaaaa <3 and yup, he has a Squall t-shirt <3 DEPECHE MODE GOTH PARTY ON SATURDAYYY!!! Piccies on Sunday =P xD
awwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks guys for all those adorable comments!!! n_ñU i luff u all <3 mari i see HAAAAAPPINESSSSSSSSSSSS XDDDDD roxas... just... @.@ as i said, valentine's day pic... well, they all suck, even edited... the camera doesn't love neither harry nor me ._. so this is what i have... picnic + botanic garden + doritos + lays + peanuts + dr. lemon + pepsi (no mari i'm not copying u i swear XD i put it like this everywhere before!!! xD) xDDDD <3
Axel all the way... Why? WHY?!?! WHY DID HE FADE?!?! T.T
ZOMG DEATHSPANK THIS IS AWESOME!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!! n_ñU LAAAAAAAARRRXENEEEEE!!!! finally i'll get an avatar XD
thanks guys ^.^ and... new pic... today meet my new friend!!!! nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yeah, go, adore him n_ñU Valentine's Day with Harry piccies tomorrow!!! n_ñU
weeeeeeee!!! it's beautiful!!! i love it!!! love it love it love it!! adorable!
rofl XDDDD yeah Axel, i was on holiday... now i'm BAAAAAAAACKKK!!! MIIIIIIIIIISHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! THE MYTH IS ALIVE!!! We kinda missed yer face in here... nice lappy... me want...!!! yay for multi-tasking oh, and ur shirt KICKS ***! Arrr matey!!! now. some edited pics from the park yesterday... i'm eating some japanese koala cookie-chocolate thingy... ADDICTIVE oh and there's Harry <3 xD i guess i'll have Valentine's day piccies @.@ OMG!!! and on saturday i have this depeche mode party on a goth pub so... yeah, kinda weird and random pics soon ^.^
Uuuuh. Scary. According to the holy wikipedia, it's an english band and "Roughly speaking, the band's sound has gradually evolved from raw, traditional black metal, to a cleaner and more "produced" amalgam of gothic metal, symphonic black metal and other extreme metal styles, while its lyrical themes and imagery are heavily influenced by gothic literature, poetry, mythology and horror films." I have only listened to the Nymphetamine album, and I kinda like it... >.> Oh, influence... It's all Harry's (my boyfriend n_ñU) fault... We were at home and he told me to look at this video on Youtube, he started like "ZOMG WHAT? U don't like Cradle of Filth? Gimme that search bar dammit!" And well, I saw the video, listened to the song, and liked the song A LOT. Like I have it on repeat @.@ Take a look ^.^ <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/67RZ4C3PWfQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/67RZ4C3PWfQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> ok. WHY CAN'T I EMBED??? Some mod around please help me T.T here you have the vid guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67RZ4C3PWfQ
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine Fix ... i got kinda addicted to this song... it's all my bf's fault >.>