i was thinking about it just yesterday... it would be kinda cool... specially when you have the special members... i mean, controlling directly Jack Skellington or Captain Sparrow or the Beast... it would ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK XDDDD
my favorites: Hollow Bastion and End of the World... i lurrrrve them, the look, the music, everything n_ñU i HATE the 100 acre wood. it gets on my nerves, really... i finished with that thing and went to Sephy to beat me up a bit bc i was sick xDDDDD and also monstro is very crappy too... riku saved it xD
you'll see when you get to the game or a video, probably :p ... it's the gameplay, it is entirely based in cards... for attacks, for unlock worlds and places, everything it gets veeeery annoying @.@
honestly, for me it was veeeeeery hard... i mean the card system... great mistake, i hated it during the whole game xD anyway i'm gonna get through it for the remake XDDD i dunno, the story is worth the sacrifice, i guess
Well... I've got only two of them... for KH... They're not big thing though =P Organization XIII with Paradise Lost - Forever After (great song for them, in my opinion) I luuuuuuurve how i got the chorus sync (sorry i had to say it xD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2lzFHDUVZY Axel sings Gackt - Vanilla for you fangirls xDDDDDDD I couldn't resist... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whb8HW7Uqf8 Also here's my youtube profile, so u can see other AMV's I made ^-^ http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=darkrinoa Hope u like! :D
From FFAC: Reno, Kadaj and Vincent... From FF8: RINOA DAMMIT!!! T.T Cloud has Tifa and Aeris and poor Squall has... Yuffie??? WTF??? Also Irvine would be awesome =D
Axel, Axel, Axel and Axel. xD And also Axel. <3 No, really, he's my most favorite one... but I also like Demyx a lot. Larxene totally rocks, too, I can't wait to see her in 3D! ^-^
*raises hand* me too! me too!!! xD i absolutely lurve Bond of Flame n_ñ Road to Dawn is also reaaaaaaaaally cool Oathkeeper... oblivion... but Bond of Flame is Bond of Flame <3 lol :D
well... i think my faves were The World that Never Was, and Beast's Castle (i love the movie n_ñU) and i totally despise the 100 acre wood... it gets me... violent @.@ really... like i wanna slam the joystick into the screen xD
Well hi guys!!! Not much to say really... This is Guxas... I'm 18... I'm practically obsessed with Kingdom Hearts... Let's get to the facts: Me Likes: Characters (some of them, list is too long :p): Axel, Squall/Leon, Riku, Sora, Demyx... Music: Finnish Metal (Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, For My Pain..., Apocalyptica, H.I.M.), J-Music (Gackt, Miyavi, L'arc en ciel, Dir en Grey), OSTs (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VIII, Pirates of the Caribbean and maaaaaany more) Anime Series: Fullmetal Alchemist, Saint Seiya, Inuyasha, Nightwalker, X-1999 Well, guess that there's a bit 'bout me... hope that I can fit in well here... see you around! :D