man it feels like years since i've been here, but anyway i tried that code and as soon as i walked out of the room it froze. i had data xemnas and i was in hollow bastion if that helps, xemnas was also using guard if that makes a difference. what do i do to avoid it from freezing? otherwise i have looking for a code like that for a long time and does it effect the 1000 heartless?
final X wisdom form. or object mods. oh and infinite jump can't forget that. ally sephiroth is also good, i had to much fun with that. xemnas and facedown, even though i get the question "what is facedown" so much it's pathetic. and the battle warps.
Saix [Boss!] E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 38000F12 2033E834 00003838 or saix [boss!] 4XQA-57WX-KH31W H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY HGQA-5P8E-GMVQ8 FNK6-3JFW-1MQG2
ok i tried the altar of naught mods and put in 5 saixs right from the start, 3 worked riku was still there but i did get that one in wrong, and kairi was still there but i put that code in right and i checked it several times. does riku have to be right for kairi to work or something? i didn't bother with the savepoint cause it doesn't ever work for me.
not sure where this would go, but i'm curious if this happens to not just me. ok the idea is i just get done playing a game and i pop in my swap magic while my ps2 is still a bit hot, then it either will not load the disk at all or takes about 5 minutes to load. does anyone else have this problem? if it matters i have a slim ps2 and swap magic 3.6. i'm not looking for help just curious.
normal and wisdom: whatever i feel like using, but has to be ultima if in final form. valor: either gardian soul or decisive punkin [can't spell] master: sleeping lion final: fenrir
yeah but it would be a pain in a half to drag enemies into the final battle constantly.
yeah but that xemnas is invisible, so i don't think it would work. besides most of demyx's attacks are wide. xaldin is another good one.
oh well i got that dump anyway, if anyone wants it cause i can't understand it. and can there be a demyx ally? i figured he'd be the best ally anyway.
standing on top of the rock titan and listening to donald and goofy get mualed down below. or just messing with xemnas in kh2.
xemnas, dispite that i'm a girl. mainly because our personalities are similar, i figure the only difference would be is i'd always have headphones on and carry a media player around at all times. or mulan because were both tomboys and i wouldn't mind dressing like a guy for a day or two, besides that she's cool in my book.
i could get a dump in the thrown room, as long as i remember what digits to use.
chicken little because he is small and out of the way. other then that i barely us summons besides to level them.
mine is bloody obvious enough. saix is second in line after xemnas then the rest just fall between liked and hated.
i'd have to say demyx, first time around at least his timer kept killing me. now i just take goofy in and use knocksmash to eat away at his health. but i'd have to agree with xaldin i thought i was going to be stuck in that castle forever. i had no trouble with luxord and all i did was button mash.
ok i was looking i the pal codes and there is a boss to ally thing is over there, [makes me want a pal game] is there any hope of it being on ntsc or final mix? i get people asking me about this nearly every day on youtube, besides i want the code too.
well after fight demyx the first time for 15 times i was more or less gratefull that i could move on in the game, and sora's shout out to the rest is my favorite line from the game. axel i did sort feel bad but he brought it on himself, it was sora's reaction that was more sad really, i felt worse when saix died.
maybe i read it wrong but there are lot of characters posing as ansem in kingdom hearts and i guess i never saw all the riku parings. that might be a good thing. i'm glad i don't take these parings to seriously my thing is, is why would someone want them to be together. i know whewn i make a paring it is based on personality mainly and i've got like 1 paring for this reason. and i never do same gender parings.
like me, i made a list of bosses that you can fight anytime in the game. i'm not sure if they've already been found and i just couldn't find the list or whatever but i never found anything so i tested all the digits myself on my emulator Code: 800BB0F8 ???? 0180 commander 0181 elite [bsod on defeat] 0182 fruegel and wardens 0183 fruegel Guftas Rodriguez 0184 kongol 0185 kongol with armor 0186 doel dragoon 0187 lloyd no armor 0188 lloyd 0189 freybrand and greham [bsod after deafeat] 018A divine dragon 018B shirley 018C lenus 018D regole and lenus 018E damia 018F syuveil 0190 belzac 0191 kanazas 0192 mappi and thieves 0193 mappi and gehrich 0194 gonaga 0195 serifus 0196 danton 0197 atlow 0198 first virage 0199 virage 019A super virage A [bsod after defeat] 019B super virage 019C drake 019D jhango 019E cave snake 019F fire bird 01A0 grand jewel 01A1 ghost soldiers 01A2 kamuy 01A4 faust 01A5 faust again 01A6 windigo 01A7 poltergiest 01A8 lloyd vs. final boss 01AE the three guardians 01AF lavitz and zackwell 01b0 last kraken 01b1 caterpiller 01B2 Death Rose (Boss) 01B3 Claire (Boss) 01B4 indora (Boss) 01b5 micheal 01b6 doel 01B7 Archangel (Boss) 01BA Zieg Feld (Boss) 01C0 regole's spirit 01C1 feybrand's spirit 01C2 tutorial 01C3 tutorial 01C4 rose tutorial even though i found these i'm not calling myself a coder though i found out how the digits go from dumping kh2 it's 0 - 9 then a - f right? either way it worked and most are pretty stabble and all can be fought on all disks, i fought all of them on the 4th. so if anyone has the game and wants to fight bosses then here you go. note: i couldn't find the divine dragon's spirit anywhere. i also searched for an LoD thread buut never found one.
800BB0F8 ???? 0180 commander 0181 elite [bsod on defeat] 0182 fruegel and wardens 0183 fruegel Guftas Rodriguez 0184 kongol 0185 kongol with armor 0186 doel dragoon 0187 lloyd no armor 0188 lloyd 0189 freybrand and greham [bsod after deafeat] 018A divine dragon 018B shirley 018C lenus 018D regole and lenus 018E damia 018F syuveil 0190 belzac 0191 kanazas 0192 mappi and thieves 0193 mappi and gehrich 0194 gonaga 0195 serifus 0196 danton 0197 atlow 0198 first virage 0199 virage 019A super virage A [bsod after defeat] 019B super virage 019C drake 019D jhango 019E cave snake 019F fire bird 01A0 grand jewel 01A1 ghost soldiers 01A2 kamuy 01A4 faust 01A5 faust again 01A6 windigo 01A7 poltergiest 01A8 lloyd vs. final boss 01AE the three guardians 01AF lavitz and zackwell 01b0 last kraken 01b1 caterpiller 01B2 Death Rose (Boss) 01B3 Claire (Boss) 01B4 indora (Boss) 01b5 micheal 01b6 doel 01B7 Archangel (Boss) 01BA Zieg Feld (Boss) 01C0 regole's spirit 01C1 feybrand's spirit 01C2 tutorial 01C3 tutorial 01C4 rose tutorial