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  1. xemnasfan
    xemnas does walk alot actually. espeashily in the first fight in kh2 [with the skyscraper]
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jun 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. xemnasfan
    not sure where this goes, but i realized it in 358 days that xemnas has never ran. he walks, hovers, uses his dark ball, flies on his dragon, flies normally, and uses portals as a means of travel, but he never runs.

    or at least not that i've seen.

    has anyone else noticed this.

    can he run, he doesn't seem to limp at all while walking, or does he find running unsuitable because he can hover and fly. if so then why would he even walk, he could just hover everywhere.
    Thread by: xemnasfan, Jun 6, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. xemnasfan
    xemnas first battle in kh2 with the skyscraper, it's plain old to easy. espeashily when you just watched the battle in final mix thinking when you get to this battle that your going to get pounded like in the final mix fight. [never played final mix just going from what i've seen]

    meanwhile you go through the both the games com and kh2 knowing that his own followers fear him, he is ranked as strongest nobody in the journal, [i think that's right], and then you get to that fight where sora is alone.

    first time i played the game and got to that point i was expecting him to wipe the floor with me but the whole battle is just a letdown.

    he's called superior for a reason square give him his power.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. xemnasfan
    i didn't expect much from it, heck when i got i let it sit for a week, i thought i would be a kids type of game, wow was i wrong to let it sit there.

    i'm not sure when i got hooked on it but it might have been when i got to neverland.

    odd thing i've been a disney fan all my life, but i turned it down because it disney characters, now that's the whole reason i like it.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. xemnasfan
    i have using falcon peak.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. xemnasfan
    1. xemnas
    2. saix
    3. vexen
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. xemnasfan
    terra, i like power over everything else.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. xemnasfan
    finally the proof i have been waiting for, for months, a playable xemnas holy crap!

    fan girl moment

    anyway i love weapons he gets though i think red is more his color. but this completely disproves my theory that his weapons are a part of him.


    it could be a different form of the same aerial blades so my theory could still be right.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. xemnasfan
    ok i played the game at least 10 times and mickey always seemed a bit angry when xemnas was on screen except for the part right before the first xemnas fight.

    but i will admit that mickey said he did speak with xemnas, but we have no way of knowing how the conversation went. but i guess i will agree for now and i might play the game again to be sure.

    but i'm still a bit iffy.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. xemnasfan
    the second riku fight before xehanort shows up, the one with the double voice.

    i can't tell you how many times i saw that cutscene before beating him in nearly every playthrough i've done.

    sure seph whipped me a good 15 times before beating him but now he's a piece of cake.

    the phantom was easy for me once i found out the clock was killing me then i just ignored the boss and cast stop on the clock over and over and let peter and donald handle the boss.

    kurt zissa the snake head thing in agrabah, that thing was wicked none of his attacks i could see till i got hit nor could i block or dodge him.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. xemnasfan
    i totally agree when i got my psp and my ds i didn't expect the potential they had till i got crisis core and ff4.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. xemnasfan
    poor xemnas my heart bleeds for him.

    anyway i hate zexion he is a pathetic wimp end of story.

    and xion don't get me started on that kid.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. xemnasfan
    i made a kh story and nearly everyone is a male in it with only a handful of females and i'm a girl.

    just throwing that out there.

    but anyway games in general are geared toward males more then females. like in WoW everyone thinks i'm a guy dispite that i play a girl night elf warrior as my main because most of WoW players are guys.

    same thing with conquer another game i played, in fact everyone who found out i was female was stunned.

    that aside i'm more bothered by all the light skined characters with xemnas as the only one with darker skin xehanort and his heartless don't count they are all the same person.

    but then again xemnas' skin color could be a hint at something.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. xemnasfan
    xemnas? why? the way mickey acted toward xemnas in a few clips doesn't tell me they'd work well together.

    xemnas was the cause for the reason mickey acted on, if it wasn't for xemnas the kh accident would have never happened. and when i say xemnas i mean all of his forms.

    i think mickey would have some ill will toward xemnas.

    i say based on personality it would be demyx, he was sort of drug along for the ride so mickey would have no ill will toward him.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. xemnasfan
    not mickey, my best wishes to his family and the next va better do a good job.

    not for the not so morbid stuff.

    mission mode can be played alone *jumps for joy* and xemmy will be playable. now i can say 100% i will get this game.

    i just wish i could see some pics at least of a playable xemnas but a character select screen will be enough for now

    also is it just me or does lexeaus have like almost no fighting moves at all.

    he's got from what i saw two ground and three air moves.
    Post by: xemnasfan, May 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. xemnasfan
    xemnas defently

    xemnas: everyone saw that a mile away.
    shut it xemnas.

    any i became such a big fan of the style that i used it or well something similar on two of my characters.

    even though one character sorta accidently looked like xemnas' the other was mostly intentional.

    cloud strife


    once again i used something similar on one of my characters.

    saix but only while berserked
    Post by: xemnasfan, Apr 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. xemnasfan
    sharks or well most of them have vertical tails the dolphin has a horizontal tail thus dolphin.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Apr 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. xemnasfan
    yeah some good news today after the total letdown today.

    some screenshots of xemnas though he still isn't playable. at least vexen is.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Mar 19, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. xemnasfan
    twilight princess is like the only zelda game i could play, i tried Oot got stuck gave up. also the story was a bit to wild for me. majoria's mask and it's time limit seemed unfair to me. never played wind waker but i saw previews and i hated the graphics.

    i've never played any nes zelda games, i've never owned an nes or super nes. i had sega genisis and that's the oldest one i had.

    and not being a really big fan of any zelda games i can say one thing. i see twilight princess as another game. but to me it was nearly perfect for me, i could actually get through it unlike Oot.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  20. xemnasfan
    the apprentice. i have two storys and a theory waiting to know who he really is.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX