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  1. xemnasfan
    xemnas' eyes are amber, i have enough offical pics of him to know that, and i think it's a natural eye color, because ansem the wise had yellow eyes too and i don't think he really delt with the darkness much till he took on xehanort as his apperentice.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. xemnasfan
    when i found out that ansem\xehanort's heartless was really just riku, i went through so much anguish i never even realized xemnas was xehanort, i think i was crying for the whole end of the game after that.

    he was my original favorite character from the series.

    in order to get passed the saddness i leaned on xemnas as a crutch.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. xemnasfan
    i don't even think i've taken damage from the rock titian, ok maybe once, he's so slow it takes him like 5 seconds just to attack once. also you can even stand on his head the whole fight and never even take any damage at all, and that isn't even hard to do. so kinda too easy.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. xemnasfan
    oh god please say no, i hate online games. no offense but they have never been a good experiance, conquer: i got farmed constantly killed over and over and there was nothing i could do to stop them, besides everyone i talked to was a jerk on there the loved to hate on me, i'm still not sure what i did wrong. world of warcraft: if you know about wow addiction then you know my story, and being extremely shy ment half the game was locked out to me, every thing i got on that game was twice as hard for me because i was doing everything myself. please square do not ruin my fav game series like this.

    end of rant
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. xemnasfan
    ok i guess i'll give it a few more months, but this whole lack of views think is killing my will to make videos, i just don't want to keep posting like this and getting ignored, after i got that small taste of fame if you will from ansemfan my first account, going from 10,000 views on most videos to almost none in such a short time. i hate to say it but the fact is crushing me and even putting me into my second wave of depression, even my pills can't counter it.

    anyway maybe i should redo all my tours [that's what i called my series] cause i don't see many videos of kh2 barrior breaching, i also haven't looked but back on ansemfan as soon as i started posting kh2 code videos my views jumped i got subs and friends it almost seemed like that happened overnight. as i kept the code videos going i kept getting views subs and friends like crazy. or well it seemed like it to me.

    but i haven't had the urge or will to play my kh2 for years, and to go back and redo my whole tour series seems like a daunting task, but it just may be what finally get's me out of this rut i'm in.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Technology
  6. xemnasfan
    ok i'll keep this short i hope. i also don't know where this should go.

    ok basic idea
    i had 3 channels ansemfan dragonager and jetfoxproductions i deleted the first 2. big mistake deleting ansemfan but anyway. i also made 1 test channel on a different email called ansemfanreborn.

    ok the problem is i'm not getting like any views anymore, when i say any views i mean less then 50 some of my videos only have 1 view. the channel has been up for at least 5 months now. all my videos have correct tags and are ones i had on ansemfan, be a rockstar, testify remix and others.

    my question is can youtube block you from getting views?

    some of you might remember my first channel some of you probably don't, but my main thing was my barrior breaching kh2 code videos, alot of those i used groundshaker then after a while i started using xemnas. i also was probably the first person [i may be wrong] to post sora wielding axel's and saix's weapons. and i'm sure nobody did the barrior breach\out of bounds thing. at least in kh2.

    also if youtube hasn't blocked my channel what am i doing wrong?

    my channel i hope that wroks.
    Thread by: xemnasfan, Nov 27, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. xemnasfan
    well it seems now the only one i like anymore is xemnas, but it has nothing to do with his group. what i liked is when he first appeared he was a complete mystery and the info about him was released slowly. even now there are parts of his past that are still in the dark, like how long did he stay in hollow bastion learning under ansem the wise and such. for the longest time i knew next to nothing about him.

    that and i feel like i see myself at times when i look at him, [ignoring the fact i'm a girl] his compulsive behavior, not thinking before acting, he is clearly not social unless he has to be, and his lack of patients with people in general. is really everything that is the same as me. now that i know his history i'll probably never kill him in kh2 again for personal reasons.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. xemnasfan
    i hope terra was not destroyed but it sure seems like it, yen sid said that only master xehanort was coming back. i was kinda hoping there was something left of xemnas though i wanted to see him on the ps3.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. xemnasfan
    i might have said this 8 times by now but heck, xemnas. i'm not sure why i still like him so much but i can't find anything i don't like about him. mainly i'm interested in his past mostly.

    second fav, mickey, he's just cool no reason needed,
    Post by: xemnasfan, Apr 12, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. xemnasfan
    i wanted to see what xemnas looked like in the manga too, since he's the only one they keep hiding.

    darn i guess.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jan 14, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. xemnasfan
    247 dollars is a bit steep i got a new psp 3000 with a game for 179 bucks or so off of walmart. and i've also been playing jap dissidia on my usa psp with normal firmware [never hacked never going to hack]
    Post by: xemnasfan, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. xemnasfan
    that's what i figured but i forgot. this means my theory needs work. or xemnas is younger then i thought.

    either way thanks for the help.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. xemnasfan
    that could be true because xemnas does look older then xehanort, or at least to me.

    but then again vexen looks like he never aged. according to bbs.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. xemnasfan
    true he does. but in one trailer for bbs the one that shows even, dilian, and eleaus. i noticed they basicly pulled the models from re:com, which makes me wonder alot.

    though i can't really call it till i see inezo, because acorrding to the timeline inezo would have been so young considering he doesn't look to old now.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. xemnasfan
    i've been looking through the news area for that one interview about wether nobodies age or not, i can't find it.

    so does anybody know?

    once again i'm not sure where this goes.
    Thread by: xemnasfan, Oct 31, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. xemnasfan
    wow your right i must have missed that.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. xemnasfan
    on my game his gearless weapons seem white.

    the technical gear seem like the closest match to me.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. xemnasfan
    the panel system makes roxas or anyone very customizable you can go for a mage setup or a warrior setup or mix the two
    the graphics for a ds they were good
    the story though i was confused the whole time
    mission mode got to be solo
    no mixing of the touch screen and buttons.
    mission mode was not tamed down for solo play thus making most of the missions almost impossible
    collecting the symbols which i bypassed.
    to much xion, axel, and roxas for me.
    the story was confusing.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. xemnasfan
    yep i'm sure i've tried them all, i'm sure they aren't gearless, those look like lightning bolts, i think they are what everyone is saying, something that was removed from the game or left out.

    to bad cause those weapons look cool.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. xemnasfan