but i never reped anyone ever. shouldn't i have no rep power. now i'm really confused, i thought that when you got rep it increased your rep power. it does on conquer online forums. on there someone gave me rep and that green bar went from 1 to 9. i'm not even sure what i did to earn that. but it also says my rep power is hmm i'm not sure the number was huge though. it boggles my mind cause on that game i was hunted like a dog, yelled at, scammed etc etc. so why doesn't my earned rep show on the home page instead of rep power, i have no idea what rep power as and i care little about it i'd rather see the rep i earned.
my cp\status bar\whatever says i have 8 reputation. then i go in my settings and it tells me i have 43 rep. what happened to the other 30 some points i worked to earn in the code vault. i mean that's not what i was aiming for in the code vault, but i played many hours on the psx2 emulator getting all sorts of different dumps which required playing the game from scratch keeping multiple saves in like every zone before every major event. and playing the emu at anywhere from .01 fps [true story it was during the 1000 heartless fight] to 15. and having to use savestates strategicly to get through most gummi ship routes which crashed after every few feet. but yeah anyway, i did all that emu work and putting myself through endless frustration, mainly cause the coders weren't seeming to get much help from anyone else or everyone else was busy or on other projects etc. i did that cause i wanted to help any who needed the help. i still remember those days faintly but i never did that hoping to gain anything. and to my surprise i got rep several times for my emu work and for being a database of codes by having almost every code on the site on my computer, this was before the new system you guys got now. which makes me feel like i'm not good enough in a way or i'm out of a job. the point is, even though i did do that to help not expecting anything in return i saw the need and i met it [course there are times when i feel hated on the net], but it doesn't change the fact that at the time i guess they felt i deserved the rep cause i was doing anything i could to get those dump files and to get them to whoever wanted them, you might actually find something about this in the 2nd and 3rd kh2 ntsc code threads, if you need to solid prof cause i'm sure no one else remembers that but me. so unless there is a good reason for this and if there is tell me why. if there isn't can you give me 30 some points back that i feel like i earn with blood sweat and tears [ok i might not have actually bled but i'm sure i probably did cry a few times]. sorry ranting is like a skill i have and maybe a illness. that and i just love to type.
i've never heard of anything like that, and no homebrew that i'm aware of unless i missed something. the only person i've ever seen record perfect ds quality on his computer, he modded the ds so much i'm not even sure what he did, it was almost like he wired his capture card to the ds' motherboard, or his graphics card. not the point it is way beyond me. i forgot another thing the cam does, i'm not sure why either, i'm not making excuses i swear, i forgot it puts this like grid of black dots on every video, i could fix the color in vegas but the grid is impossible to remove without bluring the heck out of the video. i tried using it to record ff4 and black dot\grid city. why does my video camara do it and my still camara doesn't.
i'm not trying to hook it up to my tv computer i know it either can't been done or to hard to do, i tried recording of the emulator desume but i couldn't figure it out for the life of me. also i'm not beating my way through the game for the 6th time on the emulator. also my computer's have never been able to run desume at full speed once i start recording my fps takes a fatal drop [5or 3 fps]. so my options are a tripod [it's about the size of a soda can when in compact mode but can get as tall as me if needed, i'm 5' 7"] i've got a casio exilim, not sure what type it is but it may be the first style they made, it's a slim camara and it has video mode. and i got a refurbished [which just means i got a major discount on it really i'm not sure what broke on it the first time it's been wonderful] it's a sony handcam probably one of the first harddrive camaras that hit the stores back then, back then it was 600$ i got mine for 300$ on ebay. ok right now i use the casio on my tripod and try to video tape the top screen the best i can. the casio seems to give a more nicer picture to me the colors are more rich and if i can manage to hold the dang thing still it looks almost like it was taken off an emulator. but the edges are blurry i've done everything i know to sharpen the edges to no avail. the sony has a more washed out display as it has always had a habit of sucking the color off of any screen i point it at, but it has a clearer image the ds screen as small as it is still looks decent when recorded using the sony. i need something that has the has the colors of the casio and the clarity of the sony, but i'm broke right now. and i'm sure there is no camara like that. so tips? tricks? hints? anything? normally i don't care about quality but all those picky little youtubers won't watch a crap quality video.
i know i was expecting better then that, even changing weapons can sometimes screw him over, cause he was from what i can tell 2 attack styles and that was pretty much it, both look kinda the same on the ground but one type of weapon does a spin in the air, and the other one he points the sabers down in a akward angle in the air. the first type is the only one i ever use on him, if it is the second type i quit the mission and keep changing weapons till i get type 1. so when put a diffrent weapon on him i always jump and attack to see if i got type 1 or 2. mostly i just keep his red blades at all times and try to never change them. i can't kill anything with type 2 style. but his guard is the best out of all of them, if you put guard on him with two boosters and auto guard [my reflexes suck so yes auto guard] it's almost like nothing touch him, i've seen him block stuff that would have mulled roxas on the same setup.
i'm guilty i have every game in the series even the psp one. :P
this is for any game in the series or just general gran turismo. this is kinda a fun little thing i like to do what can you think up. you buy a used car and get the oil changed just for a few extra horsepower. you go to a car lot and ask if the cars are standard or premium. you look at a car and ask how realistic is the driving engine. you have more experience driving on the game then in real life: i'm guilty of this you want to get your car painted and think you have to buy another car with the color you want in order to get the paint chip. you drive on the whole autobahn and think you should get a trophy when your done.* *there is a trophy in gt5 for driving for getting as much miles in races as you can, basicly you have to get 125,530 kms [whatever that is in miles] which they say is the length of the whole autobahn. and finally, you purchase a car and the first thing you ask is if the car has cockpit view. i know most of these are gt5 but eh it's the one that is fresh in my mind right now.
oh i was wondering what that chest was for, but that pinball machine is tough for me to do.
sorry to go off topic a bit but the cavalier i googled it, and still have no idea what it is, is it that train there? like is said sorry i love trains.
i'm getting Ian Vásquez, who ever that is. ok... lol
remakes i'm fine with if the game is no longer easily attainable, i wasn't going to by a whole nes or snes whatever ff4 plays on just for ff4 to me remakes just lets us modern gamers enjoy the classics if they don't have a system for it. [and i'm never modding my psp] so the remake was the only way i got to enjoy ff4, to be honest i would'nt even have known about it any other way so i am grateful for remakes. on a kh note i have kh2 and kh2 fm+ at first i thought it was going to be just fine, but now i look at the two games and think why wasn't all the fm stuff in kh2 jap and us to begin with, and part of me feels the 50 or so bucks was wasted, and now i'm torn between the two games to the point where i can't decide which one to play and put them back and do something else which may be the reason i haven't picked up my kh2 games in years.
i don't have that problem at all with my ps2, anyway what gets me confused about the kh series and these final mixs. well ok they've got a whole other series of games called final fantasy. as far as i can tell ff7 [example] is from what i know no different then the jap, i could be wrong but the only change i heard of is the super nova was shorter before it was ported. but with kh it seems they make the first game call it finished put it on a disc sold it in japan, and then went abort porting it and thought hmm let's add sephiroth as optional boss. so they translate it call it finished, put it on a disk ship it over seas and sell it, once the usa [i'm being lazy] sells it and it sells fairly good, they seem to step back and realize the two copies aren't equal, so out comes final mix which always has even more stuff then before and it's exclusive. my two questions are as follows. why didn't they just delay the project a few months in order to fully complete the project instead of making mulitiple kh games each being different and better then the last. and doesn't making the game over and over and over waste money in a way and time. basicly all they have to do is just wait and get all the ideas out and on the final copy translate that same exact copy put them both on disks sell them and both copies have the same stuff and everyone is happier. it honestly makes me wonder because they are basicly remaking the same game three times, and in the time they have done that they might have gotten a whole game done maybe two. of course i've never worked in a game company let alone a huge gaming company like that, but what they are doing with kingdom hearts it just seems like a waste of time and they are going to dry out the series to fast.
i'm a girl gamer, i never play online, every online experiance i've ever had was horrible, that and i'm not the best in the world at games in fact i think kh kh2 and kh2 final mix were the only i've ever been able to play at the highest difficulty with some restrictions to make it harder. but most gamers are guys and the gaming market is tailored to the male side of things more then the female side and most guys don't think a girl should play games [that is most not all] so they hound us till we break. i'm not sure if this is off topic, but i know of something like your story that happened in WoW, i was traveling or running a dungeon or something, and this one guy was cutting down this one girl saying girls can't play as good as most guys. of course he shot his mouth off till another one told him she was basicly a pro and one of the best tanks on the server. also when i played conquer and online game for the longest time everyone assumed regardless that i was a guy, and when i finally told them otherwise their judgement of me completely change from a sort of acceptence to ruthlessly hunting me on daily basis. but for the most i don't play online cause it's a social thing and so no one can critic my skills or lack there of.
i wish people would notify me when they mess with my **** online, how am i to know i did something wrong when you don't tell me. so many people do...
i have companion 5 5.1 bose speakers on my compter. i've looked this up on google i've asked the company itself nothing is working. basicly i've had these speakers for a few years now, i used them with two vistas 32 and 64 bit and now a windows 7 64 bit. the speakers never gave me trouble on my vista computers, but this win 7 they don't seem to like. basicly it's gone from the speakers choosing when the want to work to being plugged in and not even showing on the volume control devices, i don't even get an icon. if it helps the speakers are usb only, there is no jack for any other sound output or input. when i asked bose at first they said basicly i was making this up, then i asked again and they said to reset the speakers by unplugging them. so i've been doing that and it's been working up untill now. when i reset the speakers my computer makes a beep like it does when a device is unplugged and beeps again when i plug the bose back in. by the way i have two sets of speakers my beloved bose and the crappy things on my moniter. so i know the computer knows they are plugged in but no device shows. and if you can give a fix that don't have to pay for, i'm broke i just bought a new backup battery, 3 puff trucks, and gran turismo 5 which were basicly 210 bucks together [i got the trucks 50% off]. i'm assuming i'm broke i don't have the info for the family bank account online.
i never actually found it in game, but that is kind of an odd command to me.
i'm not sure if anyone would do this because i know how well xemnas is liked on the net. i really just want a decent xemnas sig image. i'm not to picky it can be offical art or fanart but my fav xemnas picture is http://arkoniel.deviantart.com/art/kh-Xemnas-Aerial-Blades-122517339?q=boost:popular+xemnas&qo=12 i hope that works not sure how to embed yet, it's called aerial blades by mathis on da who is probably the best xemnas artist there is, no offense to anyone i hope i'm just saying he is really good. but i'm sure using that image would mean asking permission or something to use. so it's optional. i'm leaning more toward offical art rather then fanart cause no offense again but not many draw him the way he actually looks. he's either to skinney, his skin is to light or dark, his eyes are the wrong color sometimes yellow orange or brown, his eyes are amber, his skin is carmel. some draw his hair wrong which i can understand his hair is an odd style, but i just want the basic features intact spikes on the back bangs in front and two parts that come over his shoulders. clothes he is wearing can be anything as long as he has clothes, the zebra coat the black coat, heck a pair of jeans and a t shirt are fine with me, or armor if you happened to come across something like that. image quality doesn't really matter as long as it's not horribly pixalated to the point where the image is impossible to determine, jpg, png, gif, bmp. whatever you want to use, i'd rather jpg but up to you. effects are up to you but any color that clashes with xemnas' colors, anyway maybe orange, blue, dark red, black, gray are colors what would work the best. no text cause i can't think of anything. size: i'm really not sure but nothing to big that takes over the screen but to small that you can't see it i guess maybe bettween 200 and 300 pixels length and width don't matter just whatever looks best for the image used. by the way offical art means anything from concept art to screenshots, or character models as long as it is offical i don't care. but i'm not sure what i want exactly, but as long as it has xemnas and xemnas looks like himself i'm happy. i'm pretty decent with photoshop but i've seen a ton of sigs and don't know how any were created, and am not sure how to make a good one myself or even anything decent. if you need more example pictures or anything just say something. that's if anyone would even make a sig with xemnas. sorry i just don't see much xemnas love on the net it seems mostly like hate. but also some xemnas artists on da i like the most are 8-13 xemnasclone and vampiry [that's if you can even find her stuff she quit and pulled all her art down you might find some of her stuff on photobucket or last resort i have almost every xemnas pic she ever drew on my hard drive i might not be able to ask to use them though cause she don't hang around much to my knowledge so if it come to that just put copyright vampiry or something] and mathis he only has 4 images though, xochibi [just be careful in her gallery she is big time paring shipper i don't want a trace of gay crap in my sig, i'm not going to torture my eyes with that, the only reason i'm adding her is because i like her art style] and lerato [same rule as xochibi]. i'm leaning the most on 8-13 more then anyone else here, he's a true xemnas fan he hates drawing xemnas wrong and has a nice style. i'm not sure if it's 8 or 13 that is the xemnas fan it's a joint account. another image i like is from vampiry with xemnas doing the loser sign and saix whiping the bird. i'm not sure if that would be aloud though but anyway i think i'm just ranting now. basicly i just want an image of xemnas that looks like xemnas that isn't even remotely gay. if you have to just get one of him by himself. and i've pretty much seen and read every bit of xemnas parings there are so not much shocks me anymore. i hate that the only good stories are the gay ones it seems. but anyway you know.
i'm sure none of you know it but i've had a story i've been writing for years now, called the return of xemnas remix. it's an AU about xemnas coming back 2 years after being defeated. and is a remix of the orginal story. basicly he comes back and teams up with sora and they go into different types of worlds, not just disney ones. in this story series i put them in game worlds. ones i already used are vigilante 8 second offense: a car style fighting game starwars podracer for n64 jaws unleashed, with a mix of legend of dragoon. lego starwars complete: i did this cause of all the bs about xemnas being a sith lord. final fantasy 7: just to show the ff characters are different from their kh conterparts and xenosaga: not sure which one though but it has to be 2 or 3 cause i used the mech asher sonic adventure 2: cause changing all the characters into anthros was to fun to pass up. i think that's all of them my games ps3 and pc: dragon age original and awakening ps2: sonic riders zero gravity ps2: xenosaga 1 2 and 3 ps2: kingdom hearts 1 2 COM re:COM and final mix+ ps1, ps2, ps3, and psp: final fantasy 7 8 12 13 crisis core dissidia and dirge of cerberus ps2: burnout 2 gamecube and ps3: soul calibur 2 and 4 gamecube: super smash bros:melee gamecube: metroid prime 1 ps3: dark kingdom psp: untold legends psp and ps2: gran turismo and 4 ps2: jaws unleashed gamecube: sonic adventure dx and battle gamecube: twilight princess gamecube: crash wrath of cortex gamecube: sonic gems gamecube: sonic mega collection gamecube: mario kart double dash gamecube: starfox assault gamecube: luigi's mansion gamecube: monster jam maximum destruction ps3: sonic all stars racing ps3: lego harry potter dreamcast sonic adventure 1 and 2 vigilante 8 second offense and centipede those are basicly all my games with the exeptions of portal, halflife 2, lego batman and indiana jones, gta vice city and drakengard. i haven't played the two lego games, and i feel vice city would be to servere to put in a kh setting. halflife 2 is boarderline, i could use it but it might mean making some pretty drastic changes to it for it to adapt to the setting. i'm leaning on portal right now cause it might be interesting to give xemnas a portal gun. which would mean xemnas would take chell's place. or he could be in a different area then chell receving a different test all together, same with the rest of the team, which consists of sora, riku and now axel. but out of everything i listed what would fit best in the kh setting. i also have some wii games. dragon quest swords metroid prime corruption: i was debating on this one i want to use a metroid prime but it's really boarderline super smash bros brawl mario kart wii also i have this one rule, the game i use must be one i have played before or one i at least have. i'm not sure if this makes a difference, but the xemnas i'm using is not the actual kh2 xemnas, or well he is but he looks different. basicly xemnas has his heart back the one that master xehanort inffected if you will. he looks the same as he does in kh2, but now has brown hair and blue eyes, he also still has the black coat, so in a way he is a mix of xemnas and terra.
mine is xemnas, for being known as the strongest nobody ever, he sure can't damage like anything very much. i was expecting him to play more like he fights in kh final mix. that's the kind of xemmy power i was expecting. then i played as him and was like what is this crap.
break time? what's that?