ah who is that guy and what does he have to do with donkey kong? i only ever played the game at my cousins house so never actually wasted my money buying it, if i did it would have a bullet hole in it before it was tossed in the river next to my house. a game that ridiculusly hard without a decent health bar on one of the strongest characters in nintendo history is not worth any of my money or time. at least crash bandicoot could get that mask and survive a bit longer then dk could in his own game, and he was a tiny bandicoot.
i know at least a few of you will hate me for this, but i'm used to being hated. donkey kong country: what ape dies in one hit, if you jump on a croc and even get it slightly off you die end of story. and even getting diddy don't help much cause if dk dies you got only him left. i'm my opinion diddy has a valid excuse he's just a little chimp, but dk is a gorilla for god's sake give him a health bar. i mean think about it in every super smash bros to date dk is one of the hardest to knock out out of the ring, and i've seen him take some pretty brutal hits and live. i swear i've used ike's final smash on him once and he didn't die, yet in his own game he's a wimp? i'm not buying that. and kh days, mostly because of xion but roxas got under my skin a few times too he seemed like a brat at times on there. i'm glad at least she is gone i hope i never see her god forbbiden face again. that and it hardly had that kh feel to it at times i was wondering if i was really playing a kingdom hearts game or not. and my final nitpick, why the hell doesn't xemnas join your team even once, he has the AI for it code him into the game with armax he has the AI to be a team member. goldeneye wii: it's a shame that hey had to ruin a classic with those reaction commands, take those out and it would probably be decent. the quality was good the levels really did get alot of insperation from the n64 version, at least the few i got through, the dam, the facilty, and the runway. i was so looking forward to this game too, then as soon as a saw those wretched commands i almost want to step on the disk and break it. i was lucky to have gotten it back to gamestop in time to get the full refund, that trash wasn't worth the 50$ i payed.
maybe it's the computer brand, mine is an hp. he may have got a bad machine. i don't know can't explain that. i don't really play alot of the newer games that require a ton of power and ram to run. in other words i'm not to hard on this one the most high tech game i got is dragon age. i got a speedometer gauge that tells me how much ram and cpu i'm using. my ram is almost always 20% and my cpu get's up to 50% and that is really it i hardly redline this thing, and maintance to me means keeping my antivirus updated, but i don't defrag i never checked my hdd for errors or anything i just let my machine maintain itself. cause i found out very early that it seems the more i messed with my computers the faster they would die on me, the last 2 have been the best so far i hardly mess with them or maintain them etc. maybe it's just luck on my part i don't know.
i've never modifed my computers in any way my current one is stock, i don't even know how to do that stuff. i went to a private school the only thing they ever taught me was stuff i already knew, and i've never gone to college or special school about computers, the little i do know is all learned through trial and error.
well this is coming from my own experiance with my own gaming computer, and my older one that sits next to it when it comes to heat. my set up is i have a huge tower of shelves [i'm not sure what it's actually called] and my computers are both in a small hole in this tower basicly boxed in, so when my computer\s are running it gets really hot in there. every so often i put my hand in the hole to test the heat level even more so when both are running. but when i have them running seperately i notice that my gaming computer seems to generate less heat then my older computer the vaio. and i've had several high performance computers and never had to replace anything in them, and i am usually quite hard on my computers, the vaio knows this very well. i record my games on the vaio and prepare the clips on the vaio, usually when it is on you can hear i high pitched whine coming from it because the proceser is running at max for several hours even more so if i'm exporting a 20 minute video from gigapocket on it. but i've had about 7 or 8 computers so far and my first one would cook my room in our last house till the point i couldn't stand it anymore, but as i upgraded to newer models i've noticed the heat generated is less and less, my newest one is the coolest i've had yet. but i think if people have to replace things on a new computer, it's probably because they are playing a game that is to much for the computer to handle, and that alienware i saw in best buy didn't seem to be generating any heat from what i could tell and it was running street fighter 4. i could be wrong about this but i see a lot of people with max graphics on every game. take this with a grain of salt though. :)
yeah that's what i'm thinking, as far as the bioware forms is concerned my graphic's card is the minimum required to play the game, then if you look into it more you hear about memory burn, graphic's card failure, and other stuff like that. which i have experianced first hand at first i was able to play dragon age at medium without it crashing, then slowly it started to crash more and more to the point i could bearly play, and i had to finally put all my graphics, textures, and everything else on the lowest setting and turn off frame buffering just to play the game again. so i think my graphics card has had some perment damage just from playing that game.
mine are kinda stupid i guess but. vents, you know those things on the ceiling that blow air yeah, i'm not joking either. i am terrified of vents espeashily the ones that are normaly in department stores the ones with the angled slats on the side and the grate in the middle, even vents and fans in video games make me nervous you should have seen me during my first encounter with the giant fans in portal. when we lived in arizona i had a vent in my room on the wall over the foot of my bed, i had to talk to that thing every night for 2 months till i was comfortable with it, also i begged my dad to remove the one in the bathroom so that way i could use the bathroom without being sacred to death. and if i'm in a room with a vent and the air kicks on i almost have a heart attack. and balloons, long time ago when i was very little some brat came and popped one next to my ears, since then i've been scarred for life.
um i think you mean the berserker nobodies. the claymores that i'm talking about are the things in hollow bastion that are the defense system set up to kill any heartless that appear in town.
well mine was actually one of the cheaper models, that is compared to an alienware. but for one of the cheap ones to play kh2 on the emulator like it does on the ps2. well it does impress me at least. although i still can't play dragon age at even medium graphics but i've reaserch that game throughly and found it has to be something in that game alone, cause i could play half life 2 at max graphics at full speed. any way to the rest of you please don't start a mac vs windows fight here, i'll admit i'm not on mac's fan list but that's not the point, i made this thread just to let everyone know how nice a gaming computer is for games.
i kh2 the claymores are suppose to attack you on the second hollow bastion visit right? or is it the third i can't remember. cause i'm on the second visit the one with the demyx fight and the 1,000 heartless battle. i haven't played this game in years, and i'm wondering why the claymores aren't hunting me. i'm playing kh2 final mix on the pcxs2 emulator.
windows 7 64 bit
windows, i've never owned a mac.
i wasn't sure were a computer topic would go but the computer is a hobby of mine. anyway i now know the difference between a normal computer and a gaming computer. all my life i've had normal computers mostly media centers, none of them could play games that good. and then when i tried to play my ps2 games on my first vista it was hell on earth with that dual core media center. kh2 would crash randomly and was always slow as heck. so i got my second media center vista with quad cores and tried to play kh2, it was slightly faster but it still crashed when it pleased. this happened the most on the gummi ship routes. so when i picked up a low level gaming computer i was hesitant to try it again. but just now i decided to try it again, went to pcsx2 site and picked the newest version it was a beta. so i set it up popped the disk and hoped for the best but prepared for the worst. it took a few seconds to load but when it did i noticed the sound was crystal clear, and when i started up a new game it looked better then the ps2 and was just as fast. in fact i'm already past disney castle and it hasn't crashed yet, i'm able to fight intense boss fights, and whole screens full of heartless at 40 to 50 fps if i'm lucky it gets up to 60 fps. in fact my cpu isn't even maxed out running this game and i'm still able to play music and surf the web at the same time. i was originally only going to use the emu for codes but now i just might make it my second active ps2. basicly if anyone plays a ton of games on their pc and wonders if a gaming machine makes a differnce. i can honestly say for once that 1,000$ *plus tax* and 2 months of debt i owed to my dad was more then worth it. this thing even has a sub par graphics card, not even a gig of dedicated video memory and it performs this good. i can't wait till i can upgrade this thing and bring out it's true power.
if i posted my desktop it would have to be a video, i've got windows 7 with a slideshow as the wallpaper, with as much as 30 images, ranging from cartoons, fanart, pictures of the desert in arizona, 3d models i posed in kh2 model viewer, cars, planes and others. so the background i like the most is anything with xemnas. right now i only have one xemmy in my slideshow i have failed my master.
basicly a game intro is the very start of the game, like roxas' part in kh2. usually you have to get through this part of the game to get to the actual game. so how do you like your games to start out fast or slow. a fast intro is something like what is in ff7 where the first thing you are doing is trying to bring a bomb to a reactor all while the whole shinra army is trying to have you killed. in other words the put you staight into the action right from the start, and get's you thinking very quickly about the situation you are in and wondering about why, how, and what for. a slow intro is more like ff9 [i've only ever played the intro of this game but it to me is the best example], in this game it starts out like an average day the queen is putting on a show for her daughter's brithday. >_> i wanted to kill things. but other then that these intros are slower to get to the action but if you can play the game long enough to get through these boring intros you usually get to the end of the intro and it often blows you away. but through the whole thing you're asking yourself when does the game actually start. i'm not sure about any of you but during the intro of kh2 the only things i wanted to know was, where is sora? when does the action start already? when can i kill things? honestly they could have started me on the base of yen sid's tower and just tie in the whole roxas part through trippy little video based flashbacks and i would have been so much happier. so as far as i go i like being thrown into the action as fast as possible. i would make this a poll but i don't know how to.
i think the first one, mainly cause sora couldn't move around as fast as he can now and the game engine was more limited in what you could do.
one time i went 3 1\2 nights with no sleep, i didn't just feel like i was being watched but i was border line schizophrenic, i literally thought i was hearing voices and that people were with me in my room. it took me almost 2 weeks to start feeling like myself again after that. but yeah i get that.
i agree completely about final mix, it would have been nice to have all that extra content the first time instead of buying the game twice. but as for ending the series, i don't care either way they can drag it out or end it now, i've already seen the secret ending of jap re:coded, xemnas is gone so there is no reason to follow the story further. he is the sole reason i play kingdom hearts nowadays, and with him gone and an important chunk of the game on a console i'm not going to buy, the 3ds. i'm probably just going to pass re:coded and ignore 3d completely and only buy kh3 if it shows the rest of xemmy's past. once the xehanort saga is done i'm done with the series. i don't care about the rest of the story.
ok thanks for the info
i guess i understand, conquer online must have a different setup. but out of curiousity what does rep do other then make that green bar change. and how do you give out rep not that i've come across any viable reasons to do so, just curious.