It's fine with me! I'll check it out now! (for real this time; since I can find it now ahahaha) Although...this does leave a hilarious note;...
Even in the bathroom. Although, hilariously, one of the groups had to fight a battle entirely naked(that's what happens when a hot spring...
"We're tools." Stated Bernkastel in Reinforce's form. Turning around, she gave him a completely expressionless stare. "What else have we ever been?" Slamming on the breaks, the subway cart lurched violently, causing several spills and lashings to the ones who were actually affected by the gravity. During all of this chaos; the two figures had vanished. A few of her Stand's strings broke, as Jolyne let out a howl of pain. Letting go of the kid she had been holding onto, the girl began to rewind the strings back into herself. Jojo stood up and shifted her weight- seeming to be considering something for a moment, she then took one hand in the other and began slamming it against the tram door. This was done mostly because of the pain...but the fact that she had just lost her dad to some stranger again didn't help either. ~~~ "Hey I think snail-eater is gone." Popping his head back in, the young man had his entire face covered in...oh great...fetus parts... The explosion had caused them to burst like little liquid bubbles of water, blood, and organs. It was actually quite ironic; he was so used to having himself end up like this. No wonder they complained about the mess. "Genius work, man..." He stated in a sour manner. Not really angry, he just didn't preferr the smell of...OH GOD WHAT IS THIS? The little flesh on the parts seemed to melt right off the bone. "I'm just going to...leave...and...clean my self up a bit..." The 'sorcerer' eased his way out of the door before shouting, "GAME PAUSE!" Running off to find the nearest bathroom.
Hahaha! This RP actually all started out as a dream but yeah; I have a tendency to plan out the plots and stories of an RP thoroughly....actually...
"He is right." The witch looked up, still bearing Reinforce's face. "The what-ditty whatnow?" Asked Jolyne, more than confused by this babblegargle. Looking back to the woman before her, the girl bit her lip, "That's the ***** who kick my a-" She wasn't going to admit that she got her ass handed to her earlier, "Apple....tree...." Jojo was clearly not good at replacing words. "Either way, what are you doing with my dad?" "Your father?" She turned her head to one side, "He is your father?" Rolling her head to the other, "Is that the truth?" Several layers of darkness wrapped around the cart's interior, "To me he is only a prisoner." "Fucking bitch..." The young woman mumbled under her breath before raising up a middle finger, "Shut up already!" It was probably not the best idea to anger this woman but she's been through alot, okay? You try going through Hell and back just trying to save your father from being a vegetable and then have him dangled in front of you like this! "I don't give a shit what you have to say, I'-we're going to KICK YOUR ASS!" At the last few words, Jojo looked back to the team, hoping that they would back her up somewhat with this....maybe? ~~~ Turning back to Archer with a toothy grin, "Ahahaha! Oh please, someone of my job has already seen much worse than that!" His cheeks softened for a moment, "Whatever 'that' is..." Snatching one of the computer bags from Archer in one swift move, the boy chimed in a laugh, "Ignore those! Let's keep playing!" He waved his hand as a bird made of some blue light crashed into the monitors before he bounded out of the room. "Now where did Frenchie go off to....?" ~~~ Upon reaching the hold which was tightly connected to the back of the ship, Kujo pulled out the pair of pants which Luffy was wearing earlier. Surely enough, this would do the trick- if they were still explosive, that is. Tying them around the peice of metal which connected the boat to the mech's platform. Jotaro had to move quickly just in case this thing was set off any time soon. Diving back into the water, the man swam a good distance away and waited...if the bomb set off before they freed everyone, he would be able to(maybe, probably, hopefully,) stop time and cut them away before it blows them to bits. OOC: You guys can get them out of the cages any way possible. The only thing is- you cannot use any specail powers. Same for those inside the cages! Full co-operation is required.
Ah! That's so wonderful! Thank you so much for inviting friends to join the RP! I am totally going to make this VM long and worth your time...
Aaaand you can totally play as your sith guy too! There is no limit to characters. Anywho what is of this RP site? If you can't tell me here;...
Oh wow that is probably the most impressive infodump I have ever gotten. I loved it. You know you're really good at describing things (which I...
"And that..." Started the man with- not a smile- a grin, "Is what the water bottles are for." Jotaro then headed off to seperate both Gurren and Lagann from the ship. The last thing he needed was to lose the only symbol of their lost leader. He hoped, at least, that the others would be saved. "Za Warudo." Time stood still for five seconds; although for some reason it felt strained and overdone. Holding onto time for even his usual five-second-limit was enough to wear the man out. Not good. ~~~ "Y-yeah..." She started as the lamp swung again, revealing a rather large man who was now standing in the middle of the tram. Curiously, he didn't seem to be affected by the speed in which they were traveling. "Hey that looks alot" ~ A while away Bern laughed at Sasuke who was now forced to bear that heavy body. Although almost silent, her giggling did prove to make a rather eerie noise. OOC: GO! BUSHY! GO! Just like I posted in the RP!
All of the villain slots have been filled (although I will let other people play one-shot bosses at times) So maybe, yeah! And thanks for putting...
The bomb exploded upon touching the side of the ship, blowing an incredibly large hole in it. Pulling Reinforce away from the explosion- after the fact- he looked her straight in the eyes and stated, "I have to tell you the truth: This isn't the first boat accident I've been in..." He looked at the others in the cages and stated, "This isn't even the second..." Giving Simon a look of interest he then pointed to Deadpool and Reinforce, "Try to free them from their cages; try hurrying before the ship sinks." Kujo popped the top off of several bottles of water and stacked up one for each person. "When the water gets too high; grab onto one of these. Make sure to keep the opening pointed down at all times and you won't drown." This statement probably sounded incredibly idiotic. But it was the truth; the air would be trapped within the bottle just as long as it's head was pointed to the ground and would not fill with water. This would produce enough air pressure to make a floaty for anyone of any size to use. Hot damn did working with the ocean really come in handy... OOC: Tis crazy; but the truth. It really does work.
Tis why there are only six shows I watch on television: King of the Hill, Big Bang Theory, Metalocolypse, South Park, Venture Brothers, and The...
OH NO NO NO NO NO! He's on a train. not a subway. Bernkastel is on the subway (along with Scott, Chrono, BRS, Deadmaster, ect. ect. ect.)...
Yeah; I never watched the remake before, though. Mostly because ever since what happened to all of the other remakes....expecailly the Dark...
I was reminded of Battler.... AND YES! I'm glad! I went to Tyler Texas today (my birthplace) and was dragged around there. I can't say it...
I watched the old cartoon as a child. Snarf was so ugly back then...
The white substance started to build into a mass; creating a rather lively glob that stayed clung to the back of the train. It was quite the experiment. He had been working on it for a few days- of course this wasn't the only thing- just one of them. Soon enough; the mass would be large enough to slowly consumed the entire train. What an impressive specimens these on board would be if they could escape it in time. Wesker crumpled up paper and threw it on the floor of the train; not caring if anyone payed attention to it or not. Relaxing and polishing his gun with a hankercheif, he frankly stated, "I'm suprised I ended up with such an odd group as you." Magic? Catpeople? Demons made of steel? What foolish things. There was clearly a logical explaination to these things....and if not- they would prove to be of some use to his studies... ~~~ "I wonder when we'll be able to meet some girls!" Italy cheered while waving his spoon about; spraying food all over the group, "In heaven, you know; the lovers are Italian! Hahaaa!" This was a reference to an old song he heard from grandpa Rome. Ahhh~ Grandpa Rome! Turning to J with a raised eyebrow, "So-a, if you're gonna probe us with your tool thingies, would you mind not poking me too hard? I kindof need that place." ~~~ "Then do it." Jojo demanded through grit teeth before turning to Luffy, "Now, strip." This was said in the most threatening manner possible, as he really didn't want to explode in case anything else was going to detonate on the kid. Of course he gave no explaination to this statement and...well....yeah... ~~~ Running into a nearby lab, the young man was about to take a swing at another series of insturments before something caught his eye.... Pods...several pods filled with what looked like fetuses. "Wow that's kindof sick." He stated as the enthusiasm started to drain out of his body and his voice. He had obviously seen more grotesque sights but; it was the fridge horror of what these people were actually going to do with these fetuses that got to him.
The child's mother gave a horrific stare at Rubira before dragging her Lycankin down the street and into the nearest pub. "I need something to silence this---thing!" She shouted to the bartender while clasping the poor creature by the neck. "I'm fine; I swear! I won't say another word!" Clinging to it's Kimono, the child hid it's face in white hair, not wanting to reveal her 'ugly' inhuman face to the others. Strumming his guitar at inhuman high-speeds; Yoppei let out a loud shreik to test his voice; then began to sing in his usual insane manner. Once the song was done, he threw his head back in laughter. What an amazing thing music was! Without it; he would probably go insane from the boredom....hehehehehe...for lack of a better word.... He was clearly insane but didn't like to admit it; it just wasn't in his nature. He hated words like "Loony" and "Kooky" and "Crazy" They just weren't of his vocabulary... Oh what he would give for entertainment. At least he had neverending supply of music which was the most valuable thing in his currency. Music. That was the world right there.
OOC: can if you want to! I don't discourage your tries! SHOW THE WORLD THE BEAUTY OF YOUR WORK IC: Jojo looked up with a rather stale face, "What if it sets off while in my hands?" He then looked to the group, "Which one of you won't get blown to pieces by a bomb?....who is also not trapped in a cage..." ~~~ The country's little curl of hair fell limp at Zero's words. What a poor bastardo he was. Va. "I can't think what I'd do if I couldn't stuff my stomach to it's fullest every hour." After spooning in a few mouthfulls of food- from the same spoon he used on J- Italy then waved it about like a wand, "I would probably die or something!"