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  1. terminallyCapricious
  2. terminallyCapricious

    Running to the nearest bathroom with his hands over his face- in some sad attempt to keep the- whatever it was from getting into his eyes. The kid's hands clammered about until he found the knobs of the sink, turning them on and running his face into the water as fast as possible.
    "Heh, it's a good thing that this stuff washes off!" He announced happily, placing all of his weight into one foot to successfully turn him around.
    His gaze was then met with a not very happy all.

    The demon sat on the toilet- staring in horror at him. He was just looking at her like nothing was going on.

    "Oh." The Sorcerer's gaze went down to her crotch immedediately. It wasn't his fault- it was just a reaction. A very good reaction. "Helloooo there!"

    This...this guy...he was a- a- a- a- "PERVERTED BASTAAAAAARD!!" Although being a huge bondage-loving demon who had no real place to say this; she still pulled off one of her scanties and began shooting in complete and total anger. The demon's screeches of embarrassment and anger rung out the tower...hopefully her sister wouldn't be as unfortunate.
    Kneesocks sunk into the bathtub slowly. It was required of her to be slate-clean and sanitary at all times. Suddenly she heard a man announce he was going to "Take a shit." This voice clearly wasn't any she had heard before way...

    The sound of a train could be heard odd. Out here? The man guessed it was probable given the fact that small signs of civilization seemed to pop up at the most random times. Turning his head, Kujo could see a large train with an odd blob-like object clinging onto it. After a few moments of consideration, he concluded that it was probably nothing. At least nothing worth running over there for.

    "Za Warudo!" Jotaro shouted as his Stand gave a punch to the pants- setting of the explosion. Well; not yet, anyway. There were five seconds for time to resume and then the explosion would set the two mechs free.
    Jumping back into the water; he felt...peculiar.
    Time suddenly resumed and the blast exploded not too far from the man. Freeing the platform that both Gurren and Lagann were on but also taking down the rest of the ship.
    "Da-" He choked before feeling an odd combination of nausiated and disorientated.
    Colors began to blend and Jojo found himself unable to breath. 'Am I underwater?' He thought- at the moment; this was one of the very few thoughts that weren't just a mess of nonexistant words. How funny.
    How hilariously funny.
    For some reason this was amusing to him, now.
    Spending years studying the ocean and working with sea that same water is going to kill him and there was not one damn thing he could do about it.
    Just comical.

    "Here here here here here here here here here here here hello!"
    Called several high-pitched voices that squeaked in and out of the water.
    "Here here here here here!"
    They splashed around one spot in particular around where the boat had sank and began their rush of clicking noises.

    OOC: I'm not sure if I made it clear enough but; the platform which Gurren and Lagann are on is still afloat.
    Just pointing that out for you all.

    "Why, hello miss." Clacked in the young man with a smile. He suddenly froze and looked around. Chuckling a bit, the boy pointed out, "Our group certainly was all-male up until a few seconds ago." A slight thought touched his brain; wasn't there some story about girls sprouting from forests somewhere? Perhaps? Either way; he greeted this woman with the upmost respect. She was, after all, a woman. "I suppose all of you have encountered similar oddities." Kakyoin started, looking into the forest's opening ahead. "We seem to keep running into one after the other."

    Wesker could hear Moka's comment but ignored it immediately; how crude these people were. They trusted eachother so easily- why not him? Could it be that they felt their 'friendly trust' slipping? This might tend to be useful later on...

    "I'm not 'giving up'." He stated clearly to Ethan's comment, "I am simply waiting it out."

    He then looked down to his shoes which were covered in a white goo. "....You might want to look on the floor." There was a bit of worry in his voice; although it was genuine. His experiment was growing faster than expected....


    Jonathan grabbed Kamina by the arm; "Come on. We're helping them." He demanded this- although frankly the kid was probably thinking the same thing. "I'm sorry Angelique." The apology was real. Genuine. Although it was pointed more at the fact that he wanted to help her; but not now. Not right now.
    Now; there were people that needed his help.

    Standing quietly, Angelique grasped her arms and sighed. "I'm sorry too."
    Her apology was more on the lines of- she didn't like complicating things for her companions. But what must be done; must be done.


    Having to adjust to this life was hard. Near-exhausting. But it had to be done. Orders were orders and she had to slave away every day; under the worst torture known to man which could break her down both mentally and phisically.
    This torture which almost every human had to participate in which caused titular disorders including mental illness.
    She had to go to highschool.
    Truely the maid had never believed in evil until this day.

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. terminallyCapricious
  4. terminallyCapricious
  5. terminallyCapricious
  6. terminallyCapricious
  7. terminallyCapricious
  8. terminallyCapricious
  9. terminallyCapricious
  10. terminallyCapricious
  11. terminallyCapricious
  12. terminallyCapricious
    Jotaro! Is that you? :lolface: No I kid!
    I know who it is~<333

    But I'm sure it's one person in particular. Si.

    Either way, that's probably the best message I have ever gotten...ever really.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. terminallyCapricious
  14. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Innnnteresting but accepted.



    'The only thing that is certain is my weakness.
    Behind me lays the proof.
    The pressure in my heart increases the stress.
    That is the cold harsh truth.
    My father once told me to be strong.
    I thought I should listen to him.
    I had no idea how he could be so wrong.'

    OOC: Keep this note in mind.
    That is all.

    Oh and cheers to Bushy for helping me with it. You're a doll.

    Kakyoin raised a hand to pat Rose's white hair and smiled, "You have quite the manners."

    OOC: Okay so in some fanarts she's blonde, but the dude said Rose was albino so I'm going with white hair. Legusta.

    His politeness was alittle forced- he never cared for doing these sorts of things on and off- but required for a good impression. "I am Noriaki Kakyoin." His refusal to use conjugations probably made his speech sound alittle over-shot with refinedness, "These two gentlemen at my side are Tsukasa and Maga...shi" He noticed that the cyborg-like man was off in his own world(probably the best place to be at this time), "Magashi?"
    Kakyoin's long mouth seemed to stretch a bit, seeming to let off a mixed expression between confusion, wonderment, and(oddly enough) envy. Taking Panty's hand in his, which he would probably later regret, the teenager asked for her name.


    "Fine with me." Barked the man; still remembering to uphold his professional attitude that he maintained during his work with S.T.A.R.S. Swerving in front of the group; the man adjusted his shades and began to pace each footstep down the train's interior. After only a few moments of inspecting; Wesker stood up and snorted, "A wild goose chase." Before relaxing across the nearest seat.


    Jojo gave an incredibly awkward look to her group; "So..."
    This whole thing was burning throughout the cab and just-- drove her crazier than crazy! But it was fine. She had some things to look forward to...and at least things won't be half as bad as before..maaaybe. Going along with what Deadmaster was saying; she just had to chip in, "What the hell is going on?"
    This question was said rather loudly and directed more at the entire group but she expected no response from the slightly scary guy who stared at everyone with that smug grin.


    Stratching his head in unison with shoveling more food into his mouth, the country asked, "So...where we going?" He really didn't mind just as long as they were safe and had food, but curiosity did get the best of him. Looking between all three men(although his eyes seemed to be closed the entire time), Italy wondered just what these people who cannot eat the glorious thing that is pasta are...
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: You guys are doing pretty damn well with opening the cages *clap clap* I am impressed~<3

    Also this means that your character's attempts will be successful. Just saying.


    Sighing the woman waved a hand at him, "It wasn't my time either." A look was set upon her face as if a very painful memory snapped her away for just a few moments.

    "But I thought you were going to be on our side!" Shouted Jojo, upset at the fact that she could do such a thing.

    Blinking a few times, she looked him straight in the face and said, "I am on your side. But I still will get what I need...Wesker and Howzer never betrayed me and thus I still am on their side. The witch and vampire can die the most painful death imaginable for all I care!" Her hissing seemed to quiet itself as they watched the train leave. "If you must react then you can react by yourselves. He is one of my last chances. I do not want to mess this up. So help them if you must....but I won't be with you..."

    OOC: I should admit, alot of her lines are like this...

    Jonathan gritted his teeth- not out of anger- but frustration. What was this lady trying to acheive?!

    Peaceful music was interrupted by sounds of metal resisting something strong. This erruption of painful noise could be heard throughout the entire interior of the train.
    It was about time to test these fools.

    Slipping his gun out of it's holstier again, Wesker shot up in his seat, "What was that?" It was a good thing his voice acting wasn't half as bad as it used to be or else they would actually find out that he was pretending. "I'll go check it out!"
    Taking one last look to the peice of paper that he had thrown onto the floor earlier, he kicked open the door to the back; walking with the most precise care into the next cab.


    "Poor thing!" Jolyne shouted as she raised her hands to her cheeks, "Here." The girl removed her prison coat and layed it over the pink haired boy, "Just don't vomit on it- kay?" Touching her star-shaped birthmark(which was now revealed since the coat had been removed...and the fact that her shirt exposed alot of her back) Jojo smiled to the new guy, "Jolyne Kujo!" Tugging on the short, braided ponytail; she helped the others up slowly; staring with Oz(who was just the most adorable thing ever in her opinion).

    "And what might your name be?" Kakyoin asked to the new arrivals.
    Three young girls were quite the hilarious thing to come across in these parts- he had to admit. Hopefully they are nothing like that runaway that he had to deal with back at home.
    Looking behind him he noticed that the floating island didn't quite wait for them. It had floated off as they were distracted. Good thing they had brought all of their stuff along with them before jumping off.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. terminallyCapricious
  17. terminallyCapricious
    With a tad bit of confusion, all she could say in response was a flat, "Um...what?" Shaking it off, Jojo gave a sly smirk, "And this is the rest of my group" She introduced the mess that was scattered around the bottom of the subway cart. "...yeah." Taking his gloved hand, she only shook it just a tad- not wanting to seem unladylike in any way.

    The two stood at the top of the cart, waiting for something 'fun' to happen. Well, the witch was, anyway.
    Nodding to Sasuke who was still in Jotaro's form, Bern gave the most disturbing grin she had ever beared; "Don't forget to play your part too."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. terminallyCapricious
  19. terminallyCapricious
  20. terminallyCapricious
    Jojo closed both of her eyes, gritting her teeth in the most painful manner possible to let out a scream. But said scream never came.
    Opening one eye to look at the new stranger, the girl watched him for only a few moments before mumbling, "Thanks." Begrudgingly, she wanted to be the one to scare the girl off...but this guy was probably better suited than a handfull of young girls and cute guys. I mean just look at the way he was dressed! Peeling back her lips for a moment to show the front of her teeth in an odd half-smile, Kujo then pointed out, "But she took my dad with her...looks like we're going to need your help...right?" This was her way of saying 'Holy shit you can take my in fighting whenever you want!' No; I kid. She was just being as polite as she could be to this stranger.
    Straightening up her prison jacket so it would resemble her father's coat; Jolyne raised a hand for him to shake. His clothes weren't too frightening to her- in fact, they seemed pretty damn cool. After all, she was raised in Florida....
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home