Why is it that everything you post on my VM wall is full of lulz? And yes; I am doing quite a bit of powersnapping. Don't worry about it...
Ahhhhh; you see the next intermission won't be the same as the last.
Looking around- completely ignoring the name in which this woman uttered- he replied, "I am not quite sure myself." At least the others heard it too...for a moment there, he considered the possibility that he had lost his mind. Kakyoin, along with everyone else, was then startled by more words. Do you want my help? ~~~ Grabbing Ichigo's other arm, Jonathan began flapping them rapidly at everyone. Only to get a, not so much useful as it was amusing, result. "Oh! How can I help them when they can't even hear me!?" A moment of consideration to Dante's plans meant that all he could do was use Ichigo as a safety net for the others once the train filled with water. It would be fine, though. This boy can recover faster than humanly possible anyway. ~~~ Scanty grinned, "What is this? Some kind of suicide mission?" Before reaching out behind her and throwing Fastener at him. The small zipper-plush pet hit Archer's face and held on for dear life, trembling. "F-FASTENER!" She then lept off of the wall and appeared behind him, arms still beared. "Where did your little friend head off to? You know; the one who is deemed unworthy of seeing my perfect form." ~~~ Gritting her teeth, Jolyne looked over towards the vampire, "Then aim for something nonlethal." With a stern look she added in, "That is an order. I am your master after all." Looking over the rest of the group; Oz, Alice, Black Rock Shooter, Deadmaster, Scott, that guy, the vampire guy, and then back to herself. Yup, they seemed like a pretty badass team.
Hilariously--- one of the cameos will bring this in. Kindof; anyway. You'll see... Ack; too many cameos! At least one is in charge of I...
um...none that are recent, sorry. Ack. There's that new movie that's coming out that looks rather nice. AAAAAND oh yes; let alucard's test begin.
I know. That's why I haven't done that already.
OOC: MOAR Power reductions: Jotaro cannot use his Stand. Kakyoin cannot use his Stand. Jolyne cannot use her Stand. Panty cannot use her own panties. Stocking cannot use her own stockings. Gilgamesh has all of his powers removed. Rose cannot summon any monsters. Alucard cannot use any kind of telepathy. Willykit has less ammunition. Willykat has less ammunition. ---- MOAR Powers given out: Rein now has superstregnth. Tsukasa can now take perfect pictures. Oz can control one element of your choosing. Scott is now perfect at playing the guitar. ---- IC: Grinning, the demon made her way over to his side, "WELCOME!" She shouted in what would usually be Engrish if they weren't all using the same universal language due to meddling within the story- In fact; what language were they speaking? "Would you enjoy a tour; new recruit?" She asked; hoping he would accept. What an amazing wonder it is to find such a man who is as against all freedoms of man and more towards the perfection and strict order of everything as she was. ~ "Come back here you--" Shooting a few bullets towards the boy who was now running- not for his life but- for his work. Pulling one barrel up to Archer, she let out a yell, firing several shots his way. "Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry HURRY!!!" The young man shouted; running through the tower as if the backs of his shoes were on fire; clinging to the laptop in his arms for dear life. ~~~ Taking the book for a moment; he looked over the cover and back to Defense, "One question." The man didn't really want to open any of these books until he knew the answer; "What am I to her?" His face continued to bear no emotion whatsoever. He wasn't asking out of the intentions to snoop; twas more on the lines of knowing if she was just shitting him or not. Jotaro was in no mood or place to get trapped in another failed, bullshit attempt at a relationship. ~~~ Sighing from a bit of relief, Noriaki let his heart rate return back to it's original pace. Why in the world was Magashi even trying to duel her? This must be some kind of way to gain respect or--something. He could never be sure at this point. At least the woman kept her calm and did not even start this sort of- I love you. "What?" Kakyoin asked aloud; thinking that it was someone's voice. Oddly enough; it wasn't a voice- or a person for that matter. Just words. Words that everyone could--not hear but..sort of feel. If that made any sense whatsoever. ~~~ Grinning a bit; Jojo stratched the back of her head, "Just don't kill him." And there she lept; swiping a few punches towards the man's way.
That is...exactly what it is. AHAHA! It's a pretty okay movie.
Ah alright! Ahahaha! Just wondering! *wave wave* Carry on then.
Just asking fr no reason in particular but... Did your username come from Sakuya's famous theme song?
Interview with a vampire was pretty good....but that's like- 10 years old or something
OOC: If there are any overly weird mispellings; sorry! My cat, Jojo, couldn't stop 'helping' me write this post. :lolface: IC: "Wait!" Shouted Jolyne as she grasped the gun in Alucard's hand, "I won't let you do this!" Giving a strong look that didn't even resemble the girl from before- a woman with strong-set bones and old eyes. "Just one second." Letting go of the weapon; Jojo slid to the side; turning to--this thing. "Who..." Teeth gnashed together violently, "Who gives you the right to ruin my father's good name like this?!" Slamming her fist against the dirty interior of the cab she gave a deathglare. "He wouldn't dare hit a defenseless woman...let alone HIS OWN DAUGHTER!" The thing was; Jolyne was thinking more of posession or mind control being the factor here- not an illusion....and it was not any more than a few months ago that she was cursing her father's name... But that was before she even knew that--- It doesn't matter. Shouting on the edge of her voice; "Stone Free!" Jolyne attempted to unwravel...for some reason her stand would not appear...it was odd but--but--JUST FUCK IT! Rolling up a fist; she began her stumble towards punching him but decided against it. "Hey, everyone...." Turning around and causally pointing a thumb over her shouldier to this man. This 'thing' who claimed to be her father, "Let's do it." ~~~ Stepping out of the shower, bearing nothing but a towel, Kneesocks gave this french man a long and stunningly beautiful stare. He was the sexiest creature she had ever layed eyes upon.... "It's against the RUURUUS to use the women's bathroom." The demon stated rather nonchalantly; shaking a bit. Wow this new recruit was better than that last one. And plus, she got to see this one with his pants down! Reaching for her usual outfit consisting of a school uniform, she smiled, "May I ask a question? What do you think about 'Order'?" ~ "H-H-Harolette?" A slight glare in her eyes raged, "I am nothing like those filthy beings called 'Angels'." Tilting her head to the side, she pulled up her underwear and skirt, "We are more on the terms of.....the sacred ritual of bondage." "HA!" Shouted the boy with an accusing index finger, "I figured as much! What, with trying to blow that guy's crotch o-wait..." Realizing that he didn't really leave anyone to watch the monitors...or to protect their base; he immediately realized that- ~~~ "How stupid can you be?" Asked the witch, rhetorically, as she rifled through the shelves of their beloved library. Most of this was stolen from her anyway; she might as well get it back. ~~~ "Uh...." He stuttered for a moment; "I think we need to head back..." Running past Archer at high speeds, he shouted back, "Now!" How could someone as intelligent and ingenious as himself leave his own base open to attack at any time!? Oh yeah...overconfidence. Wait; he had lost that-- years? months? Sometime long ago... ~~~ ~~~ Immediately putting his hand on Rose's head and stepping in front of her, Kakyoin added in-rather late to the conversation- "I was born with this ability. No black magic or puff of smoke included." He then touched Stocking by the hand, forcing a positive smile upon his face, "And what lovely theme-names you two girls have." He was not going to stand of an uproar in this group. Expecailly over something as small as a fanatical grudge! Although, he would be polite about such things. It was his nature. ~~~ "How could you not have been even able to see that!?" Questioned the country out of shock. This guy must-a be some kind of bit macho guy for not even BLINKING at the attack! Upon hearing J's commands; Italy saluted with a grin, "VA! I'll make-a more past-" a horrible shriek errupted from his throat as he fell to the floor, "No no no no no no no no NOOOOO!!!" The kitchen. It was ruined! How were they going to eat now?! Oh God! Why? Why didn't it just take him instead? Or maybe Zero. Yeah; probably Zero. I mean good food is useless if you're too dead to eat it anyway! ~ The goat-dragon-seahorse-thing flew away from the omen-creature and into the nearest hills- which was rather hard because it usually was used to swimming in water- there was no real other reason behind other than to fly. Right? For some reason, in this area, sea creatures were able to swim through the skies as if it was water...it was quite the peculiar thing. Errupting from the hills were the loudest noises that could peirce the heavens. HoNk HoNK :0) Mysterious Cameo: Be the dead guy. ~~~ You are now the dead guy. Jonathan nodded. "Right of course." Putting a hand to his chin, you could see the gears grinding behind those cyan eyes. "He's in a spirit form so we can touch him. Just like those ghost things that the gentleman in the school had..." The train immediately lurched forward and FLIPPED onto it's side. Why? The glob had already absorbed the breaks and a majority of the wheels on the left side of the train. Wesker, unable to comprehend what was those fools were up to; lauched his body forwards and into the other cabins. Surely no human alive could survive being fed to that blob. Sparks flew in a fearsome manner as Jojo put on a face unlike the one he had only a moment ago; "I'm sorry, sir." He told Albert- whom he considered to be on the side of the bad guys; did risk it all to save these people that he didn't even know. That was such bravery. Such dignity. But now; there was a job he and Kamina had to accomplish. "You can only touch nonliving things. So..." He grabbed Ichigo by one arm-although the height that he stood to the boy was very great and this made the readhead slightly hang in midair; a few inches from the ground. "Take an arm and we can save them together!" ~~~ The train was probably close to the city now. Still; she felt guilty for letting them clean up the mess. It's not their mess to begin with. Guilt? Ha! She hadn't felt that in years! Why start now of all times? Oddly; Angelique would have never considered a man of all creatures to be the most loyal companion of hers. Maybe there was some hope. ~~~ "Ah. They must be arriving sooner than I thought." Stated the girl as her ears were met with the most begrudgingly hideously chaotic noise known to man. Although she could not hear the train; she was sure those idiots must be taking it for a joyride by now. ~~~ "Unison; huh?" A sort of 'tsk' noise came from his lips as he sat down near the woman-who-was-still-not-Reinforce. "This isn't her kind's way of having sex is it?" This was completely a joke. Oddly; Defense, of all people, would probably understand his humor. "So; can you explain what this is; exactly?" He paused for a moment, "And tell me if half of my brain is now floating in the ocean like a very badly prepared soup." OOC: OH GOD SO MANY CHARACTERS I AM GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW FROM BEING STRANGLED UNDER THEIR WEIGHT! LolnoIkid. I love them all so much~<333 Except for Bern and Dio.
New set Ahoy~! [IMG] [IMG]
"I figured it was your voice I heard." Stated Jotaro matter-of-factly. He was entrapt in a library full of absolutely nothing but shelves upon shelves of books. It was actually a pleasant place to be since books were quiet and undemanding; two things he cherished, really. It was almost as if he was alone here. Although in the back of his head- if it still existed after that explosion-he could feel Force's presence. Running his large fingers across the spines of seperate books pertaining to 'emotions', Jojo chose one in particular, picked it up, and put it back down. It wasn't his buisness to read any of these. Oddly he didn't really feel or was even slightly aware of what was going on with his own body. ~~~ The door unlocked with success and lead into an empty cab where the controls lay. No conductor? Maybe there was a chance for these 'heroes'. This Miroku looked just like the type to choose for his newest product. Yes. This data was conclusive enough. "Hurry!" He shouted, pretending to attempt to warn them of impending danger, "I'll hold it off!" Clicking out a few empty shells, he clipped a new magazine into his gun, "Just leave it to me." Jonathan gave a smug look to Wesker, "You know I'm not sure why he's-" This was then cut off by him aknowledging Miroku's success. "We should probably follow him..." The manly spirit pointed out, "But I would rather stay and watch what happens with him. If you don't mind." It wasn't that he was worried for the man. It was just that he seemed entraped between life and death. For some reason; this brought pity to Jojo's heart as he watched Wesker attempt to fight off this beast. And all he could do was watch. Life is so cruel... ~~~ "Archer!" Screamed the boy in a high-pitched voice that matched a small girl's "She's trying to kill me with her underwear!" Although for some reason-- the boy didn't leave the room although she was trying to kill him with the upmost determination. The satisfaction of being hit by her was a bit a part of his perverse streak...kindof...maybe...whatever! He slightly liked it! Okay!? That was totally not perverted! Okay, so it was. Look; that doesn't matter right now, there is no reason you should keep bringing it up! He still wanted aide. Not that he couldn't handle this himself; but more on the fact that they needed to take the computers and run. Now! ~~~ The creature was hit with a one shot; only to let out a tiny gasp in pain and continue onwards. There was someone important it had to reuinion with.... There was no time for these trials. There was a moment of silence for what had just happend....there was this thing that transformed and shot lazers and the guy who shot lazers and the man who made the thing shoot lazers and there were lots and lots of lazers. He didn't understand anything that happened in between, whatsoever. And yet--"You saved my life!" The country was more than overjoyed to see these new friends of his being so brave and courageous like this! So amazing! "Remind me to make you some home-made pasta tonight!" He chirped in the loudest voice known to man. Well; second loudest. You get the point. ~~~ Nodding to Roses, statement while half-listening to the woman's speech, he replied; "It is fine." Noted Kakyoin with a raised hand as a gesture of friendliness, "It is nothing different from what those in the rest of our group do..." Himself included in this statement. The forested area really was beautiful. Covered in the most bright and lively flowers anyone had ever witnessed. What a shame they had to be pulled through Hell and back to see such a sight... Ah but of course; back to the conversation, "I can use a phisical manifestation of my soul as a weapon." This was pretty much the best way to describe a Stand. "Hierophant Green." The boy stated as the image of the large, stringy, goo-covered 'spirit' faded into sight for everyone to see. "It is normally not visible to those who do not have Stands. For some reason that rule has changed once I came here." The image started to flicker for a few moments but he ignored this. Kakyoin just unsummoned it without another thought. He completely forgot to mention what it does exactly but he had no way of describing such things anyway. "What of you?" The boy asked to the twelve-year-old at his side.
Dark Shadows is getting a new movie (lol like I haven't already said that amillion times over again :lolface:) I JUST GET EXCITED FOR THINGS YES!...
Does this include several bats coming out of nowhere to combine and form into him? I love that style of introduction. ......I wonder if...
With all of the blurring colors and sounds everything was just so fucking groovy. This must be what it feels like to lose your mind. So many sights and sounds...you could get lost in them all. He surely found himself to be doing such. Was he still in the water? What were those hands? Does it even matter to ask these questions? In the midst of all of this; he heard two words: "Unison... in." OOC: Themesetting music: [video=youtube;yRY-xE25RqA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRY-xE25RqA[/video] IC: The man's hair grew incredibly long and held a more silver tint; his eyes- turning golden. As Reinforce entered inside of him; he could feel his body take on more power than it had ever recieved in his life. The longcoat grew down to his feet while the rest of his clothes seemed to grow more raggad and turn the same shade of color as the woman's. Jotaro had absorbed all of her stregnth and power whilst his body took on both of their forms. This euphoric feeling rushed through his veins as darkness was now his to control. A weapon that she had bestowed upon him. And with all of this done- his hat flew off into the ocean. They were in Unison. They were as One. ~~~ "I failed to see you propose anything even relevant." The boy sneered towards Tsukasa's direction. He didn't mean to come off as rude; just sick of his words. "And I understand." He admitted, turning to this new person, "We did less of a perfect job protecting our identities...or even maintaining a defense for that matter..." This woman would probably be a better leader of this group than he, himself. Then a thought struck him; "Would you enjoy leading the way, miss?" He was going to leave this job; even if it killed him in the process! ~~~ "Va! Zero! You-a-gonna be my savior!" The country jumped for joy and kissed the cyborg's cheek in happiness. Another shake and Italia landed straight on top of the man. "Oh m-wait..VWAT ARE YOU-A DOING PIZZA!?" He called out to J, whom he will now always referr to as 'Pizza', "We don't want to anger it moooore!!!" Reaching into his suitcase and pulling out miniature version of his surrendering flag he then cried out, "White flaaaag! White flaaag!" In near-tears. ~ The dragon-like creature grabbed J-der by the head and smashed it striagh down into the earth. If there were any survivor's it didn't care. They were crowding up his air waves. The monster spat onto the machine with a loogey the size of Kansas and flew away without another thought. ~~~ Firing a few rounds into the goop, Wesker directed the others to stay away; "Just solve that damn puzzle already!" He yelled in disturbance. These subjects were taking too long... "Don't worry any longer! We're here!" Shouted Jonathan to everyone aboard the train....although no one would hear him- still, it was force of habit. Looking from the door to the paper, the large man pointed a manly finger to the peice of paper, "This reminds me of BEN." He remembered seeing that spirit around this place....Frankly the boy scared him too much to even get a full story behind all of this but he was around during the mall incident earlier so he might as well give Kamina an explaination to this. "When they were in the shopping mall...there was another message scattered over the walls with five words to it." scratching the back of his head he then muttered, "But that was so far back ago; I don't even remember what it said!" OOC: Hint. Hint. Hint.
ALRIGHT *fistpump* Si~<3 it shall be amazing. And I know Jotaro would pass; if anyone has determination it's him....and all other jojo's...
OOC: *eyes explode from trying to read that* Mind...writing that out again? IC: ~~~ The goo seemed to be more of an annoyance at first; but then, it began to seep through his boots. Tingling. Itching. Burning. "I have a bad feeling about this." Stated the man- very obviously indeed- as he motioned for the others to go back, "Leave this to me." He slid into the room which they were seated before; pulling out a large case filled with a Rounds Launcher and ammunition. He was, of course, not going to fight is own creation. Just setting up a distraction...and an escape... ~ On the door which lead to the Conductor's Cab was where five slots were now carved. Under them layed a description: 'Hit the right note to get the right key' OOC: Puzzle time. IC: ~~~ "Right." Kakyoin straightened himself to the upmost position- at least to show his commanding position to the others- although this ended up looking half-assed mostly because of his effiminate posture. "Let us move out." There was something certainly odd about his group now; they weren't the most talkative(including himself) but for some reason- something seemed off...Was it morale? Did he have to give some sort of speech? What was it that Mr. Joestar(or whoever was the leader of his group back home) would do? "Stay aware. I don't want to go save you if you get yourself messed over." That was the closest thing he could think of...and it was something like Jotaro would say...and he had to change out 'screwed' with 'messed' just to make it speakable for himself... How pish posh this job was.... "It is best if we stick together. It is harder to kill several than it is for only one." ~~~ A large form hit the J-Ark. Gnashing it's teeth into the exterior and flipping it's head as if the ship was a dogtoy in a cockerspaniel's mouth. How crude it was for such an elegant creature. ~ "Uwaaaa!!! We all gonna die!" Screeched Italy as his voice reached the pitch of a little school girl. "Imma virgin!!!" ~~~ "D-DAD?!" Jolyne nearly-screamed as she clammered up to the man who she belived was her father. "Dad! I can't belive it!" Grasping his hand with care, she looked straight into his face, "I'm so glad you're okay!" Turning to Alucard, she gave a stern glare, "It is not the time for this!" ~~~ Jonathan gave a small smile, "Thank you for that." What he was thanking him for was a mystery as he didn't really state the reasoning behind it. Looking ahead the man then gave a shocked gasp; "There's a huge blob clinging to the train! IT MUST BE WHAT'S TRYING TO KILL THEM!" Oooh Jojo, what would we ever do without your wisdom? OOC: Effing ninjas!! Lemme redo my post.... EDIT: Redid post.
"Ah, do they not all try to attempt that...it seems as if it is the norm of anything odd to attack." A small laugh emitted from his lips, "Hilariously; a normal group- we are not." Offering a hand towards himself, the boy moved the bit of pink hair out of his face, "Noriaki Kakyoin" He then turned back to his group which was doing---absolutely nothing "...and these companions of mine." A disinterested look spread across his face as he half-commanded the group, "We were just heading into the forest."