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  1. terminallyCapricious
  2. terminallyCapricious
  3. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: *cough* Alucard left a while ago *cough cough*

    "Deadmaster is right! We have at least nine hands here; we can probably press each of them up to the door when we decide the puzzle!" Jojo felt a bit better now, although the last few tramatizing moments practically killed her mood.
    "Let's who's going to solve it?"


    Giving a stern glare to Panty all whilst pulling her to his side, "It's not that, miss." He noted softly to Stocking, "This is just a not-too-preferrable place to start fighting." Kakyoin then gave a warm smile, "Don't you agree?"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. terminallyCapricious
  5. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Actually this is an original puzzle which I thought of myself *trollface*
    I just thought it made me think of Silent Hill

    "Silent Hill is a videogame..there were puzzles and subways and sheesh, it's a freaky thing. I'm glad that doesn't exist, though!" She stated, without knowing the irony of this statement at all.
    Standing there and waiting for something to happen, Jojo tensed...only nothing happened, "I think we need to complete everything first. are we going to stick all of them up there?" Turning back she asked, "Do you have anything like glue or gum?"


    Grabbing both Anarchy sisters by the shouldiers, Kakyoin seperated them, "You," he looked towards the Gothic Lolita, "Stay in the back of the group near Magashi." His head then turned to Panty who was a bit pumped up from the fighting, "You stay with me." Sadly, the boy knew nothing about the blonde's 'nature' around men.
    He then watched Rose drop her headband into the spikes and waited for a response for what felt like a whole minuet.

    "Why do you hate me?"​


    Nodding to defense, he stated darkly, "I'll handle this situation." His eyes became softer at the sight of her worry and he lifted the cap(?) off of his head for a moment, "I'm a bit glad you're concerned." Jotaro wasn't one to trust others, but for some odd reason, Reinforce was the one person he would trust with everything in the world...which is the least he can say for certain members of his own family...


    When the wheelchair hit the bottom stair, both men were launched onto the bottom floor, "SHIT, WE FORGOT ARCHER!!!"

    "Don't you two have something better to do than to waste my time?"

    Eyes widened in horror as the Sorcerer looked up- fear clenching in his stomach, "Oh hey there vampy." He waved for a moment, unable to really cough out any other words. Looking to the huge door that was the exit, to Dio's face, to Frenchy, and back up the staircase, he had only one thought in his head: 'Oh my God, she was right, I am incompitent.'
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. terminallyCapricious
  7. terminallyCapricious
  8. terminallyCapricious
    The girl turned around and ran into the bustling crowds of people. Oh! What an exciting thing this was! Opening her doujin, she looked back at the group who was now pouring out of the train and smiled. Now was not a time to talk to them, though, she had to get the others! If they didn't see for themselves, they would never believe her!

    This entire situation was either a trap, a setup, or worse...although, maybe, in some universe, it was a good thing.
    "What if this thing cannot show itself for a reason?" How odd was it for him of all people to consider defending someone he's never met before, "Suppose we're being channelled. Maybe this person is trying to lead us to them..." He then laughed to himself, "But this is just my ramblings." Placing a hand on his hip he sighed, "Ignore it." Looking up he noticed another crater containing a row of spikes; on the other end was a sort of small, quaint cottage.

    "Throw yourselves into the spikes."​


    "I think this is the door." Noted Jolyne after a moment of consideration; "But I can't open it...and there's some weird thing written on it."

    Just like she said; the door was enscripted with the following poem:

    'The people looked upwards towards their great leader.
    The mighty king sat in the centerfold of his kingdom; watching the jester play his game.
    His wife was seated at the right; washing her feet in the glow.
    The stars shined over their comical friend providing a stage for him to play upon.
    Under the stage was the criminal, clinging to a rope with his neck.
    At his side, he could see everyone pass him by.
    Over the kingdom loomed the lone man, advising their Lady with wisdom.
    At his left was the Pope who watched over everything in their manners with a caring eye.'

    "How queer." Jojo huffed while crossing her arms. Off to the side she noticed a little envelope laying upon the seat. Opening it and pulling out a few tarot cards she showed them to the others, "Okay; it's officail. We're in Silent Hill, aren't we?"

    The cards were as shown:
    The Fool
    The Hanged Man
    The Hermit
    The Knight
    The Empress
    The Emperor
    The Star
    The Moon
    The Hierophant
    The Devil
    The World

    The slots on the door were as such:

    OOC: Moar puzzles.
    You pretty much just have to type in which card goes where (With words) No need to copypasta tarot cards into those places ahahaha! That would be alittle much.
    But yes.
    You may look the tarot card stuff up if you're stuck!

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. terminallyCapricious
  10. terminallyCapricious
  11. terminallyCapricious
  12. terminallyCapricious
  13. terminallyCapricious
    "You are most likely right. Although..." Turning upwards, he nodded, "Thank you." He felt the need to thank whoever for the quick save; just in case it wasn't a form of trickery. Kakyoin was not one to be swayed so easily, although, he was considering what the voice had meant when it said 'I love you.' More or less; who or what was it referring to?
    Staring at the wreckage that was once a train; the young girl stood in awe, gripping a doujinshi in her hands, "C-could it really be?"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. terminallyCapricious
    "Yes miss." He nodded in consideration to her orders. "How very odd this situation is." Noriaki commented whilst he scanned over each and every one of their faces. All he could see was uncertainty, preparedness, and...disinterest.
    How odd.

    Jump over that crater.​

    Stopping in his steps, Kakyoin looked downwards and sure enough; there was a crater which he would have fallen into if it were not for the voice. Maybe it was trying to help...
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. terminallyCapricious
  16. terminallyCapricious
    Still riding the wheelchair, this 'Sorcercer' still felt the motions...and the motions were making him experience something horrible. "PLEASE OH GOD HELP MEEEE!!!" He scrambled back and held onto his companion's gravity-proof hair for dear life. "DON'T LET ME FAAAAAALLL!!!!!" While he shouted several things of this nature and just kept clawing rapidly at the Frenchman's head, he seemed completely different to how he was only a few moments ago...


    Jotaro's heart probably skipped a beat at that last name. The shade being projected from his hat seemed to conceal his eyes at this point, "I see." The manly form then stood up and returned the book to it's proper shelf without opening it whatsoever. His mind was made up completely and he knew exactly what he was going to do once he gained full control of his body...
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. terminallyCapricious
  18. terminallyCapricious
    Giving the softest smile to Alice and giving her a slight hug, "Thank you." It was nice to know that not all of her friends had to be psycopathic murderers....well...for the most part anyway. Upon hearing everyone else's pleas, she jumped out of her seat, "Right! Although the doors won't open...maybe it's like a car. You have to get in the driver's seat to unlock the doors...or something...Any suggestions?" Admittingly, she was a bit lost.


    There was a long pause but nothing appeared. "What might be wrong? Are you not going to talk to us anymore?" Suggested Kakyoin in a rather sarcastic mood, "I suppose we can not wait forever..." He placed his hands on his hips and nodded to everyone, "What would you suppose?"
    He looked towards Sypha and stared at her weapon. It was surely...threatening to say the least. But he felt that as long as he stood his ground he would be able to keep up..maybe.
    Although this thing didn't really respond or anything; it became...quite eerie. "I think it is gone."

    EDIT: Also ninja'd.
    REEDIT: Kdone.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. terminallyCapricious
    Kakyoin wandered near Rose's position. She was young and probably most vulerable. "Whatever you are. We don't want any help from you."

    "Then you will fail."

    Taken aback by this statement, he stood closer to the girls. This protective instinct was brought over him by the fact that the sadisticness of this voice(?) reminded him of Dio. And he decided they, of all people, would need protection from such a thing. "I would preferr to take my chances." The boy snapped back at whatever was speaking.
    What a show this was...


    Jotaro stared at her for what seemed like a good five minuets, "...." Messing with the bill of his hat- or at least the spiritual form of it or whichever this was- he began, "And who is this person we're working for?"
    The tone of his voice grew durastically more serious; which is a large difference from his usual laidback drone.

    Holding her wound and releiving a long sigh, Jojo turned around, "Listen...everyone...Whatever just happened here- I want you to forget." This statement seemed as if she was asking for alot but; she had a pretty good idea of what happened. "My father is not really like this." Turning back she gave everyone the most serious stare that they had ever seen on her face, "His soul was stolen not too long ago....but that just left him an empty shell. Maybe...maybe that Bitchforce girl did something to him." Sitting down and tending to her wounds the best she could, the girl let out another remark, "Just don't hold this against him...kay?"
    If any of them would actually believe her story was the greatest mystery. Hopefully they would and she wouldn't have to feel so alone right now. Deep in the corners of her mind, though, she clung to those words that the man had just told her. They hurt. They hurt so badly. And the worst part is- she felt she deserved them!


    "It. It's over?" Jonathan blinked for a few moments and laughed to himself, "I guess we weren't really needed after all!" All while scratching the back of his head at Kamina out of embarrasment. "Wait- why did we end up here again?" So much had happened over the course of time that he had forgotten why they had even followed the group to begin with.

    Blushing- which caused her face to turn a brighter shade of red- Kneesocks put her hands up to her cheeks and turned towards Polnareff again; "If you wouldn't mind me asking...what is your opinion on bonda-"

    She was cut off by the sight of a young man shooting by and leaping onto The Frenchman's wheelchair, "Let's go!" He demanded with a finger pointing forward. This impact caused the chair to start moving backwards and...down the flight of stairs...

    Staring in a state of shock, the demon then yelled, "WHAT DA FUCK?!"

    Scanty was hit and thrown against the wall; "You...." She then began chuckling, "You have five minuets before they all get back here." Her guns returned back into underwear and the girl began slipping each one back on, "And when they get here; you'll surely become just another servant...just like that blonde imbecile...."
    Her plan was not to make him run. It was more of- she knew he could easily beat her alone and wanted to keep the heat off of herself.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. terminallyCapricious