OOC: Ichigo is lucky. He got the normal girl. Gil is unlucky. He got the most Ill girl of them all. IC: "Reinforce, are you alright?" He rested his hands on the sholders of this mash of colorization that looked somewhat similar to the woman...or at least right now it did. Sadly, this was actually Luffy he was facing...making matters even more awkward than they were before. ~~~ Nozomu sighed, "You are quite beautiful. I don't know why you would want that beauty to fade one day." Closing the book, he looked over to Axel, "I'm glad I have an admirer~" Kafuka then jumped from one desk to another, humming to herself, "Sensei, these are the people who have been on television for the past few weeks." Oddly enough...the adventure hasn't lasted more than a few days.. Looking lazily at the new 'students' he adjusted his glasses "Huh?" It only took a few moments for him to realize that all of this had just been broadcasted throughout the city(Actually; several universes and time periods but he has no way of knowing this). "Ahh? You mean my lesson is being taught around the city? GOOD!" He pulled out a dry erase board with several lessons marked across it's surface. "Let us show everyone that we CAN end our books the only way humanly possible: THROUGH PARTY SUICIIIIIDE!!!" Kafuka nodded to the class, "Shouldn't we ask them if they want to be taller?" As many in the class would know, 'hanging yourself' in her terms is just a way of trying to 'make yourself taller'. Chiri got up out of her seat and noted, "But, Sensei, they created us." The man's pupils dialated for a moment; "Our....c-c-creators?" "Yeah~" Shouted Harumi proudly as she wrapped her arms around Axel, "Don't you recognize my inventor as being the famous expresident?" "Ex....president?" Surely he had been keeping up with the show (although it was just to see the heroes fail.) Since the parts of what happened to Jotaro's group after Kamina's death has not been broadcasted to them yet; he was unable to see much of their despair. This then made him feel despair. And despairing he now felt even moreso than before. "They made each and every one of us." Most of the girls said in unison all whilst Chiri's head turning at a disturbingly unnatural angle again. There were a series of overly dramatic looks to the side as the colors faded to a dark monochrome all whilst he did this. "ZETSUBOUSHITAAAAA" "I'M IN DESPAAAAAAAAIR" He loudly announced to the entire classroom. "I'M IN DESPAIR THAT SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE MEANS OF CREATING SOMEONE SUCH AS I WHO HAVE NO USE TO THEM WHATSOEVER IN LIFE!!!" His voice boomed over the class with such force as he started banging his head against the wall, "ALL I WILL EVER DO IS DISSAPOINT YOU AS MY OWNER AND MASTERRRRRR!!!" After a while of this cranial trama; he fell to the floor, crawling slowly across the classroom on his belly, "F-forgive me!" Nozomu's voice was now high-pitched and squeaky as he looked Akiza in the face. "Sensei is right!" Cried Ai as she hung onto Moka's school jacket, "I'M SORRY I'LL NEVER AMMOUNT TO THE GREAT CAUSE YOU HAVE CREATED ME FOR OH BEAUTIFUL ONE!!!" Tears streamed down her face as she apologized so rapidly that it was hard to even tell that she was saying, "I'm sorry" anymore. How overdramatic this display of...wait... What was this again? "Sensei is in despair." Maria pointed out so obviously, you'd think she was Jonathan in disguise. Changing the subject to more 'important' matters, she smiled at her owner; "Will Harry push Maria on the swing?" She asked cutely. "Axel will sign something of yours for free." Mayo announced while presenting the autograph on her baseball bat to the class. Sitting down, she then stared at Shirou with her harsh yellow eyes and doing nothing else. "Why didn't any of you have anything signed by him." This was a statement. Not a question. This caused a large group of classmates and the teacher to gather around the star and hold up an object to sign. All except Kagero who was still too invisible to be noticed. "Um, Ichigo, would you mind giving me y-yo-your-cellphone number?" Nami held up her phone out of nervousness. "Pl-lea-ea-se?" How average. "Ethan." Stated Chiri as she took out a tape measure, "I am dissapointed at you for not following the orderly proceedure to sitting in a desk." She then measured (in millimeters) both sides of seat that were unoccupied; then doing the math herself and showing him the results, "See? Your buttocks is not completely centered." She slammed a ruler against the desk, "GET UP AND DO IT AGAIN." The girls eyes were now beady and frightening to look into. Sakuya sat in the back of the classroom; completely disguised in her school uniform and watching yet another display of daily activities for these...people... 'What is happening here?' She questioned in her own mind, 'Why would I need to do recon in an area already filled to the brim with recording equipment? And even if I do watch them- there is nothing much that I can do besides sit here....my only orders were to just watch and wait. There would be some sort of sign for me to take action. But what kind of action?' All of these contradicting ideas were confusing her- to say the least. ~~~ "Because." He hissed to the French man, "I." He slammed a foot into a wall, "CAAAAAN!!!" Sadly, since the tower had changed it's layout once again, they were found falling...back down the stairs again. This time, since he was not on a vehicle, the sorcerer didn't feel half as sick as last time. "And you know what, buddy?" The young man notioned to his ally, "SO CAN YOU!" Right about now the swordsman would probably find himself flying through the air at high speeds towards a wall with his Sorcerer buddy nowhere to be found. Oh gee, thanks. ~~~ ~~~ Italy looked back at J, now feeling uneasy at the fact that he still hasn't joined them, "Come on! We'll come back later! Promise!" This was said in an overjoyed manner- completely avoiding his actual worry about him not being able to catch up with the group. ~~~ Wesker made his way to his own lab and noticed the fetuses which decorated the pods that lined the walls were now destroyed. The scientist then straightened his S.T.A.R.S. uniform- not quite abandoning it yet- and made his way over to Howzer's lab. "I see now." He looked from his comrade to the unharmed fetus tanks, "So this is why she said to keep them in two seperate laboratories." Crossing his arms he then nodded to what was happening outside, "Do you suppose she planned this?" ~~~ "Aren't you going to wait for her to at least arrive back here?" Kneesocks asked Dio in the most confidence of privacy. She would rather not concern herself in the matters of what was going on outside...it was a bit out of her tastes. Also her sister was busy being punished at the moment so she realy had nothing else to do. "Why should I? I'm attacking her mansion and stealing it's secrets for my own use." There was an air of confidence in his voice, "I also have alittle something planned for each and every group~" A snicker escaped his lips for a moment as he looked to You, "What? Did you suppose that I didn't have anything up my sleeve?"
Mayo snorted to Ankh, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" The girl put her foot on his shoulder, "Get off of my desk and go to your little creations." Walking over to Shirou, she then grabbed his hand; giving off a slight tinge of a blush- but nothing noticable to the naked eye, "Come on; let's take our seat now." Meru presented her seat to Ankh as she texted another cruel line to the evil looking girl. 'My master is much better than yours in any context. You probably don't even have the right to even touch my inventor with that ugly body of yours!' Of course, Mayo took on look at her newest text and threw it in the air, smacking it with her baseball as it catipulted out of the window; violently hitting Kagero on the way out. As this all went on; the teacher answered their question; "Where you are?" Sensei turned his head to the side as he began, "You are in the infinate state of misery and pain called 'life'." He stated this so calmly- almost excitedly, "The only way out is through the sheer force of departure as your book ends in a beautiful display of DEATH!" He slammed his hands on the desk as the girls kept their smiles on their faces. As all of this went on, Jun kept flipping through his book and the balding invisible boy was still passed out onto the floor at the moment. Continuing, the man payed no attention to the girl who hung off of his back, "You see; this is why antagonists are born! OUT OF THE SHEER WILL TO END THE BOOK! But- you don't have to be bound to this destiny at all!" This large ham-filled speech really didn't seem to sound like much of a class lesson..."YOU CAN CLOSE THE BOOKS YOURSELVES! With a little help from others that is. Yes." He looked over at Akiza and smiled, "My you are gorgeous!" Taking out a small book called a 'Death Note' he opened it up to a certain page, "If you ever decide to end you book early; tell me first so we can do it together!" This was, in fact, Sensei's way of flirting. No, seriously. "Teacherrrr!" Kafuka pointed her hand in the air with a smile, "Antagonists aren't trying to end the book!" Standing up on the desk, not really noticing that Gil could now see completely and totally up her skirt, she outstretched her hands in a calming manner, "Villains, problems, bad things, all of the essentails of life. They all drive the story, not end it!" Turning around to the 'gods' she smiled softly, "You should thank Dio and the others. Without them; you would not have any drive. Without any of these bad things; there would be no reason for your stories to continue as they do. So please; don't think of them as evil people. They really are just risking their lives to give all of you a purpose. Something to strive for. I mean if life was completely amazing all the time; it would be terrible! This is merely their purpose that they are fullfilling. They were created to give you something to fight for. So please; don't misunderstand. When you do fight them; fight them while knowing that you are turning a page. Even if it doesn't seem like it. And they are the ones helping you to do so." Her speech rung out around the classroom as everyone stood in shock as her optomism- or, maybe, wisdom filled their ears. ~~~ Italy looked from Justin to Zero; both of whom haven't preformed nearly any action in a while. "So...tell me about yourselves! Ve~ I bet you have interesting stories! Like fighting an army of cows!" He was referring to the Maverick-story mentioned earlier.
"Ah~ Here we are!" Shouted the 'leader' as she opened the door. It was a quaint little classroom filled with only a handfull of students; one not bearing the usual school uniforms that the others had on. "Sensei should be here any minuet!" OOC: THEME SETTING MUSIC [video=youtube;FdT8J1LYdNY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdT8J1LYdNY&feature=related[/video] IC: A large...rather disturbing face emerged from behind Anhk as beady eyes scanned him up and down, "Now that's what I call a hottie!" Her deep man-like voice was horrific next to how unmistakenably ugly her face was. To make things even more vomit-inducing; she was dressed head to foot in a gothic lolita outfit. Including a corset. Meru trembled silently, letting out cute little whimpering noises all whilst sending another hate text. "Huh?" The gonkish girl asked to herself as she reached in her pocket and pulled out a cellphone. It read; 'You ugly, stupid girl! This is my creator! Keep your filthy, fat paws off of him and onto covering that hideous face of yours.' This hate text was more of proclaiming him as her property than protecting him from being mauled by the girl. "Ah, hello there Moka-san!" Stated a boy with a very bad combover. Sadly she wouldn't be able to hear him because he is near invisible to everyone. Not for any reason in particular; just the fact that no one pays any attention to him. Ever. So instead, he introduced himself while staring at her GORGEOUS LEGS. "My name is Kagero Usui~" Putting a book down at his side, a cute boy with spikey hair gave a nod to them, "You must be the crowd they're talking about." He sighed and looked about, "I didn't pay any attention to the story so you'll have to fill me in on the details later." Picking back up the book he proceeded to introduce himself, "Jun Kudo." The boy then flipped back to the page he was on last and began reading frivilously again. As all of this went on, Harumi was busy fixing Axel's hair back to it's usual state. She then held up a HarryXInuyasha doujin called 'Magical Demon Tails' and one of TsukasaXKakyoin with the name 'Dere Tsun' to autograph. "DESPAAAAAAAIIIIIRRR!!!" "Ah!" Maria shouted, "There he is!" A man was catipulted through the glass windows of the classroom and slammed into the wall; blood splattering violently across the classroom and the faces of each student as his body emitted a loud cracking noise. He then lay motionless on the floor in a pool of crimson, "........zetsuboushita....." Standing up and wiping himself off; not having any of the signs of the wounds which had just occurred; the teacher sighed, "I guess I'll have to try tomorrow then." Fixing his glasses for a moment, he looked over the new group of visitors. "Hello; are you my new students? If so, take a seat for my Sunday class." Oddly enough; school doesn't normally occur on Sunday. Either way; he straightened his Kimono and bowed to the group. A girl dressed simmilarly to her popped out from behind his shoulder as he did the action and smiled, "I guess my Sensei is quite the popular one to bring in more students. It's not even a school day." Each girl presented their seat to their creator lovingly. Oddly enough; they never really explained why they were there in the first place. "We'll sit on the desks!" Added in Kafuka. "Except you." Hissed Mayo to her master, "I'll sit in my desk and you'll sit on it." OOC: Character profiles I CHOOSE YOU!!!! Spoiler Characters: [left to right in first picture below] Maria, Harumi, Kaere/Kaede, Chiri, Kafuka, Nozomu(Sensei), Matoi, Kiri, Abiru, Meru, and Nami. [second picture] Ai. [third picture] Mayo. [fourth picture] Kotonon [fith picture] Jun [sixth picture] Kagero (next to Sensei) Series: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Picture: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler http://media.photobucket.com/image/jun kudo sayonara zetsubou sensei/Melonpan-chan/JunKudo.jpg Spoiler Abilities/Weapons: Shovel, Baseball, Yaoi doujinshi, Knife, and other various weapons. I mean they're insane Japanese High School girls; what else do you expect? Additional Information: The class is quite insane in their own way; problems ranging from Extreme Yaoi Fangirlism to Obsessive Stalking. But, maybe, they're the most normal people of all. IC: ~~~ "Come-a on Justin~ Pizza~ It'll be fun! Va~" He climbed on the man's metallic shoulders, inviting himself to a piggy back ride immediately. "Follow us!" He then took a large loaf of bread out of...somewhere..and patted Zero on the back with it. This time, everything will be nice. There should be no reason to be afraid. Not now. Now anymore. ~~~ Choking on Archer's words, the boy then flashed a large ring, "HA! THERE'S YOUR PROOF RIGHT THERE THAT I'M NOT!" Without really explaining what it was there for, or why, or even what the hell he was even talking about to begin with. Then carried Snaileater off to the location which he designated. Although...there was a pause... "Hey." He looked back again once more, "We will come back for you once we established an exit. You better be alive when I get back." His voice and expression were no longer goofy; in fact, both were so incredibly serious in nature. It was as if the boy from before was gone and here stood a man of great power. He then reverted back to his usual way with saying, "Because it would really suck if I dragged Frenchy all the way back here when you ended up getting yourself killed." There was now a smile on his face. Not a grin. This was followed by a full sight of his back as he ran off to find some sort of safe exit point.
"Um...right" Stated the incredibly bland girl as she continued, "Happily; I have one of those quirks too and that's being a completely singular indiviudal that is myself and no one else!" A small portion of the girls raised an eyebrow at this, "How normal." "HEY!" She barked, "I AM NOT NORMAL! JUST ASK ICHIGO!" She pointed towards her 'creator'; waiting for some response as to what oddity she had. "Harry is so good at racing!" Maria exclaimed childishly. Although; she probably was a child...orr maybe she was just a very small highschooler. Who knows? ~~~ Jonathan sighed happily, "It's fine. We'll go back to them later. First; let's go find Angelique again." Although he really had no idea that she had gone anywhere in particular. He just figured she might be where they left her; somewhere near that odd tree. "Oh yes. I have something to ask: At my grave, did you...knight me into team Dai Gurren?" ~~~ "Ve! Fresh air!" Shouted Italia as he lept onto the ground; landing on all fours. He really didn't like scary mecha monster things to ride in to begin with. But he still did want to walk! With a slight look to everyone he pointed upwards, "There only one thing to do now! FOLLOW THE FISHIES! Aahhahaa~Va~" ~~~ The Sorcerer rolled his eyes, "Oh FINE!" He then held his crippled friend like a groom would to a bride- a disturbed imprint on his face, "Don't get any ideas...." This was stated to Archer, whom he was afraid might think that there was something about this. There is not. There is TOTALLY NOT. He wanted to make that clear in case some fangirl decided to slash them together....not like it would matter if he said anything against it or not. "You hold her off! We'll make an exit!" Moving his head closer to his French pal's head he then asked, "Where to?" ~~~ "Um, yeah I didn't really think of it until now." Jolyne mumbled while picking at her nails. This was out of sheer nervousness for she really didn't realize how..silly this whole thing was to begin with. ~~~ Finally answering the red blur's question, he looked back. Those cyan eyes were now raggad and looked as if he had just taken at hit of opium. "We're almost at....shore? Or something. Look, we just let them pull us until we hit something." This did not make his hangover feel any better. Or was this even a hangover anymore? ~~~ "Um, Fran." Stated the animal in the blonde's arms, "I believe we're being watched." The girl turned to look at everyone who was watching them, showing her face which consisted of several stitches. Despite this; she was a very beautiful girl. "I believe you're right." She sighed happily. ~ From over the spike pit, Kakyoin forced a smile, a bit more resistantly now than before, "I believe we should introduce ourselves...again." Begrudgingly, he didn't care about things such as this. But maybe this girl could help them with the voice problem. I'm coming. We are going to meet soon!OOC: I might as well come out and say it. ~~ What Eiji just experienced is pretty typical of a normal episode of this show. Except alittle more seizure-like and involving Darth Vader stabbing you to death in your shower or Light Yagami failing to kill you with the death note. *cough* Disclaimer: I am not making that up by the way.
Aribu took her hand off of Iggy and pointed a finger in the air, "Merumeru is a decent and shy person in real life. But when she gets her hands on a cellphone...she becomes increasingly abusive." She laughed to herself, "I'm glad that I'm nothing like that!" She then tugged Iggy's tail again and began rubbing his ears. Entering the school; it was pretty much...boring. Deserted almost... The hallways seemed very odd indeed. Nami sighed to herself and pointed out everyone in the group, "Everyone here has a thing about them." She notionted to each and every girl singularly, "Kafuka is an overoptomist. Chiri is OCD. Mayo is um...as evil as she looks. Ai always think she's the cause of all problems. And other things of that matter."
Nah; they won't be anywhere near civilization! *wave wave* no need to worry about that at all!
Bare feet tapped across the concrete as Maria raced Harry into the building. "Sensei should be in class right about now." Kafuka pointed out, smiling, "You'll really like him! I know it!" Tapping Shirou's behind with the shovel slightly, Chiri firmly stated, "Go on." ~~~ Sighing for a moment and pointing to the building that was located over the spikes, Kakyoin chipped in: "Might I suggest we head over to that cabin?" ~ As soon as he said this; a blonde girl, petting something in her arms, walked out of said cottage. She was dressed in a lab coat and seemed to have...bolts coming out of her head. What a strange sight. ~ "Well I suppose that is our answer then. Isn't it?"
Meru perked up and texted quickly, showing Ankh her message which read, 'You're a real dick you know it? I must be yours then.' She then continued to silently whimper and tremble cutely. "Lead...er?" Kafuka asked in wonderment. She didn't realize the sort of position she held over her class. Either way; she nodded to him, "But I'm glad! You didn't make me in your image but-" she pointed to her red eyes again, "But children never look like their parents." Messing with the end of her shovel for a second and pointed it to Shirou, Chiri began to speak again, "You are the most orderly. Although I condone the fact that I look nothing like you- we are alike in personality." As she spoke, her head then began to twist clockwise, "So I suppose you do not require any other explaination other than that." The girl pointed to her hair which was properly ordered straight down the middle. Nami put her hands up to her face and sighed at Ichigo, "T-tha-tha-tha" She couldn't quite get the words out. IT WAS JUST TOO EXCITING TO ACTUALLY MEET CELEBRITIES! How normal. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" Apologized Ai as she bowed to each and every one of them, her voice reaching near-shrill levels as she continued. "We're here." Stated Mayo with little to no fascination. Aribu petted Iggy more firmly and laughed, "I'll keep Mayo away from you so she doesn't end up sticking a pencil up your anus." Why...why did she have to say that? Pulling Harry's arm, the immigrant notioned, "Maria wants her master to race her!" ~~~ After receiving the punch, he made a...um...interesting noise...Wiping blood from his nose and looking over to Archer, he then shouted, "Hey! That's one of my specail attacks!" He stated truthfully, "......and i was trying to satisfy my perverted thinking...." Admittingly; it worked both ways. Suprisingly he really just grabbed her breasts so he would be hit by her. The punch was what really turned him on. "Hey Frenchy~" He clapped his hands in applause, "Try blowing a hole in the wall there; won't you. We'll cover your back! Nihihihihi..." ~~~ "But it's not walking if you stay in a bit machine thingy to do it!" The country would normally get exhausted but he hadn't been able to stretch his legs (since he had spent the last few days hiding). "I gotta do somethiiiing!" he whined slowly as he looked at the many fish that were passing them by. ~~~ Landing on the platform on his feet, then slightly losing his balance again, Jotaro looked around. Still a bit dazed from anything that happened before. "Well that was..." He then hunched over the side to vomit in the ocean. Wiping his mouth he then continued, "Interesting." His vision was blurred and his stomach felt like someone had just plowed through it with a chainsaw. Not that thats ever happened to him...yet. Anyway; the man still moved gracefully as he made his way over to whatever mech this was and leaned a shoulder on it.
Angelique passed by the fight with little to no concern, giving notice to Archer's existence and then back down the stairs in no time at all. ~~~ Looking at Deadmaster for a second, Jojo pursed her lips, ".....You know I'm just going to go ahead and say this: we could have probably blown a hole in the side of the train to get us out instead of having to deal with all of this in the first place. Just saying." Her statement was more than true enough; although she and Chrono were powerless; the others were practically powerhouses. Or at least capable of blowing a hole in metal. ~~~ "So they're here? Already?" Sakuya watched the television in wonderment, "How odd." Of course 'odd' really wasn't a correct term, for she had been through much more than that after attending this school. "Well" The maid sighed and straightened her uniform, "I suppose I should get alone with this recon then." Walking back to class she gave a kick to a certain balding boy who had been staring at her legs for about ten minuets now.
Alucard will meet them soon. VERY VERY VERY VERY SOON. Okay not that many very's. Either way; yes. Also nice to hear you are good~<3
Kafuka nodded and smiled at Gil, "I know you made me! I can see it directly!" She pointed to her red eyes that seemed almost blank with some vauge idea of anything. "See?" "Shirou. You are most likely the one who invented this." Mayo pointed down to herself with a harsh look on her face, "Besides," She hung the baseball bat(which now held Axel's autograph) over her shoulder, "We're alot alike. You and me." Her expression seemed a bit bloodthirsty at the moment as she stared with those yellow eyes. Just staring at her master. Yes. He was indeed an amazing creature. "Axel created me! I can prove it too!" Shouted Harumi as she quickly did a sketch of him- suprisingly this one did not include Yaoi whatsoever. "See?" The girl then put her own glasses on the demon's face and pulled his hair back to her style. "IT'S LIKE LOOKING IN A MIRROR!" Shouted several of the girls as they danced in woo. "Ah...Ichigo..." The unmistakenably bland girl tugged on his Hakama, "Would you mind to have-um-invented me at all?" Clasping the small dog to her large breasts now, Aribu sighed contentively, "Iggy, I am yours forever..." No one but her really knew the double meaning behind this... ~~~ "That is exactly what I needed to hear." Jotaro stood up as his form cast a large shadow across the floor. How peaceful she was inside. The quiet library soon faded out of existance. He found himself to be awakening. ~~~ The Sorcer raised up his hands and grinned, suddenly his feet led his body over to the girl as he delivered the most intense grope anyone has ever experienced. This caused...a horrible ammount of damage to the girl...how unexpected. Several cartoonish hearts floated above his head as he sighed in wonderment, "I figured you needed some help, buddy." ~~~ "HEY PIZZA! COME ON! WE-A GONNA TAKE A WALK!" Yelled Italy with blind joy as he banged his fist against the exterior of the J-Arc.
"A school is a very fun place!" Shouted the 'leader' of the group; Kafuka. "It's full of fun and interesting things! It blows up sometimes." The first girl looked over at Gil and began sketching for her newest Doujin. She was going to be NUMBER ONE at Comiket this year! "Harumi here is our yaoi fangirl friend. But don't worry! I fully support HarryXWillykit!" Pointed out Aribu with a bandaged hand. "But that's probably because I really like animals. Mostly their tails. Their tails are amazing." Her drone had now become appearantly psycotic at this point. How lovely. A handfull of girls surrounded Axel and held up their possessions. Chiri had her shovel, Mayo had her baseball bat(which was covered in...what looked like bloodstains), Meru had one of her cellphones, and ect. "Will Axel be our president?" Asked Maria with adoring eyes. Being pulled shortly behind, Kiri looked up at Akiza, "I hope you have good pleasantries with your newfound relationship." Before hiding her beauty behind several layers of blankets and dark hair. "Asains sure are silly, aren't they?" Kadere suddenly turned around and beared a completely Japanese accent "M-my apologies! I have beared too much of myself to you!" Now in her other personality; she covered herself up and blushed, "My the Oriental cultures are fascinating aren't they?" After hearing the array of words that were....rather blurted out in the open; Kafuka skipped down to the others, poking Anhk's sholder respectively, "I don't mean to bother, sir, but, what if we didn't start existing until you got here?" She raised a finger upwards as her idea sparked, "OOOH!" The girls gathered in a group to hear more of her optimism spill out. "What if; all of you created us?" "Axel created me?! NO WAY!" Shouted Harumi with her hands up to her cheeks "That would be the greatest thing in the world!" Meru quietly tapped out a message on her cellphone that read, 'I bet Moka made Kadere; they're both only there for fanservice anyway' Said blonde put her hands up to her cheeks, "How rude~" The girl filled with nothing but good things continued, "You all made us!" She clapped her hands, "You must be gods of some sort!" Several girls joined in with chirps of 'who made who' as Kiri wheeled her way over to Ethan, "T-thank you for making me. I am your humble servant forever." "UWAAA!" Cheered each girl as they demanded to obey whoever they figured 'invented' them forever. ~~~ "HAHAHA~! That's what I'm talking about!" Shouted the boy as he stood triumphantly, "Kick her ass Shir-Archer!" ~~~ Italy pulled a bible out of the suitcase and opened it to a random page; then closed it and said every single word-for-word what that page said completely from memory. "Ve~ maybe we should check out the place, you know see if there are ladies anywhere who will give us a nice warm place to sleep.
More girls appeared one after another. "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" Shouted one who had a tightly wrapped ponytail, "You're all hurt so please, please don't go!" She then wimpered more "Sorry"s despite the fact that she hadn't done anything wrong. "Ai's right." Stated a teenager who beared an awfully horrible hairline that was split perfectly down the middle of her head, "You can't get to far with those wounds."She placed a nurses hat on her head and grinned, her head turning at a 180-degree angle...which was incredibly disturbing to say the least..."Nurse Chiri. At your service." A girl whose face was imprinted with a permenant, feirce glare, started in, "Why don't we just bring them back to the school?" Harumi put a finger to her chin, "Good idea Mayo. Hey Nami, what do you think?" A completely ordinary highschooler- the only one of the bunch as it seems- stared in silent awe at the figures which she had watched for so long. Inside, she was squealing for joy to the high heavens but outside...she was shaking uncontrollably. "How normal." Sighed Chiri. "HEY DON'T CALL ME NORMAL!" Spat Nami, "THAT IS THE WORST THING TO CALL A PERSON!" Maria tugged on Harry's hand- now completely done with rubbing Ichigo's orange spikes, "Let's play! Maria wants to plaaaay!" Her bare feet tapped across the pavement in excitement. "How weird you Asains are!" Shouted the blonde as she pointed to Miroku, "You should be glad no one tried to pair you u-oooh" She firmly made her way towards Dante, "Hello there~" Inhailing enough air to make her breast size seem bigger than it really was, the girl unbuttoned her shirt just a tad. "Oh, Kaere! That's no way to introduce yourself!" The bandaged girl then picked up Iggy and petted him firmly, "Abiru Kobushi" Her hand then reached around to his tail as she pulled it, letting out a noise of pure excacy, "NYAH!" "My name is Kiri Komori." Stated the odd one who sat in the wagon, her hair parted from blocking her face as she beared the most beautiful expression of them all, "Nice to meet you." The blanket wrapped around her was more than enough to hide her fair skinned and gorgeously shaped body from the public eye. Also the fact that she doesn't wear much under it. A small child who was tightly formed stood quite a while away from the rest of the group. She walked up to Willykat and let out the most adorable whimpering noise that the cat had ever heard. Her gaze then fell straight to her phone which she tapped out a message and showed it to the girl. It stated: 'So when's the obnoxious godmodding guy gonna bang the pink haired girl who has done next to nothing this entire time?' "Merumeru~" stated a voice from ahead, "She loves to share her true feelings to everyone! Isn't it amazing?" Red eyes stared everyone down as they were met with a large smile, "She is unafraid to tell others what she is thinking. I wish I could be so strong one day!" This girl....Kafuka Fuura(which is not even her actual name) filled the air with her optimism. "Come along now everyone! Sensei is about to start class!" She hopped, jumped, and then skipped her way down to school. The other girls looked up at the group expectingly, "Let's go!" They all shouted in unison, creepily. OOC: Charater profile coming soon. Won't post it until all cameos here are introduced. Also, sorry for the namedump.
OOC: *puts on Josef Joestar hat* OH MY GOOOOOD! You got the puzzle just right. IC: As everyone held the cards into place, the door clicked open. "You got it!" She grasped Chrono by the sholders and smiled, "Now let's get the **** off of this thing!" She kicked the door as hard as she could and it jarred open to reveal the control room. ~~~ The boy grinned and crossed his arms as the weapon had no effect on him whatsoever. "Sorry, I don't believe in bullshit like that." Although he did toss his French friend onto the floor to keep him away from the projectile. Turning back to Archer, he then jammed a thumb her way, "Gee you'd think someone with tits like that would pack more of a punch....Either way, what's the plan?" Completely ignoring the fact that the girl was probably going to attack again...and the fact that he just left his crippled friend on the floor. It was alright though, he can handle himself. ~~~ "Of course!" Shouted another girl who had bandages all over her body as if she had suffered years of abuse, "You're the great demon rockstar ex-president: Axel! We're all a big fan of you, expecailly." Looking towards the group and adjusting her glasses, "That's right!" She stated with a firm foot to the ground, "I am a yaoi fangirl!" Looking back to the shocked and appauled Duo, Harumi then pointed out, "Silly Harry; I saw the way you were eyeing everyone in the bath~" With a laugh she presented a piece of fanart; "WillykatXIggy was just TOO CUTE TO PASS UP!" From another corner stood a girl with flowing blonde hair(a complete difference to these other Japanese girls), pointing a finger in Dante's face, "If you hurt us, I'll sue you!" The exchange student then laughed to herself and posed rather...oddly so that her panties could show to everyone. The worst part was- this was not on purpose. A small girl who had darker skin(and was considerably younger) than the other girls, pulled another one along in a wagon. This girl who was bound in a blanket; look up at the crowd uttering, "Don't open me up." The tiny child then pointed to Ichigo, "Maria loves your hair!" She then grabbed onto the orange spikes and began to feel through them intensively....this was more than awkward for everyone standing around. More and more schoolgirls emerged from different places. It was almost as if this was some sort of cult.
With a shreik at actually being touched by one of them; she lept back from the overload of joy. The glass covering her eyes shined in a dramatic manner as she twirled in happiness, "My name is HARUMI FUJIYOSHI and I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN~" She raised a fist upwards while proclaiming this statement as if she was part of some Super Sentai Show. "Your show is the most popular thing in the world! Mostly because it takes up all channels." Raising up a doujin called 'Star Peircing Drill' Which depicted two men that were more than familiar to the group, she continued, "I started making your show the sole purpose for my slashes! JotaroXKamina was my OTP of this group until..." Opening up the fanbook-which she had created herself from scratch- to a very...erhm- raunchy sex scene; she flashed it to the group, "Since I saw both of them naked, it was easy for me to draw each scene out perfectly! What do you think?" Turning her head to a full ninty-degree angle; "And by the way" she gave Willykit a look that could slice through steel, "Harry loves Inyuasha. Not...that girl." A vampire, two cats, a wizard, two demons, a dog, a shinigami, a sentai warrior, a duelist, a child, and others of this sort. All have been stranded in the same world for quite some time. None of them could have ever realized when or how it could have possibly happened; but...they had entered... The Fandom Zone ~ Watching the group travel off into the city being followed by some odd girl, Jonathan sighed, "I guess we should head back then..." With a large smile, he looked back, "I'm sure she was secretly rooting for us this entire time. What do you bet?" He turned to Kamina with a smile; and then back to the train- said expression fading quickly. "Wesker didn't die. If he did; we would have known." The grim look on his face suddenly faded and he went back to his normal self. "Let's talk to Angelique; I'm sure she'll know all of these oddities that have been going on lately." ~~~ "Why did they-a-name their army after cows?" He asked as his head wandered off to a vision of mavericks dressed in army uniforms and mooing commands. This caused many giggled to emmit from the country. Suddenly he was hit in the face by a...flipper. Looking up; you could see several fish were floating above their heads in mid air."UWA! IT'S A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT GONE HORRIBLY WROOONG! OH MY GO-Oh but they so pretty!" ~~~ "There's no way I'm dragging that thing up the stairs! Besides, I can get you a new one sometime or another...EITHER WAY- A KING DOES NOT LEAVE HIS MEN BEHIND IN A TIME OF WAR!" How queer this statement was; for he was not a king...of anything. Looking back at Fate(boy, what a pun this is), he laughed, "Sorry, but there's only one woman who uses me!" Oh wait- that did not sound as he intended... ~~~ "I have one more question." Jojo made complete and total eye-contact with her for this one expecailly; "What am I to you?" If she was anything like Reinforce's guardian then he needed to know he was of her best interest. There was also the fact that- for some odd reason- her opinon of him mattered. Almost no ones opinion of him ever mattered before now. ~~~ Kakyoin silenced himself and awaited for whatever their leader was planning to do. Hopefully, it wasn't anything too farfetched...or too dangerous. "You look for me. How sweet of you." ~~~ "The Emperor goes in the middle." Stated Jolyne matter-of-factly. "...what? I'm good at brainteasers! It runs in the family!" OOC: Hint hint hint. Also; Fun fact: Today is-erh, was Kakyoin's birthday.
cant stay for long; frenchman was thrown over sorcerer's sholder in the last post *waves finger* that is all
Following shortly behind the group was the same girl from before. A large smile was imprinted on her young, cute, face as she was holding even more doujinshi(about three or four) in her hands. For some reason, she did not say anything- just following them with those glazed over eyes that could be seen through her thick glasses. Each of them. Each and every one of them were making her heart soar into the sky. ~~~ "How cute, you want to meet me." Giving Magashi a quick glance he noted, "Thank you." Leading the girl to the back for him to watch. Going back to the woman's side, while keeping Panty close to his person, the boy just had to ask; "Time magic?" He waved it off with how rediculous it sounded. Controlling time? How absurd! "Why would you need to learn such things?" "Don't fret. We will see eachother shortly. You and I." His heart began to race to the point that he felt that it was about to explode. "I, for one, dislike these events which are unfolding...." ~~~ Clapping at this show of patheticness, the vampire laughed, "How foolishly incompitent you all are!" That. That was the last damn straw. "Hey, sparkly!" He yelled with a finger pointed towards Dio, now more pissed than afraid, "I don't think you've ever been taught manners, have you? This is no way to treat a guest!" Shoving his hands inside his pockets, he then tapped his foot soundly, "Also....you forgot one thing..." Bearing his sharp teeth in a large grin he yelled, "I AM NOT INCOMPITENT." In gold text. No seriously; golden text appeared right in front of them! The boy then yanked one arm out of his pocket and reached out for a large golden blade that had now appeared before him. "And I'm willing to take any one of you down just to prove it!" Throwing his crippled friend over his shoulder, he then rushed up the stairwell, "...just not right now!" All that rushed through his mind was 'damn damn damn damn damn damn damn shit damn' as the Sorcerer's feet tapped up the stairs as fast as anyone could really go. Although he did want to make this very known: This was no retreat. This is just a reverse ambush. Rushing up to the top floor, he ran into Archer who---didn't look too happy indeed..."We gotta get out of here! Think of something!" He normally wouldn't have someone else think of a plan for him but...this was a very hasty(and not to mention, dangerous) time. Turning to Fate, the vampire grinned widely, "You handle this situation. I have a meeting with a certain someone..."
Just a little something I found~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LrPMe4WDRw&feature=related
OOC: There are, frankly too many characters here. So I am color coding them the same color :3 Spheal with it~ IC: "Really?" "You can't be serious." "I believe her." "Maria wants to see them!" "Well I suppose..." "If this is some big joke, I'm suing you!" "Then it's settled!" "..." "Single file order; everyone!" "Don't open me up." "Ah! I'm sorry!" Each of the girls gathered together; oh what an amazing thing this was! And just before school too! The sounds of small feet tapping against the pavement became quieted once each girl took their place in hiding. As soon as they got into the city; the cuties would go into formation. ~~~ With a quick nod and aknowledgement of their powers, he stated, "I'm sure you are." With a hand placed on her shouldier he continued, "You just need to stay at the back of the group." Kakyoin offered softly to Stocking, now realizing that there was some sort of confusion with his words. "You can still follow us." Upon seeing...um...whatever this was that the woman was doing; he just had to ask: "And what might you be planning to do with that?" Of course he still didn't get the woman's name; he was fine with such things. ~~~ Grinning, the demon knew what would be waiting for him and his companions; although it was a pity; she would surely be punished for letting him escape. But of course, it was nothing to get killed over. Being suffocated by raw sewage was looking pretty good compared to what that man will have to go through..."Heh" ~ Walking in behind Dio, Angelique gave a quick glance to the two men on the ground, "What are you doing, now?" This was directed towards the vampire but The Sorcerer gladly answered, "We were just leaving!" "They were just becoming my next meal..." Added in the blonde as he gave the two before him a long stare. "We were just...joining him for dinner?" Pulled in the boy as he didn't really want to become lunch or dinner or whatever the hell kind of plate would suffice to the everchanging schedule of time. "Actually...they look quite fun...but I just returned to retreive something." She turned around and headed up the stairwell without another thought as to what would happen to them. She didn't know them; thus, she didn't care. ~~~ -SOMEWHERE NOT ON THE WORLD(oh yeah, that's right, I can totally do this because it's plot relevant. bitchin' I know, right?)- "Oh did he really?" Asked the vampire as she sipped on more of her blood tea in wonderment, "If he is planning to take her...then I'll have to deal with this myself. Won't I?" Grinning to her associates, the girl stood in front of them, bearing the most delicious grin she had spread across her face in a while. "Alas~ I'll need a certain Shrine Maiden's help...." Taking out a parasol which complimented her dress down to the nearest 'T', she headed out to retreive her maid.
Ahahahah! That's understandable; summer seems to break socail contacts very easily. It's odd, but school seems to keep people socailizing together.