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  1. terminallyCapricious
    Profile Post

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
    Profile Post by terminallyCapricious for Pinekaboo, Feb 5, 2012
  2. terminallyCapricious
  3. terminallyCapricious
  4. terminallyCapricious
    Computer virus = ALL OF IT IS EFFED UP. ALL OF IT.
    Including future cameo character profiles and puzzles.

    Plus, I tried to post earlier but then I got a blue screen of death >__>
    Either waaay~

    "I didn't tell you to trust him, did I?" He snapped. This was probably the first time in years that he actually spoke to a woman like this. Although, he slightly didn't regret it. There was absolutely nothing (seemingly) wrong with Alucard. Other than the fact that he was a vampire. But not one from his world; so he wouldn't really hold them to their....previous works. I mean it's not like they made the ever-so-questionable Deadpool or the still nameless, naked kid to prove themselves.
    Frankly he just wanted his hat back and to know what the **** the count was saying.

    The one winged angel gave a dissatisfied glare before shooting back into a happy bow. There was still no response from the men.
    Sighing, she let out a hand- not to shake; but to kiss. Not like they'll actually catch onto this. "Transylvania Rose." She greeted them with pursed lips. "Hey, would you mind getting my friend down? He's alittle hung up at the moment." Rose giggled at this pun and flapped her wing pleasingly.

    Jonathan dried his tears with a calming laugh, "I'm sure we can help you!"

    "I'd rather if you just left me up he-"

    "SHUT UP UNDERTAKER!" The gothic lolita had picked up a clod of dirt and thrown it at him. "How depressing my pet is...." She then looked shocked for a moment, "I hope father didn't see that. Oh- what am I kidding...of course he did..." She rested her hands on her waist and kicked the ground in front of her.

    Harumi was busy reading a Gurren Lagann doujin as she tried to rub off what just happened. Why should an unexpected child even dream of being created .

    Mayo snorted at Ethan's form. "Aren't you gonna run off with the rest of your hypocrite crowd?"
    Nodding, Jun added in, "It was kindof a dick move." Since the abandonment

    Just then, Kafuka burst into the classroom; clapping her hands joyously, "IT'S STARTING IT'S STARTING!"
    "WHAT IS?" The class' girls asked in a disturbing unison.

    Sensei combed a hand through his hair, "Circus? At this time of the year?"

    "YEAH!" The optomistic girl pulled out a Ring Leader's uniform; grinning wildly. Her head then turned to the window silently, "Surely the circus will come for you."

    OOC: Rumba rumba rumba rumba....

    Grasping the white flag in his hands, Italy looked around, waiting for a big alien on steriods or a crazed Japan to crawl out from behind a building. "I wish Doitsu was here..." Things were always better when Germany was there to protect him.

    A chorus of groans sounded from different sides of the street.

    "UWAAAAA!" Startled, he screamed in a high-pitched manner but refused to run. Not yet, at least. If he left now; he might get lost and not be able to find them.

    Several moving corpses lurched over the corners; their eyes glazed over like lifeless, cold, glass.

    Sakuya marched through the streets in a rampage of what just happened. Flowers. She needed to find flowers now. Their beauty and calmness always calmed her heart.

    "HEY!" One boy from the school called out from his group of mindless goons. "Your tits are smaller today than they were know I noticed they change size several times during the it? Could it be?" This taunting was unbearably cruel as she had been subjected to it within this filthy city. "Could it be that you wear pads?"

    "Oh?" The maid's eyes glowed a particularly unsettling red; "How cute. Your male brain cannot think anywhere past that..." Pulling a handfull of knives out from under her skirt, Sakuya gave a bloodthirsty grin; "Would you like to see for yourself? You can. If you survive this."

    Several blades shot out of nowhere and impaled the boy; killing him on the spot.

    Through staring, dialated pupils; the girl let out a snort, "I figured." Putting away her weapons; the servant began her treck back to that vampire who sent her here. She was going to give him the punishment he deserved.

    "Disturbing?" Fran blinked innocently at Magashi as she stuck her hands inside the hole which he and Stocking held open, "What's disturbing about making someone very happy?" The fact that she was pulling the organs outside of a human corpse didn't seem bad in the slightest. Connecting a few of the nerves; she looked over to Tsukasa, Rose, Panty, and Kakyoin. "When I pull a few clods of waiste out of this body; you're going to have to dispose of them in a safe area. Most preferrably somewhere sterile."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. terminallyCapricious
  6. terminallyCapricious
  7. terminallyCapricious
    "Well of course I am! You made me interesting!" She laughed, "Hmmm....." looking around for a moment, "Shouldn't you get back to your friends?" Although he didn't seem really 'friendly' with those people; they surely had to be friends!


    "Italian!" Shouted the country as he waved his white flag in front of the boy's face, "Big Brother France is a big, mean, stiny, pervert." His lips formed a pout as he crossed his arms. The boy kept his eyes closed the entire time to the point that it was a mystery how he knew where he was- you know what? I'm not going to even finish that sentence. Italy frankly didn't know where he was going most of time.
    Anywho, he was still very hungry and tired.
    "Ve~ I guess we can look for an abandoned resturant or something."


    "Hold the fire." Shaking his head Jotaro looked the count square in the eyes, "First; I need a better explaination than that before I make any deal with you." He then raised a finger to his dark hair, "Second; I need you to retrieve my hat. After that- sure, why not?" Truthfully, this was all the man needed to put trust in this vampire.


    "Hold open the neck here while I attach the veins and nerves to work as a marionette for Okita to control." She slopped a large peice of carcass onto a table and began prodding at it, "Since some parts were eaten off of this one, I'm going to have to replace them."

    Kakyoin just....stood aside and smiled kindly- and oh boy was this one hell of a forced smile. But he kept quiet and polite. Just not anywhere near the body. There was no way you could get him near that thing with a ten-foot pole.

    Don't you love me?​

    The voice set him off in abit of a shock but he quietly unwinded as his heartbeat returned back to normal.


    Now that they were done introducing themselves...Jolyne was ready to leave. Although this wasn't quite for"Well, Mr. Leader," She looked at Scott, "What's our first order of buisness?"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. terminallyCapricious
  9. terminallyCapricious
    Just because everyone loves rapeface cat:


    Staying within a few meters of Reinforce(just in case), he stated, "And in return, I need two things." Jotaro crossed his arms and watched the vampire with a stern glare. He frankly didn't trust vampires- but if this one was going to complete these two tasks; it would be worth a shot to throw some trust his way.


    "Now that introductions are out of the way..." Resting her hands on her belt, Jolyne looked from Natsu to Chrono; "We're pretty much here for some...reason...I'm not sure, really. It's weird." The expression on her face was no longer hostile, but more interested in these boys. It's not every day you meet someone who shoots fire out of their mout-oh wait, nevermind..."Jolyne Kujo."


    "Hmph. I suppose he self-detonated." Murmured the vampire whilst wiping various charred peices of furniture and rock off of his skin, "What a waste...I couldn't have gotten a good meal out of that."

    Kneesocks was still dazed, stammering around the corridor, "Ugh! LOOK AT ME! I'M FILTHY!" She stated to her own dismay, "I suppose another bath is in order." Walking down the hall, she made her way back to the task she was doing before being so rudely interrupted.


    A young girl, around highschool aged, was walking her young nephew around town when she noticed the crowd from a distance away. Could it be? It is.
    They are.
    How interesting....

    The girl

    The nephew
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Sep 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. terminallyCapricious
    "Did you even once try to protect them from the other's hate?" She asked- knowing the answer already. "I'm leaving." The girl didn't want to stay there any longer.

    Halfway across town, Maria was busy tapping her bare feet across the hot pavement and buying candy with the weird money she pickpocketed off of Harry. He was her master so he wouldn't mind! Not at all~

    Italia was busy being interested in what kooky things J was doing. He was now some-kind-of-a-bird!
    "Justin." He looked towards the boy, "If the houses are empty we can just slide inside- I'm sure they won't mind us taking alittle nap in there just this once, ve~?" He was now not only hungry but tired too. Walking this long distance was soooo hard! I mean who wouldn't need a nap after all of the excitement that went along today? Also he hadn't had a completely full goodnight's rest in God Knows when.


    Sighing, Jojo pulled her skirt down a bit- as it had rode up while she was being slung around the subway cart earlier. "It's kindof cold; don't you think?" Raising both her hands to her cold forearms, she started to try to conduct a bit of warmth. "Okay pinky." Turning around with quite the solemn expression on her face, she began; "What's your name? Where are you from? Who are you?" This barrage of questions was asked only because she knew it was wisest to know now instead of learning later.

    Once they hit shore, Jotaro looked back at everyone, ".........Simon, Rein, stay on board." Walking directly towards the victorian man who had been waiting quite a while for this meeting.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. terminallyCapricious
    Sighing, the man knew what kind of bullshit this was. Vampires. For some reason his family came upon the unluckiness of running into these. He took his pinky finger and picked his teeth for a bit, "Hey Force- you remember that list? You might wanna add a few things to it." Jotaro made his way towards the end of the platform and looked towards the man dressed in red. "Rein, Yusuke. Pull us on shore."



    Noticing that the door still would not open, the country sighed, "I guess their kitchen isn't open..." Perking back up and jogging over to the next door, he began to bang on it; also to no avail. "I guess it's the weekend and everyone's either drunk or hungover. Ve~" Italy looked upwards at all three guys and remarked, "I guess we're-a just stuck here then."


    Sakuya looked up at the 'Dark Hero' and sighed, "They do remind me of home...." Her eyes settled on his expression. It was different....very different, "I would preferr it if you all left them be." Glancing over to the girls who seemed back to their usual moods and insanities, "Too bad you can't leave the city. Everyone is unable to get out. Not for now, anyway..." Trailing off, she was ready to cut off the conversation right now but something...something kept her talking, Sakuya's voice was now so low that only Axel would be able to hear it, "And, maybe, if you ever meet anyone who even gives one single damn about you all; don't be half as asenine to them as you were to these girls." Teeth gritted for a moment as she continued, "Because no one gives a fuck about you or your problems or your worries or any of that...You could be snuffed out so easily right here and now. And you know what? People will live on. No one will be affected unless you let them. And I don't know who would care for such heartless humans like you." Holding up a hand she sighed, "But of course; I'm sounding too much like a maniac here." Walking out of the classroom, she went onto her own buisness now. Dio's plans for her were boring anyway. Stupid and boring.
    These people were no heroes.
    Heh, heroes....What a fairy tale!
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. terminallyCapricious
    Upon seeing this act that the animal- if it is even that- preformed, Jojo's expression did not change one bit. Of course this was strange but compared to the rest of his life- this seemed pretty much the norm.
    Picking up the letter; the man had to read the note about five times over to actually get the words to focus. "Huh." Shoving the letter into his coat pocket and looking at the dog again he sighed and decided if he can give this telecommunication a try.
    'Mind giving me a clearer explaination?' He thought towards the animal; slightly doubting this would work.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. terminallyCapricious
    "I'm tired of your foolishness..." Stated the vampire as he lifted the boy by his neck to drink.

    "Yeah, well, I'm tired of your face." He stated with a grin.
    Suddenly a large portion of the tower exploded, causing large portions to cave in upon itself. Dust and peices of debris wooshed down the hallways like a wind-tunnel; tearing down anything and everything in it's path as more damage was done to the corriors.
    And then there was silence.


    "I suppose you are correct." Standing in the lab quietly and to himself, Wesker looked up, "Do you feel a draft?" From their location(and the fine structure of the building) both scientists were unaffected by the boom.


    Pulling herself through the window and looking over the group with a bulging eye of 'I-am-not-happy'ness, Jojo pointed ahead to an exit, "Keep. Going." She was sick with this fucking fuckshit that was just so fucking obnoxious and she still had to save her dad and his fucking distress and FUCK!
    This was not a good day....wait- it was night here. Wasn't it sometime in the morning only a few hours ago?
    Either way, the girl's stomach grumbled from lack of food and she found herself a bit lightheaded because of this.


    This Justin kid sounded alot like America upon saying this. "Right!" He saluted to the others and shouted, "Aye aye sir! I will stay as careful as ever!" Leaping off of Zero's back the country then banged his fist on the nearest door, "HELLO!? You in there? Ve~"


    Maria had somehow now dissapeared completely off of the playground. They must have not have even payed any attention to her (or not enough since she needs constant supervision) and ended up just kindof...letting her wander off.


    Kafuka smiled softly before her bright red eyes became almost insane in nature, "I've used it pleanty of times to know how easy it is!" Her face never changed from that warm expression. Of course she had used the knife before, I mean you have to cut your food with something; right?


    As he set his eyes down at the creature before him, the man's eyes began to focus. Whatever this was- it was either a big dog or a small wolf. "Huh." He was never too much into pets but a dog never seems to fail at being a good fighter. "When did that thing get on here?" He asked Reinforce out of curiosity.


    Kakyoin smiled and stepped over the spike pit with grace, "I can not do very much but I might be able to contribute in some other way."

    "Oh! I'm so glad!" She put Okita down and skipped over to the cabin, opening the door and smiling warmly, "Come on and see the patient." Inside the building was probably one of the most grotesque visions they had ever seen in their lives. It was the naked, headless, partially destroyed corpse of a man with an odd system of wires and other objects strung about it's body and running out through machines.
    "Okita was using this body when we came here and well...some mishaps happened."
    The catboy's tail twitched, "Zombies sort of had their way with it."
    "It's a good thing that it was just him inside the body with his head sticking out and not his actual systems. If that happened; it would be alot messier!" Giggled the stitched up girl.
    "Although it is a disguise, It is still dissapointing to see it go as it did."
    "And as a lover of love; I could not let him lose yet another body!" She announced rapidly as she pointed to a hold in the neck, "This is where he should be able to sit and control the rest of the body! I need you to hold it open for me so I can operate!"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. terminallyCapricious
    "I believe you can do more without your powers than you could with them." She then clapped her hands, "Like those circus performers with no arms!" Noticing the look upon his face she smile even bigger than before, "Here." She handed him a disturbingly large knife(where she had kept it this entire time was a mystery to me) "Take this and be ready. Okay?"

    Inside the classroom, the rest of the class seemed to fizzle back to normal routines as if nothing had happened at all. Back into the insanity they went together. The hallways were filled with nothing but the mere words of "DESPAAAAIR" which the teacher spoke of.


    Running through the corridors and dodging more attacks from above, the young man wrapped his cape around his body and grinned, "End of the line."

    "You're right." Asked the Demon as she raised a sythe to him, "Curling up in a little ball of fear! I should have expected something such as this from someone such as YOU!"

    Dio had now caught up to the fight and strafed his way over to the boy's position, "Oh, you will make quite the most delictable dish tonight!"

    "I'm sorry I didn't hear that last bit." He asked with a hand cupped over his ear, "Would you mind saying that again?"

    Kneesocks grinned, "He said that you're going to be dinner."

    "Dinner?" The Sorcerer perked up at the word, "You know that sounds good, I haven't had anything to eat in a while and- you know..."
    His words sounded so bumbling and stupid but this was all a ruse- a way to save enough time for the others to run.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. terminallyCapricious
    Kafuka looked him straight in the eye, "You don't listen. I said that Antagonists like him are the reason that makes the story go. He is what gave me the opportunity to meet you. And that makes me happy. I never said I praised him." She nodded to herself as she watched the others leave, "You of all people should know, Gil, that even though someone is a badguy- they are an important part to the story." The girl now had a completely happy expression, "But defeating them is another important part of closing the story. So please, end the book nicely- okay?"
    It seems as if she was the only one who understood today's lesson in class. And she was so proud of herself for passing this information onto her master as well.


    Fran laughed to herself, "No, I meant my limbs. I normally have about eight or so stitched to my body."
    Okita rolled his eyes and stated, "Basically- do any of you have a practice in medicine and don't mind seeing a person being gutted for the sake of their lives?"


    "Wow." Stated the country, a bit shocked that someone like him would not get a date in ten seconds flat, "When we-a-come across girls; I'll teach you how to pick them up~ Just as long as they aren't German. German girls are scary." Upon seeing Zero's reaction; he screamed like a girl and folded his arms tightly so they wouldn't touch the boy.


    "Jump out of the hole and find Frenchy; I'll follow you later." He turned around immediately and began running off in a certain direction. Where they had entered, he left alittle present for these suckers!
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. terminallyCapricious
    Kafuka ran after Gil, touching his arm softly, "Don't leave," putting a finger to her lips and winking, "Unless you promise me that you're going to beat Dio and the others."


    "Damn it!" Cursed The sorcerer as he lept up the wall and towards the Fate vs. Archer battle; "HEY!" He slammed a foot into the magical girl's back; somehow his stregnth was more than he looked as she was pretty pinned down, "I told you to come now!" He hated it when people didn't listen. Also he was paying no attention to what the girl before him was doing at all- mostly because HE WAS MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING TO COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND GORE THEM ALL TO DEATH!!!!


    Tapping on the glass of a nearby pod, Wesker lowered his glasses just a bit to show his unnatural eye color, "I believe that was your planning?" Pushing the shades back up he continued, "I'm suprised all of you thought of so many things in correlation."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. terminallyCapricious
  18. terminallyCapricious
    Kafuka froze for a moment, she didn't turn around to look at the group whatsoever as she sighed happily, "Because; without your presence- we would not be here." Turning around, her face was still in the same exact expression as it always have been but her eyes- those eyes were eerily empty, "And that is the truth."

    Nami tugged on Ichigo's hakama, "I...don't really understand what's going on here; but I will say that we really do believe that you created us."

    Kiri wrapped her body tighter in her blanket- not that she didn't want anyone to see her, but that she didn't want to see them. This hikkomori was divulging back into her old habits again.

    Bowing her head in rapid motion and apologizing, Ai couldn't help but to think it was all her fault...of course she thought everything was her fault.

    "Look." Sensei put his hands onto the desk slowly, "Do you see the girls in this class? Now, I'm the most pessimistic person alive but I can tell they love you dearly. Almost as much as they do to me. If you want to know the truth; I will tell you."
    With a calming breath, he began, "People have been dissapearing as of late."

    Finally putting his book down, Jun began, "Yeah; it seems that only us and a few others are still around town. It's odd."

    Harumi didn't want to hear this! She began humming to herself aloud and played with Axel's hair calmingly. When the girl got home, she knew she would burn her fanarts and doujinshi of this group. Most definentally.

    Putting away her tape measure, Chiri looked over at the group, "I didn't kill them if that's what you're thinking. Although that probably would have been funner than them just dissapearing everywhere." Eyeing Ethan for a moment and sighing, "And to think- we really did look up to you all as sort of a...hope symbol."

    This statement made the Yaoi Fangirl leave the demon's hair alone, "That's right! I was so upset when my favorite series ended that I cried for days and then your show came on made me feel nice."

    Kaere, now back to her usual personality, sighed, "I'll sue you..." She stated this in a whimpering, soft, voice as tears welled up in her eyes.

    Even the most harsh and cruel faced Mayo seemed strucken by this change of events- looking at Shirou, she wondered what he thought of didn't matter. It shouldn't matter. But it did matter.

    The feeling in the classroom became somber as they all fell into a deep state of despair; even announcing it themselves, "Zetsuboushita." The only exception being Kafuka whose Irises have returned back to normal, "Everyone's on vacation." She smiled, "No wait! We're on vacation! To a different town that looks exactly like the town in which we inhabit at home!" Laughing, her optomism shined through the moment and the girls all left their 'masters' (some didn't even consider them that anymore) and huddled around her. Even Mr. Despair, himself, made his way over to her with a smile.

    The maid looked from Axel to the group before her; wow were these guys horrific. They easily waltzed into any trap they could think of without any worries. Hell, they even trusted Albert Wesker; but once they meet these girls who really loved them- these people had the gall to treat them this....
    She really hated her own race now. More than ever before.
    How dispicable these people were.

    Standing up, Sakuya made her way out of the classroom. She didn't want to have anything to do with any of them anymore. Screw recon.


    Looking at Magashi, he began, "I know what you mean."

    Jump in the spikes.​

    Cringing a bit from the voice and looking among the others; Kakyoin began to podner for a moment; "Understood." He stated to Tsukasa as he asked the girl, "What is it that you want help in?"

    Fran blinked innocently- not hearing the voice at all- and smiled, "With an operation. I met someone who begged me to help them; so- that's what I'm doing." She looked from one to the other, "And since I cannot find my extra arms, you might have to substitute them for me; alright?"
    This offer sounded innocent enough.


    Hearing the laughter, The Sorcerer didn't even want to look and see where it had come from! "Hey Archie!"

    Kneesocks threw a sythe his way, angerly.

    Leaping over the blade, still managing to mutilate his shoe, he shouted "Get your thumbs out of your ass and come on!" Whatever was coming was not good. Not at all. Also the fact that if they piss anyone else off; they probably won't live through this occurance.

    Poking Zero's head in rapid motion, Italy laughed to himself, "It's a bit creepy! Pizza! Knock on a door and see if someone'll let us use their kitchen!" Completely ignoring the mechanical boy's warning a few moments ago. It was as if the only thing the country could think of was food. "As soon as we get shelter, I'll tell you something great! Ve~" Turning to Justin, he then smiled, "I bet you get alot of the ladies back at home; va?"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. terminallyCapricious
    Nozomu looked at the demanding stars and wondered for a moment, " Not really, why do you ask?" What kind of question is this? These people must be crazy or something!

    Kafuka raised a finger, "That's because it's Sunday! Almost no one is out on Sunday!" She then put the finger to her forehead and announced, "Earlier, Dio visited my house. He and Mom were making weird noises and then her head started to spin around and she vomited all over him so I had to hold up a cross to her. He ran away after that. I wonder why, though...."
    This recollection of earlier events made it sound as if her mother was possessed by a demon. Which she most likely was; either way, the girl retained the same kind smile through all of this. "Dad was busy making himself taller so he wasn't home."

    Meanwhile, on the playground; Maria shot out of the window and snatched the monkey bars, spinning around so rapidly that it was near-dangerous. She then let go and dropped to the ground on her feet. Looking from Willykit to Willykat she then smiled, "Mayo's gonna shove something up your--" Upon noticing Harry running after her, she perked up, "Harry's gonna push Maria on the swings now!"

    Sighing, the girl looked up, "I suppose..." She took a knife out of the strap from around her thighs and threw it at him. It missed(of course, why would she even aim for someone like him?) embedding itself on the desk before him. "Sign that."

    As all of this...I still have no clue what this is anymore- went on, Jun flipped through his book progressively.

    "VA! Catch me! catch me! catch me!" He yelled aloud- so carefree that it was almost as if he was a small child. They ended up closing in on some village filled with very nice houses. "See? I told you there would-a-be somewhere if we started walking! Ve~" There was no one in sight at all- but that didn't matter. There should be nice kitchens to make pasta with!
    Although, he was still not too sure what he's going to tell them as a secret. Awell, he'll figure it out on the way there.


    "Hey Frenchy." Called the young man as he looked through the wall, "Run and keep going. I'm getting Archer soon. And whatever you do; don't go back to our hideout." He held up three seperate folders, "I still have these." He figured if the enemy was ever going to get their grubby hands on their personal documents, they would have to pick them from his dead, cold corpse first.
    Turning around, his cape flowing smoothly, he then smiled, "You better have not had your ass fried while I was gone; Shirou." Oddly, if Archer did die, he would be able to bring him back with little to no effort or thought at all. Of course this was a power he would rather not mostly because he didn't want to lose his powers as the others have.
    "Now off to find Archie" He raised an eyebrow as the structure of the tower moved before his very eyes. "Screw it." Several blasts blew holes in each and every wall. Sadly this revealed not only Archer and Fate but Kneesocks and Dio as well.
    "Oh um...hello there."


    "You know what? Fuck it!" Jolyne slammed her foot against the windows of the subway cart; shattering it everywhere. She probably should have not done that while wearing a skirt since some of the shards cut her leg- but all was fine. ALL. WAS. JUST. DANDY.
    "Pinky first!" She demanded, now fed up with this bullshit.


    "I'm Fran." She smiled kindly, her stitched mouth seemed to be opened up just enough to make out the teeth inside. "Are you coming here to assist me?" Clasping her hands together, she excitedly smiled, "That would be the greatest thing ever!"

    "Sure. We can help her, can we not?" he asked to everyone but mostly the woman before them.

    I'm going to claim you as my own. My precious love.​


    Touching where his hat should be, Jotaro looked around at the series of color mashes, "Which one of you is Simon?" His eyes sharpened for a moment as he had something to tell the boy...
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. terminallyCapricious
    Sensei looked up at Akiza and dried his tears, "Of course." He adjusted his glasses in style and began walking over to the center of the classroom. "The dog has a point." He noted, "One of you must be my creator. So; who will take the responsibility of my ownership? I want to know who to blame for this constant reign of despair."

    The girl who hung off of his back raised up slightly, giving everyone a scare for their lives with an impressive rapeface. She loved her sensei.
    She loved him so much that she would follow him everywhere and collect his garbage and keep pictures of him on his wall and watch him sleep just outside his window. She really loved her sensei.

    Standing upon the desks- mimicking Kafuka's last attempt at this proceedure- Maria stood tall over the classroom. Although, even though everyone can now see up the small child's skirt, no pantyshot could be seen. Mostly because Pantyshots are for those who actually wear panties. The immigrant then bound over the desks and flung herself out the window, flashing everyone in the classroom on her way.

    Mayo snorted at Justin, she didn't care about such trivial things as insults. There was no need for him to apologize for anything. Although...she had to admit. Ankh was most likely the one to have created Meru...

    Moka's words did not calm Ai's heart as she sighed softly, "I'm sorry...." Straightening her ponytail she then sat down on top of her seat.

    "EXCELLENT!" Clapped the girl with her hair divided down the middle evenly and precicely, "I knew my inventor had it in him." Chiri's eyes then seemed darker than before, "You made me like I am for a reason."

    Sakuya didn't look up, instead she answered Axel and Iggy's comments with, "I would rather not associate myself with the rest of these people. And you shouldn't either unless you want to end up like that dog." She jammed a thumb to a small dog who stood in an odd position in the classroom. You could tell Mayo already got her hands on it because a pencil was sticking out of it's anus.
    This was a warning. Not a threat.


    There was an odd, euphoric noise that filled the air as the wall exploded in front of the Snail Eater.
    This wasn't an act of God.
    This wasn't an act of magic.
    This was an act of sheer will.
    Also the fact that the young man had found a pair of explosive pants laying around somewhere. I guess they keep surpluses just in case. "Now go!" He shouted.
    The Frenchman would surely find a wheelchair on the other end of the wall.
    How was this done?
    Logic and preparation.
    Nihihihihi, always being one step ahead of your opponets...


    Deciding that he needed to get them to cooperate better; Italy devised-well...more like thought out since 'devise' is a bit too harsh of a word for someone like him- a plan. "Veh! If we hurry, I'll tell you all a secret." Nodding to himself, "It's a really big secret that you'll all wanna hear!"
    He didn't really intend for this to sound half as childish as it did.


    "Hello." Fran looked over at the team before her; some looking normal and others looking...very interesting. Her stitched up body and white skin seemed almost shocking compared to her soft, blonde hair and warm smile.
    "Yes. Hello." The small animal in her hands popped it's head out....scariedly this was a HUMAN head. The rest of it's body looked like it was that of a cat as the tail slowly weaved like a snake.

    Characters: Fran and Okita
    Series: Franken Fran


    Ability/Weapon: Fran has a wide range of scientific techniques. She will not let anyone die under her care. Of course...just because they won't die doesn't mean they won't face a fate worse than death.
    Additional Information: Fran does not mind going to extremes just to help people but only will do so if they make her. She views life as an amazing thing and respects it to the upmost authority. Although her mind is as proffessional and scientific as ever although this is balanced out by her childlike innocence.
    Okita(who is an old friend of Fran's. A human head and intelligence on a cat body from a previous experiment.) proves as common sense for the girl as she has only the innocence of a child. He is also a Deadpan Snarker and will point out several things around the place.
    Neither of them have kept track of any of the happenings going on in the world.
    She and Okita are true Neutrals.

    Realizing that these two were not the most rediculous two he had ever seen; he decided to introduce himself as well, "Noriaki Kakyoin." He looked from the spikes below, to the cabin, and back to this girl, "We seem to be lost at the moment, would you mind pointing out where we are?"

    "I cannot pertain to our location at the moment...but with some good mapsearching we might be able to draw our conclusions as to-"
    Okita butted in, "Meaning we're just as lost as you are."


    Not really paying attention to any signs that anything seemed to be wrong with the man(blame his bad people skills), Wesker continued, "I could have calculated that much." He listened in on the mass of absolute stupidity going on outside and adjusted his shades towards the fetuses, "So they'll be done by tonight?" He was quite excited on using the T-Virus on these. Bernkastel might have wanted to use them for her own entertainment value but his eyes were set on being able to use the virus on a fake human being. A replica.


    Smiling warmly, Jonathan laughed, "I'm gla-" his speech was cut off as soon as they approached the tree. Hanging from a noose was a young man with a large, dove-like, wing sprouting from his back. A one winged angel?
    Tears began to well up in the man's eyes. How cruel this was!

    "Okay, now this is just sad." Stated a quirky female voice from inside the tree, "I mean seriously; you're already dead! And this is ruining my fuuuuuun!"

    "Shut up." Stated the hanging boy as he sighed, completely scaring Jojo out of his wits, "Why did you make me do this to begin with?"

    "Because I was bored! Now look at what you did! The poor guy's crying because of you!"

    Moving his eyes downward to see both manly men of manliness, he looked blankly at them both, "They're not screaming for mercy so they're all yours."

    Sarcastically, the effiminate voice sparked out: "Gee, THANKS!" And out of the middle of the tree lept a very cute girl dressed in a gothic lolita outfit. She also beared a white wing on the opposite shoulder that the man had, "Hello fine sirs!" She put one foot forward and bent her knees- saluting in honor to their falls.


    Immeditately dropped Luffy and making his way over to the speaking blur, he stated "Of course."
    They should be approaching land very soon. He would have known this if everything wasn't like one big lava lamp right now.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home