I problem with the late response. And hello to you too~ I'm just here, wondering if I should join another RP or not...
Hahaha, everyone seems to be saying that, lately. I missed this place so I came back. Yes good.
asklfasjflasf come into my arms, here, bbykins.
Hello, again.
Nice seeing you, again.
Meh, it's good. And, despite what everyone says, the entire story is great. Don't skip the beginning. TKLSDFJSDFLWEIO I hate it when people say...
Hmph. What a dark, festering place to keep something of such importance. The angel thought as he stood a while away from the spikey-haired teenager. Of all places, why was he sent here? Well, nonetheless, he wasn't supposed to question these things. Just go through with them. That was all fine and good, he supposed. I mean it was what cause him to cross paths with those Winchester Brothers after all...Taking a few steps forward, his arms dangling uselessly at his sides, Castiel decided to form a proper introduction, "Are you the one by the name of 'Sora'?" Of course he was the one. There was no doubt about it, although it was only polite to ask such a question... OOC: Josef will pop in at a later time.
Himapappa will get better with time. He's just sick is all which is what has been delaying stuff for forever. At least Homestuck is updating nicely.
Oh hoho~ Do I ever like Hetalia. It's so adorable and hilarious, I can't help but to love on it. Guh, but the Christmas Event is still going on...
I-Is that Spain and Romano I see on your icon?
Yes, thank you very much!
Character of Choice: Josef Joestar. Picture(optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (After-Part 2) Additional Info: An overenthusiastic guy who will jump headfirst into anything that seems like a good idea. Which, in his case, normally isn't. He'll go into a fit of rage if anyone harms a woman/child/defenseless person/friend in front of him. Although, if not, he doesn't really care to jump into the whole heroics thing. Although he's quick to a temper and rambunctious as they come, he's a Hamon/Ripple(A TL;DR power that's sort of like The Force) Master. One of his hands is robotic from a wound during WWII. No, he didn't fight in the war. He was busy using a volcano to shoot a vampire eating vampire that emerged from a pillar into space with a volcano. It's complicated. Erhm. Jojo enjoys trolling and will use troll-logic to get through any situation despite the odds. He'll also get on other's nerves because, well, he enjoys it. Character of Choice: Castiel Picture(optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Supernatural(Mid-Season 4 for simplicity's sake) Additional Info: He is an angel sent to fight against the armies of Hell during the start of the apocalypse. He has the tendency to talk in an unusually straightforward manner. Cas has little understanding of worldly things(I.E. Sarcasm/Figures of Speech/Technology/Ect.) He inhabits a (willing)vessel since angels can't be seen in their normal appearance without burning out the eyes of Humans/Demons/ect. Despite the fact that he is an angel, he can die.(He's done it three times in the series, already >_>) ERHM. Castiel(at this time, anyway) shows very little enthusiasm towards anything that isn't Dean, hamburgers, or something he finds to be strange. Although, he can be incredibly sweet at times, he'll also go into cold spells(as he says, his "people skills" are "rusty") without even realizing it.
More like badass daddy since Holly's age corresponds with not-too-long after Part 2. But yes, of course, you do love your beards. Cas is the guy...
Castiel is from Supernatural. This show that I've gotten into lately that's really really really really good. But, I'm gonna go for After-Part 2...
Alright. Sounds like a pretty good story to me! I'll write up my forms now!
Heh, well you know how we are with our millions and millions of characters. But, I'll try to stick to five at maximum. Hopefully, anyway. Heheheh....
Yeah, it's been quite the while. Heh...sorry for not coming sooner. I've sortof put it off for a long time. I'm well. It's been a bumpy road but...
I would like some information on your Crossover RP before joining it. Just a little bit, anyway, to catch me up on the story if it isn't far too...