AWWW YEAAAAAA!!! Should we pull them from the Ult.Crossover or start fresh? ALSO THERE GOES THE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF CHARACTERS, AGAIN....
But, yes, Jojo has taken so long to update that I'm going insane. Also that netflix ad for Limitless is taking away my attention because I...
Cas is reaaaaaally overprotective of Dean and Dean seems to be a little unremorseful unless family/Cas is involved. Or as tumblr puts it. [IMG]...
The Mary Sue factor, eh? Sheeeeet, I hate it when that happens. ESPECIALLY HOW PEOPLE PULL IT AT THE LAST SEASON LIKE THEY'VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE....
At least he didn't run. This time. But, neat. So they're like Aradiabot/Aradiasprite(ajsdfklas homestuck term, it's nothing, really) And...
And Josef has just trolololed~ Cas'll be fun, although, he won't probably approach the Materials for a good while since they're not holy...
From a distance the crash looked small and unimportant. At least it did where Josef laid, perched, on a rather comfortable rock. Okay, so it wasn't that comfortable, but it was probably better than what those people up there were going through. Considering helping them, Jojo went over his options: "Let's see...I can lift a finger to help you guys, run off and hope my ass doesn't get caught up in your mess, or go back to sleep..." Well, there was only one choice in this matter. Leaning back, Josef aligned his vision with the tower. Closing one eye, he held his index finger over the small explosion, "There!" The man chirped, clapping his hands, joyously, "I lifted a finger!" Letting his arm drop to his side, laying back in relaxation. "I helped!" I mean it wasn't like he was required, anyway. They can handle themselves.
Haha, that's what everyone's been saying, lately. Soooo...yeah....
Sdjafkldsa but, like it is for all of my beloved characters, he's dead(for the third time) but, since Suernatural is very Soap Opera-y, he's...
sjdklafjsdaklf Cas is such a cutie patootie, you have no idea. [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]
Why, yes it is my return. And, alas, I must always play a Jojo. As is my nature. Although, if it was long-awaited or not, I wouldn't say.
You like the looks of who? Cas?
Pfft, you must be suffering from the late-night high, eh? SFJSDL it happens to the best of us. But, I believe I will take my leave to bed....
Yep. I decided to chose total and complete polar opposites as my starters. And I figured that, if I played Dean, myself, it would be weird, so I...
You mean for the big crossover one?
Yes, thank you for understanding. Anyway... Yeah, I'll just need to sift through and pick which ones I want. Sadly, I do not enjoy playing...
FUDGE. Overload of messages. Guh, my internet's the worst, today.
I problem with the late response. And hello to you too~ I'm just here, wondering if I should join another RP or not...