OOC: CORRECT-O-MUNDO Brit! Also yes; I figured it'd remind you of homestuck. But I just have a love for Zodiac-related themes. IC: The symbol popped off and hit the floor. Ticking...."So that's the bomb." Jotaro noted for a moment. "Well, shit. We've gotta get rid of it." This was stated so matter-of-factly it was almost odd to hear it in this situation. ~~~ Passing by the king with little-to-no sense of anything around her; the witch stood in silence. "It looks like another has joined the game..." She then kept going, without even really considering his presence at all. It didn't matter to her. There was only this group to fool and nothing else. Not for now, anyway. ~~~ Wesker had never seen such a child; even the little girl went insane from the mental torture. This boy just seemed to be thrown just about everywhere he could imagine and back. And yet can retain their childhood like this....maybe it was the fact that it was his second experience...or not. Either way; the man had quite a few plans for this group... ~~~ With closed eyes and an outstreched grin, the young man hung from chords just above Archer's head, swinging on them violently until they snapped, "Hmmm you're right...I would expect alittle something more from these kooks...but Just lean back, relax, and break shit!" Once they snapped he landed on his feet gracefully, the cape airing out his landing. "I guess I'll be taking one of these...." He stated while staring at a laptop with several bits of information scrolled about. "Wow that's a hell of alot of requests..." His attention was this cut away from this and back to destroying everthing. Every. Thing. It didn't even matter if it was electronic or not; he just had fun with beating the stuffing out of a chair with his specail moves...which weren't too specail but they were still pretty admirable to preform.
This is actually the first puzzle of the game. And just post it in the thread hunbun!
Alrightey added to MSN! And Jolyne Kujo, Scott Pilgrim, Chrono, Black Rock Shooter, Deadmaster, Alice B Rabbit, Oz, and an unnamed character...
OOC: Accepted vampire is accepted. Damn, we've got amillion demons, a handfull of vampires, tons of zombies, a country, some humans, some witches, and other things that are just...yeah... We've got a large cast of characters; don't we? IC: "First; let's take a look at this bomb." The man took a fork of the table to stab into the boy's pants. It probably might set off the explosive but he seriously did not care at the moment. "This." he said, pointing to the belt buckle which was an odd symbol. "Aries..." He started, "It's from the zodiac." Standing up to his fullest he then noted, "The other symbols are gone...but maybe if we scratch the others in we can disable it." It was a crazy-ass guess at the least. But it should work. OOC: Here's how the puzzle goes. Save that picture up there; use GIMP, Photoshop, Paint, WHATEVER; to fill in the blanks with other Zodiac symbols. What order it goes in? That's for you to try. I would like each of you(who owns a character on the boat) to try at least once for the answer. Looking stuff up is allowed so don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Get going hunbuns~ IC: ~~~ Kakyoin lept almost out of his skin before turning around, "You definentally are not the most obvious person about...." He stated with another kick to the armor. "And there's another one." His thin lips seemed to stretch into a more kind expression as the girl seemed...quite like himself, in a way. He wasn't sure why he even considered this; but Kakyoin is frankly just wandering in his own head at the moment. ~~~ The train started with an incredibly fast alurch that sent everyone forward a bit. A stumble for those sitting down. A fall for those standing up. "It seems he decided to finally start the car..." The man noted while watching Angelique do her job from behind thick shades. ~~~ Smashing his fists and shoes into anything that looked even slightly like a machine, the boy laughed excitedly at the damage being done by his own hand. He even went so far as to pick up a display screen, wave it over his head, and let out a howl as if he was Godzilla. Oh damn was this awesome! ~~~ "It looks-a like someone's hungry!" Italy shoved a spoon full of his food into J's mouth as the man gleamed with pride. This of course...ruined the moment of shining pride....completely and totally....ouch. ~~~ Jolyne stated in a rather mood-killing manner, "Star Wars was okay but I preferr Johnny Depp movies." It was as if the speed of the cart didn't affect them just as long as they kept their minds off of it. The strings sort of loosened and Jojo ended up slamming her head into the side of the car with a loud bang. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhit." It wasn't the pain that was so bad...it was just the fact that the side of the car was just so damn filthy.
Back from whataburger. Also I shall add you to the MSN then. Tell me your info whatnot thingy. Also the subway is moving at incredibly fast...
Also I should post my contact info if you want to reach me anywhere outside the site (which is hella convenient.) I put it in the RP earlier on...
I'm glad to hear that hunbun! GAHH! *hugs* It's so nice to hear good things happen to your friends once in a while! But yes~<333 What did you do?
With a quick look from one comrade to another, all the boy could say to this was, "Frenchie, you better watch out- this guy is starting to replace you as my right hand man." Of course this statement wasn't entirely true, he really did enjoy this sort of game. Games were fun. Expecailly when they involved getting back at someone who wronged you. Those games were very fun. With a large grin, he vanished in a flash of light; leaving the other two to enter the tower any way they wanted. Screw them; he was going to win HANDS DOWN! ~~~ "Because." Kneesocks stated in the most enthusiastic way possible, "It's ingenious!" Although she had her sythe held to his crotch, the explosive wasn't anywhere near there. She was just doing that for sick kicks. Appearing behind her sister...well more like crashing through the wall behind her while in their limo; Scanty waved to her sister, "I set off the detinator! Let's go!" Laughing, the demon pointed to Luffy, "It'll be only a few minuets before your legs turn into ground meat! Kiss them goodbye~" "Oh and don't even think about trying to remove the pants- that just sets of the timer immediately!" They then drove off with Fastener clinging to the back of their fender. For some reason G-String could adjust to ride on water. "Reinforce, I have to tell you something..." Jotaro began in a sincere manner, "My memory isn't so good; so I need you to keep a list of all of the shit they put us through. Just so- if I ever forget- I'll be able to keep in mind how much to pay back each person....." A rather odd smirk appeared on his face. ~~~ ~~~ "Hello kind ladies." Kakyoin greeted in his usual-ish-sometimes polite manner. He was a bit offset by their expressions but greeted them with a warm smile in return. "Why would two girls such as yourselves be out in a horrible place like this?" If this charmed them or not, it wasn't really on purpose. Women weren't really of his consideration. He was just being nice. "Oh...there's someone else" He noted, turning around to see a girl- probably younger than these two, wandering about in the middle of nowhere. OOC: Found a group for Rose. Bazinga. IC: ~~~ "Interesting story." Albert put a finger to his chin in consideration, "But the train will leave when it leaves. I tried to see about the conductor but he refuses to come out." The man pointed to the door at the end of the cart, "You could try for yourself but it's probably best to stay seated." A gloved finger was pointed out the window, "Just in case we start moving again." ~~~ Placing her hands on her hips the lady had to spurt out, "Really now?" It wasn't meant in any offensive way; just the fact that she was suprised; "You forgive me so easily?" Looking between the two Jojo chipped in, "Um...'tried to kill'?" He restated before pointing out the complete and total obviousness of the situation, "Ohhh I get it. YOU TWO MUST HAVE MET BEFORE!" Angelique gave out a giggle waved him off, "Now if you excuse me, I have some buissness to attend to..." She slowly walked towards the train but did not climb aboard it. Instead she opened a jar of- something white- and spilled it onto the back of the train. "There. All done." Wiping her hands together she smiled at her work, "I wonder how long it's been since I've done this..." Blinking a few times Jonathan answered back, "Done what?" "Killed." A few moments passed before he cried out with a "What?!" ~~~ "Ta-da~" Shouted the boy with such vigor- it was almost unsettling how happy he was. "Chicken Alfredo with a bit of garlic sauce, pasta, and a good side of fresh bread!" With each plate he called out- another plate was presented. It was a wonder how he got ahold of all of this food.... "I'm-a-gonna pack a few of these for the road! Can't fight a war without a good meal!" He chirped loudly as each hand grabbed something from the cabinets and shoved them into a nearby suitcase...which also seemed to materialize out of nowhere... By the way, where did his flag go?
"Pizza? Uwa! What a lovely name that-a you had!" He called aloud, happily. Staring out the window as the ship ascended, he enjoyed the view, "I bet you could see me from up here!" Stating this was probably confusing to those who didn't know about the country. Italia stumbled past and over each several people before clammering several pots and pans together as he prepared something delictable for them to eat. "I hope you like-a-lots of cheeses!" ~~~ The scientist listened in on the conversation and waved it off easily. Whatever the Hell this was, it was none of his concern. Stupid children. "Maybe it's just permentant marker." He suggested, rather exhasperated from these speaking terms. ~~~ "Alright, here we are." Stated the 'Sorcerer' in a rather morbid manner. It wasn't that he was afraid...it was just that he was unsure. Uncertainty was the strongest force that kept him from making these sorts of decisions. Damn, this was not going to be as fun as it seemed like it would be before. ~~~ Pulling off her other scanty, the demon got ready for the upcoming fight, "To bound such indecent beings by the Rurus." She was going to correct them through the bondage that is ORDER. "I would suggest you return back into the dining room...." ~~~ A single overhead light swung from side to side- flickering on and off. "Everone! Hold onto something!" Jojo shouted while unwraveling her legs and wrapping the strings around the nearest seat. For some reason it took quite a while to string out and she, along with the guy in her arms, ended up getting knocked around before settling. ~~~ "Set up." Commanded the witch with little to no enthusiasm, "And remember to act in character."
Meh, it happens. They love to milk the cashcows. I'm more interested for the sequel that might come up for L.A.Noir, instead.
A demon is a demon *waves finger* expecailly when she's slowly killing Vincent phisically and mentally while he sleeps. Ahahaha! I'm suprised...
Ah...alas, all males choose Catherine after finding out the Endings. I can't blame you. She does have the looks... [IMG]
Wesker put his gun away and nodded, completely bare of any emotion at the moment, "Like I said before; to protect and serve. That is my job." Looking out the window he noticed...oh what luck- her eyeing the orange haired kid who layed sprawled out across the bottom of the train. ~ "I can give you a morsel of a hint." Started the woman as she touched the ground and stood back up at her highest, "The old man who turned into the woman." Staring at him for a quick moment she could see realization hit his face. Swiping away a few hairs from her forehead she then looked to Jonathan, "Why did you bring him here?" "Well...the intention was actually something else but uh....He wanted to see you." The man blinked innocently as the words, sort of, just stumbled out. ~~~ Running fingers through her now silver hair, the witch sighed, "It does not matter. The message was given and the morale was drug across the floor. Nothing else is needed, Sasuke." Pointing her finger at the nearest tram car, she then stated rather frankly, "Turn into Kujo. We've got a little game to play." For some reason her face was still as expressionless as her lifeless eyes. As if she had used up all of her emotion for now. ~~~ Italy gave a blank stare, "Big scary man sir! You have-a the greatest speeches! Mamma Mia~ We'll be like-a forming the Axis Powers again! Except less scary things...I hope... He watched for a moment, "But as long as I'm not being probed! I'm running in for some-" The country dashed inside at the fastest speeds anyone had ever seen, "PIZZAAAAAAA!!!!!" It was as if the only thing he could think about was his stomach... ~~~ "Alright!" Jolyne shouted energetically at Chrono, "But hurry up!" There was a loud...very loud clang of metal. "....Oh shit." Jolyne turned her head, resisiting the urge to look- but she knew she had to see that...the tram doors slammed shut. They were trapped. "Oh shit!" She cursed again, running up to the door, now mumbling, "No way no way no way no way no way no way nooooooo." Picking her fingers across the door, she tried her best to open the doors but to no avail. The entire cart lurched before shooting off at increidibly unrealisic speeds. Is everyone falling into traps this evening? ~~~ "What is that supposed to mean?" He gave a, square, lack-a-daisy look to Tsukasa before looking back down, "I would like to speak with them...but Magashi..." Looking back, the metallic man was still in the middle of a slumber and he didn't want to just leave him there. "One of us should check it out....The most sociable one..." Of course said canidate was Magashi... ~~~ Scanty polished her gun for a moment and laughed to herself, "I'm sorry sir. I believe you should stay back in the dining hall....just in case any...accidents occur on board..." Jojo grabbed Reinforced by the hand and slowly but surely pulled her behind him, starting off, "And what kind of accidents do you have in mind?" "I'm glad you asked....." ~ Fastener lept onto a large button to cause several cages that could not be broken by any form of power dropped onto each chair. Only those who were sitting in a chair before would be trapped. ~ Kneesocks quickly jumped away from the cages and grabbed Luffy from around the neck; holding her sythe to his throat, "I have a secret for you...." She then pointed the blade towards his crotch, "Your pants are explosive." She hated to waste human life....which is why she's making use of this one. ~ "What a lovely trap you people set yourselves in!" Applauded the sister, "And it wouldn't have been successful without my lovely beloved sister. Pointing both guns at the two, she laughed histerically, "I guess we were a bit generous telling you of Decade..." There was a reason she was keeping with this story.... ~~~ OOC: Puzzle time is coming up. PREPARE YOUR HEAD-ORGANS.
Ahhhh.... I've had summer extra cred courses all summer ahahahah! I can't say my summer's been very summer-y. I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY THOUGH...