Nice, very nice coloring and color scheme. So far it's good, besides text XD
yeah, I know, just add that effect to when Riku's talking if you what I'm saying ^_^
also to remove those black borders, go to your preset, and change the size to 640x360. After that go to each one fo your clips, and for each, go...
at the first part with Riku turning his head, decrease the line sync of the TV Simulator effect. It gives out a nice result. Adn do the same...
lol, then nvr mind XD
just in case if you don't wanna upload the preview on youtube(you know, lots of previews=cluttered stuff=:/ lol), you could upload it on a site...
you'll need to get a codec for that problem. Just search up "avi codec fro Sony Vegas 7" or something like that on youtube. If that doesn't...
lack of fx and timing mainly. Try using pan/crop to shake it up a little and video fx like TV simulator to make it match some of the guitar...
I could read the text just fine. :/ Also, it's just fine the way it is, if he added more stuff to the 'negative space' then it would look all cluttered and messy. Anyways, it's hawt. :U
I would make you an intro if you'd like. I've got like every single clip of KH and Crisis Core lol. Also, I liked the music. Is'nt it...
it's all right...since it was a WMM AMV. if it's not made with WMM, then shame.SHAME. XD That site has Final Fantasy VII AC and DoC stocks, some of them containing Vincent and Yuffie.
now just add more of those same fx near the focal to balance it out XD EDIT nvr mind, I see it. It's better now. 8D
Add some splatters near the focal and behind the checkboard effect to the right of the focal I think it'll look good. And yes, make the text more...
We need more people!!!!!!! xD
specific color Gradients?? Also, do you mean Gradients or Gradient Maps?? :S
hmmmm.....I find nothing wrong with it. =O there? D:
[IMG] imo, it looks way better than the first version lol
As I said before, so far it's hawt. :U nice selective coloring and inverts