lol thanks. tbh, I tried crossfading it to blend in more with the song, but I had already worked on the clips, so when I did that it screwed up the timing, so I just had to leave it the way it was. xDD
amen to that. really Misty, this is like SEX and EPICNESS combined. I'ma steal one of them once I make my decision. xDD btw, can u send me some of the manga stocks you used plz?? :3
new video I made. Watch, Rate, & Comment plz. :3
Thank you =D
awesome coloring. I like sora's expression in the first one and the coloring of the background is beuatiful is nice in the 2nd one. :3
btw very nice intro, better than your first one lol. but I would suggest maybe try doing some crossfades inbetween when the clips go to the...
lol that's right. xD Happy B-day to both of us too lol it's finally done =D WATCH IN HQ and if you get the chance, rate & comment plz posting cnc here is appreciated.
nice job, maybe add some filters or bg textures? it looks really good, better than the crappy coloring I could do XD
lol finally! about time, glad you like the avatar. ^_^
yeah, do more of FFIX. not just boss battes, but maybe finding hidden items that are hard to find Lulz XP
hi =D how's it been?? :3
spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam :P bored :P
sorry for the late reply lol, but yeah, much better. =D anythign new lately? I found my FFIX somewhere buried in my stuff lol and I've been...
oh yeah lol forgot to reply xD it's a nice compo. I like the lighting. Maybe give a colored glow to the shapes to enhance the lighting like if...
Really love this amv. great song choice. It's unique imo. :3 You make every clip look so sexy. gah, I wish I knew how to get that quality lol. XP Anyways, it's great to see you use a different style other than the soft/slow songs =D Great job. =D
pretty sexi =O
Y'know, just something I was wondering... where do you find most of your textures?? I've been meaning to find more for a while now, just don't...
That's hot. and yes, I would like the stock for the 2nd and 7th avatars. (lmao i'm a stock whore :U)
awesome! *looks at avatars* even moar awesome! I like the 3rd one, it has a nice depth feel. The 6th one needs work on the text. The rest are...