love this one :O he looks awesomeness xDD
but....I don't do manga coloring. xDD unless you mean the selective coloring, then yeah sure. XD
yeah, sure, I'll pm you the accessible version. :3
some Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy icons I made. some are good, some are meh. xP free for use only on this site. if you do want to use one, I'll pm you the accessible version.
NSYNC O___O lmao
very nice very nice =D how's mine? o-o
lol the text is blinding, it looks blurry-ish D: and WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!? :O
well, yeah, it was either gonna be this or Neku. xDD anyways, definitely the first one.
I use Sony Vegas, but you could get it online for free using keygen or something like that. :P
what, for finding the items? :S if not, then whatevs, 'cause I already beat the game xDD lmao fyi, I didn't think of that! XD *goes to...
lmao yeah it is a great game. although Im still trying to find all the hidden items. (you know, those items you have to find after you beat the...
nice =D so what, are you gonna like do a boss guide vid thing for TWEWY? XD for 50+ Subscribers. Watch, Rate & Comment plz. :3
btw, nice icon. if you made it, then STOCK :U or render, lol.
OMG THAT SUCKS D: I'm making some vids for a contest, and it's like an ULTIMATE contest, so yeah, gotta work hard xDD oh, and I've playing FFX....
you took the words right of my mouth, Hayabusa. true, p-will is a great editor, but he's not the GOD of KH editing. there a lot of others unnoticed that are better than him in certain aspects. don't see why so many people are freaking out over this like he quit or he's dead. and btw..... for those who dont know :/
lol nice job so far. xD anything new lately??
awesome. nice pentooling. =D
yeah, just move it a few pixels to the right or left and it'll look nice =D but man, that stock pwns! xDD (have that same stock btw =O) Robot...
imo, I don't hate him, even if he was tricked. I just think the darkness tempted him into becoming twisted like that, like when he told sora to go play hero, and allowed himself for ansem (or Xehanort's Heartless, w/e) to corrupt him in KH1. So yeah, I don't hate him.