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  1. Virtuoso
  2. Virtuoso
  3. Virtuoso
    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

    this video was made basically to expermient with effects to give it different looks, like decreased brightness, levels, glow, etc.

    oh, and this was also used for a quality test, still trying to find the right quality settings.

    (read description for additional info :P)
    Thread by: Virtuoso, Jun 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. Virtuoso
  5. Virtuoso
    well, I know this one Japanese song that's really good.

    Asian Kung Fu Generation- Last Scene
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Music
  6. Virtuoso
    its amazing :O

    love the smudging and those shiny shapes around sora, it's very cool.
    nice colors too btw, liking the purple shades at the edge of sora's hair lol.
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Virtuoso
  8. Virtuoso
  9. Virtuoso
  10. Virtuoso
    Kairi's mouth and left eye look a bit weird(probably the lining is a bit crooked or maybe it's just me lol), but besides that, I love the warm coloring and the smudging is also nice.

    oh yeah, and nice poem thingy. :3
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Virtuoso
  12. Virtuoso
    I would steal the first one, too bad the file size is too large.

    all of them are wonderful, but try not to work with lq stocks since it's hard to work with.
    but anyways, all of them are wonderfully colored, i like most of them especially the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th ones. :3
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Virtuoso
    Profile Post

    very nice o-o

    very nice o-o
    Profile Post by Virtuoso for Laplace, Jun 7, 2009
  14. Virtuoso
    my entry for the SoYouThinkYouCanVid semifinals

    i had fun making this lol.
    also, when watching this vid, do NOT watch in HQ. (for some reason, HQ makes this vid look crappier)
    Thread by: Virtuoso, Jun 7, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Virtuoso
    I've seen the 5th one somewhere

    anyways, I like them, although the 6th one looks kinda blurrish(or noise-ish lol). maybe denoise to clean it up

    but overall, these are pretty nice hun. <3
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Virtuoso
    I like the simplicity in this and the exposure offset you used(or something like that lol) :3

    it could pull off to be a great banner imo if (maybe) the site had a template matching those colors.
    Post by: Virtuoso, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Virtuoso
    ^*steals :3

    stocks plz?? lol
    Post by: Virtuoso, May 31, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Virtuoso

    peace out.
    Post by: Virtuoso, May 31, 2009 in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Virtuoso
    ^ lol, it says in the description that the movie is fan-made trailer.

    but good job on whoever did it :3
    Post by: Virtuoso, May 31, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Virtuoso