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  1. longn4
    Fallout FTW!

    Hiya, wish you have a great time here
    Post by: longn4, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. longn4
    "What the hell is that thing?!" His first instinct was to run as far as way from the inhuman giant, and at first thats what he did. He only caught a glimpse of it, but as big as it was a glimpse was all that he needed. The monserous giant was large taller than most assault type mechs. large metal behemoths covered in thick slabs of endosteel armor and possessing firepower that could put entire squadrons of mechs to shame, and yet for all their power he couldn't shake the feeling that even those powerhouses were nothing more than scrap metal when compared to the thing that was almost placidly roaming the countryside. Unlike the mechs he was used to this, monster was more gaunt and skeletal in apperance. Its "skin" was pitchblack, its shoulders and torso were armored with bone-like protrusions while two mask-like helmets formed the things "head", the entire ghastly ensemble seemed to frame a giant hellish orb located in the dead center of the giant's chest.


    Ignoring the pain that seared through his chest, Carlos ran and ran only stopping when he turned around and saw that the thing wasn't chasing him. No, instead it seemed to moving steadily toward a single direction almost as if something was calling to it. Then in its paths two armored giants: one a deep purple savage, the other a white and pale yellow cyclops seemed to appear almost magically from the ground, as if they were some sort of chained demons who had clawed their way out of a hellish prison.

    Seriously? What the hell is going on? Has the Earth become so corrupt and polluted by the Terrans that the demons of Hell have come to raze it? Tapping several buttons on his comm he remotely activated his Skeeter, and directed it to face in the direction of the black giant. While his Skeeter wasn't as agile if he wasn't in the cockpit, it still had plenty of fire power and would be a lethal distraction if he needed to run. As loathe as he was to abandon his old brother in arms he'd rather live and later take revenge on these giants than be buried in one of their foot prints.
    Post by: longn4, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. longn4
    ........Diagnostics Reeport....88% complete......
    ......Air Bleed functional
    .......heat sinks 67% capacity
    .......coolant system....12%capacity...initiating secondary coolant system.....
    .......reactor performance at 58%
    .......PPC damaged....functioning at 40% capacity...range reduced by 500 meters, Kilowatt per shot output reduced to 7.5 out of 10.2.....all other weapon systems offline.....
    ......pilot ejection system offline
    ......ECM offline
    ......basic Comm online...40%
    ......pilot status....unknown...immidiate medical attention suggested

    Carlos groaned as the bright green message continously re-typed itself over and over again in front of him. Something wet was dripping down his forhead, he reached up to wipe away the fluid only to stain his hand with a deep red smear. Great I'm bleeding...wait does that still mean I'm alive? He moved to look around him only for a sharp pain to stab him in his gut. Wincing he let his hands move over his stomach..a few broken ribs..hopefully nothing was puncturing an organ. Ok for surviving a ****ing orbital re-entry I'm not doing too bad.....wish I could say that same about my Packhunter.....

    ......Radar....restored at.....23%

    To his right a green line flashed over a circular screen, the image was choppy and erratic but even in his state Carlos could make out the large red dot that flashed every now and then with the green line's passing. Something was out there, and Carlos didn't want to stay around here any longer to find out what it was. Powering on the mech, he left it on auto-pilot whle he took the SRM launcher that was latched to the underside of his seat, and a mobile comm system. Taking these items and a basic medkit Carlos opened an emergency escape hatch, and left the mech to try his luck on foot. Hopefully, he would reach a half-competent mechanic or engineer, hell even a scrap yard would give him enough things to work with to bring his Skeeter up to speed.....if either of them survived that long.
    Post by: longn4, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. longn4
    nah, I've never personally experienced it before, but I've been told by mah frends that i'm pretty un-nerving a guy to have walk behind you. Probably cause of the groping motions I make......
    Post by: longn4, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  5. longn4
    I'll be posting soon, just waiting for my chance to pop in
    Post by: longn4, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. longn4
    Hell YES!

    I call the X-Laws ALL OF THEM!
    Post by: longn4, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. longn4


    What the hell's a "nook" is it a cake of some sort?

    I read for both classes and enjoyment. Unfortunately, I'm a huge sci-fi/ fantasy nut so right now I'm just ripping through all the battletech and Raymond E. Feist books I can get a hold of.
    Post by: longn4, Oct 13, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  8. longn4
    Soldier Blue

    Last Fight by Velvet Revolver
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  9. longn4
    not a huge fan of Texas or Texans for that matter, but with this and the drought they'll be in my prayers
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  10. longn4
    oh wow, thanks for the greetings everyone
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. longn4
    The gentle shaking that rocked his mech's cockpit gently pulled Carlos back into the realm of consciousness. What happened? the last thing he rembered he was dueling a smoke jaguar Arctic Cheetah, he had managed to grab the ferocious mech and had his PPC pointed straight at the smoke cat's cockpit when the rocket launchers jammed into the damn hostile mech spontaneously exploded sending him and his "skeeter" hurtling towards the Earth along with what remained of the Arctic Cheetah.

    He looked around him to take stock of the situation, sirens were blaring filling the cramped space with a keening wail, while the garish red lights that flashed all around him told him that critical systems all over his mech were at the very brink of complete failure. Punching out the panel of a console he grabbed a fistful of wires and manually redirected the mech's energy and self repair systems to focus on the coolant system that kept his Skeeter bearable to pilot in the heat of battle. While the liquid hydrogen that was now pumping through the mech wouldn't do jack **** if he burned up in the atmoshpere, it could at least cool down his packhunter's fusion reactor so that it wouldn't meltdown. Outside the cockpit, armor began to heat bright red and sloughed off as the falling mech hit the atmosphere. Stravag, he thought to himself, this is it. Just then a bright blue comet passed directly underneath his mech, bits of ice and rock pelted the falling mech as the comet slowly began to disintegrate taking the worst of the planet fall in Carlos's place. The mechwarrior closed his eyes and prayed for mercy, if God was enough of an ******* to kill him off now when he had just survived a plentary re-entry then he'd greet the ******* with a PPC to the face. Seconds later Carlos felt like he had just been hit in the gut by a truck, and then darkness overtook him.

    The Skeeter, broken and battered as it was, meanwhile was recording a battle taking place miles away, silently filing away the data for its master.
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. longn4
    *bro-hoofs the entire thread*

    I'm about to graduate from college and I love this show
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. longn4
    Skeeter - 16m, 30 tons
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. longn4
    sweet, with this hopefully P3 will get a real anime adaption
    Post by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. longn4
    just wanted to say hi to everyone
    Thread by: longn4, Oct 12, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. longn4
    Username: Longn4
    Pilot Name: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Mech piloting, Mech gunnery, basic repairs, small arms, gardening
    Weapons: x1 .38 caliber revolver, x1 vibro-dagger, x1 survival knife, x1 small SRM launcher stored beneath pilot seat of his mech
    Personality: opportunistic, cowardly, "dishonor before death", honest
    Paired with: "Skeeter" custom use pack hunter light mech

    Bio: A former slave soldier to one of the many pirate bands who plagued the periphery star systems that bordered the inner sphere. Carlos was originally one of red jack Ryan's "anti-mech" warriors, little more than desperate men with rags and outdated rocket launchers, who were thrown at Ryan's enemies enmasse to "soften up" enemy mechs. That was until the forces of the Wolf clan came and slaughtered Ryan's pirates and enslaved any who survived the intial blitz.

    Initially, Carlos took this turn of fate in stride after all one master was as bad as the next. His time as a Wolf clan bondsman changed those thoughts and eventually the young man began to take the clan's ways as his own, though the cowardly streak that had been beaten into him during his days with the Red Jack pirates was something that not even the clan could completely purge from him. Under the tutelage of his mentor Natasha Kerensky he learned how to turn this fear into cautious cunning, and eventually became a mechwarrior respected for being able to take down much heavier and much more powerful mechs with his hit and run style of combat.

    During a skirmish above the Earth's atmosphere the Skeeter was caught in a explosion that sent it plummetting towards the Earth. By pure chance a random comet flew beneath the falling mech shielding it from the worst of th re-entry. While lucky to survive both Carlos and his mech are in bad shape.

    Other information: Carlos is a rather ardent and talented gardener. During his initial period with the cwolf clan he was assigned to their agro-facillities as "obedience training". To everyone's surprise he naturally took to the task, and has kept a micro-garden in is quarters ever since.

    BGM: Assault Waves
    Username: Longn4
    Mecha name: Skeeter
    Abilities: While lightly armored the Skeeter can use its agility and high performance jump-jets to evade enemy attacks, and the enemy all together if need be. A integrated ECM suite is capable of intercepting or scrambling hosstile communications and detection systems, while the mech's own advanced comm system allow it to serve as a spotter for artillery.

    Weapons: The production model came fresh out of the factory with an integrated extended range particle projection cannon, which is capable of sending electrified blasts of plasma from a longe range. The reinforced endo-steel claws that tip the packhunter's hands are useful for ripping away armor plates and gouging out exposed components. Carlos added a wrist mounted flame thrower which is fed directly by the mech's fusion reactor, and has installed a small laser cannon into the Skeeter's chest as an emergency ranged weapon.
    Paired with: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Bio: A customized Packhunter. About a ton of armor was stripped off of the already fragile mech to make room for all of the technolgical goodies and gadgets Carlos had installed to make it more suited to his piloting style.
    Other information:
    Post by: longn4, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. longn4
    hope you still got room for another player

    Username: Longn4
    Pilot Name: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Series: Battletech/Mechwarrior (original)
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Mech piloting, Mech gunnery, basic repairs and engineering, small arms use and maintenence, gardening
    Weapons: x1 .38 caliber revolver, x1 vibro-dagger, x1 survival knife, x1 small SRM (short range missle) launcher stored beneath the pilot seat of his Skeeter
    Personality: oppurtunistic, cowardly, "dishonor before death", honest
    Paired with: "Skeeter" Packhunter type light mech

    Bio: A former slave soldier to one of the many pirate bands who plagued the periphery star star colonies.Carlos was originally one of Red Jack Ryan's "anti-mech" warriors, little more than desperate men with rags and outdated rocket launchers, who were thrown at Ryan's enemies enmasse to "soften up" enemy mechs. That was until the forces of the Wolf clan, a spacefaring clan of nomadic mechwarriors, came and slaughtered Ryan's pirates and enslaved any who survived the intial blitz.

    Initially, Carlos took this turn of fate in stride after all one master was as bad as the next. His time as a Wolf clan bondsman changed those thoughts and eventually the young man began to take the clan's ways as his own, though the cowardly streak that had been beaten into him during his days witht he Redjack pirates was something that not even the clan could completely purge from him. Under the tutelage of his mentor Natasha Kerensky he learned how to turn this fear into cautious cunning, and eventually became a mechwarrior respected for being able to take down much heavier and much more powerful mechs with his hit and run style of combat.

    During a battle above the Earth's atmosphere the Skeeter was caught in an explosion and sent hurtling towards the earth. Only the timely interference of a stray comet shooting in front of his mech during his planetfall saved his "Skeeter" from burning up entirely. Though the fall and the impact have left both him and his mech in bad condition.

    Other information: Is a rather passionate and talented gardener. While atypical of a mechwarrior, the wolves assigned Carlos to their agricultural faccilities as a form of "obidience training". To their and especially carlos's surprise he naturally took to the task.

    BGM: Trouble Man

    Username: Longn4
    Mecha name: "Skeeter" Custom Packhunter light mech
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Abilities: While lightly armored, the Skeeter is a fast and highly agile mech with top of the line jumpjets allowing it to avoid enemy attacks or the enemy completely if need be. An integrated ECM suite allows it to scramble neemy communications and detection equipment; while its own advanced com system allow the Skeeter to be used as a spotter for artillery.
    Weapons: The Skeeter is armed with the Packhunter's signature extended range particle projection cannon, a weapon that can send intense bursts of electified plasma at a target from a huge distance. The skirmishers weapons are rounded out by a wrist mounted flamethrower fed directly by the mech's fusion engine exhaust, and a light laser mounted in its chest to serve as an emergency back up weapon. Finally, the reinforced claws tipping the mech's hands are well suited for ripping off armor panels and gouging out the exposed components of a careless foe.
    Paired with: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Bio: A stock Packhunter that has been modified for Carlos's mech-piloting style. About a ton of armor was stripped off of the already fragile mech to make room for all of the fancy goodies and gadgets that were jury-rigged onto the mech.
    Other information:
    Post by: longn4, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home