errrr, maybe you could start handing out hookers and cocaine? or ya know whatever. You seem like a nice enough person, don't really see any reason why you'd have trouble findin a friend or two on the site
eh i understand having to watch in private in your own triple enncryption sercuirty lock, fifty mile underground "pony bunker" Hell one half of my entertainment programming is watching man vs. wild, mythbsters, deadliest warrior, manly anime like hokuto no ken, getter robo armegeddon, blue gender, etc, and Prime suspect. The other is ponies. Needless to say that when my buddies come over I can't be flying my brony flag.
cool! thanks for lettin me join
I have read and accepted the rules above! Meister Trainee Name: Edie Mercury Age: 15 Gender: EDIE IS A GIRL'S NAME! (punches Jerrid Messa) Personality: Fierce, Out-going, respects strength and determination, polite to those she does not like or has little respect for. rude, flirtatious, and brutally honest with those she does like. Goals: To fight the strong, also wants to learn how to bake Appearance: relatively short (5'8), though leanly muscled for her size. She has a an olive skin complection, and has short wavy black hair that is usally greased back. Her head is vaguely masculine with a strong jaw and high cheekbones but is till somewhat femine in its soft curves. Her standard outfit consists of a short cut white t-shirt and a pair of long leather pants held up by a pair of red suspenders. Bio: Edie grew up in the slums of a small city located on the island of Zanzibar. As a child Edie was aloud to run roughshod through her home and city as her parent already had there hands full with her older brothers and sisters. Eventually, the young Edie became affliated with a a gang of similar "wild childeren" who did all the things kids usually do: robbery, muggings, vandalism, kindergartener pit fights, you know kid stuff. One day Edie's gang came across an old drunk hobo, thinking that they could have some fun with the old man the gang attacked him and in ten seconds flat were all horribly beaten. The old man was Death the senior, who was on a "sabbatical" (read: leaving junior to take care of all the work at DWMA) around the world. The one child who managed to actually land a glancing hit on him was a young girl who was now crumpled into a bloody and bruised heap at his feet. Taking an interest in the young girl Death the Sr recuited the little girl once she regained conciousness and shipped her off to the academy. Were she promptly got into fight after fight with far stronger, more experienced , and most importantly weapon partnered students; only to get carted off to the nurse's office after each beating. These constant defeats have caused her to despise her own weakness and to value strength above all things. Weapon/Type: None for now, Edie is a little too self-centered at the present to properly bond with a weapon. Though she is sklled in focusing her rough soul wavelength into saw-like claws on her hands and feet, aside from this her constant defeats have built up her endurance and stamina to near super human levels. Bodybuild: lean and mean Extras: - Theme: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen - Likes: Strength Guts Honesty Sweets and Pasteries Classic Rock - Dislikes: weakness of both body and spirit politeness spicy food snails, disgusting shell carrying things I might add a weapon later if Edie matures a bit, though i wouldn't mind at all if somebody else played as Edie's weapon
eh not my thing, but i could see how they could be useful for college students/professors/reseachers/etc who don't want to lug around a ton of books around, then again the e-reader and the laptop do that also.....
As the "Angel" stumbled backwards a shell of steel and fire streaked in towards the giant red orb mounted on the black giant's chest. Carlos didn't stop the think why his trigger finger slammed down on his launcher's fire switch when the purple one caught the monster square in the chest with its blade like foot instead he was already on his feet and running towards the nearest cover he could find. He hoped to god that he threw in his lot with the right side in this fight.
So I wanna play Olette, but I wanna give her a goofy like fightin style (magic bangles!) would that be all right as long as i stay faithful to her character int he game?
Opera Singer by Cake
seeing your counselor is a good first step. Try some deep breathing, or muscle relaxation whenever you're starting to feel anxious. I can't really offer any specific advice sinc eI don't really know a lot about your situation, but I hope things get better for you. Also you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting medication, but like with all meds exercise some caution mmmkay? Good luck
Just idiot! Why aren't you running?! they're fighting each other this is your chance to get away! This isn't any of your buisness Just. Go. Now. Carlos's instincts were practically clawing at his conscious by now, his body was tensed up tighter than a loaded spring, and his heart was rushing blood and adreniline throughout his body faster than greased lightening. And yet despite all of this, the young mechwarrior found himself taking step by cautious step towards the battleground. This isn't any of your business, and even if it was do those things look like they're in the buisiness of hiring mercenarys?! Following the combat training that had beendrilled into him since childhood he found a secluded vantage point from which he could observe the battle in relative safety, and just as importantly put all three of the giants in range of his SRM launcher. Shouldering the heavy weapon he observed the battle from the weapon's sights and waited for his oppurtunity.
Then learn to say "no" to those mind games. I know i sounds to simple to be any good, but its basic cognitve-behavorial therapy. I ain't telling ya to be in complete denial, just whenever you get those thoughts take a deep breath, step back and look at the situation as objectively as possible. Is there any evidence? any motivation? and similar experiences with this person in the past?
She's important because she serves as a goal for Sora in KH and KH2, without her that poor little pineapple headed boy simply wouldn't have a strong enough reason to return to the destiny isles and would eventually devolve into a aimless everwandering killer of heartless. Also she's a red head and red heads are awesome.
So....EPs are like pokedex enteries for our enemies in this rp?
the second season's in the fourth epsiode aleady? Hell, I need to catch up. So I hate to do this but.....Who's your favortie goshdarn pony?! Mine would be Miss Rarity.
I can only hope the anime is as incredible as the manga, though the first few episodes are lookin pretty good so far
Jewel of the Summertime by Audioslave
hopefully the interim government will peacefully hand over power to whoever wins the elections over there. Prayin for the best for em
oh hell yes! I love Papillion! Hell anything by Nobuhiro Watsuki is awesome
Bohemian Rhapsody by William Shatner
George R.R. martin's A song of Ice and Fire series is good if you like mature fantasy