"Tch, No need to apologize lieutenant, I was starting to get bored bartering anyways." He keyed n the access code that popped open the five ton armored hatch that protected the battlemech's cockpit, before leaping in he shouted out to Cruz, "Good huntinng out there Lieutenant!" The start up process was second nature by now, press this button, pull down on the auxillary throttle like so, start up the coolant flow, and voila the artificial sun that powered the Skeeter began to pump energy through the mech's circuitry and the myomer bundles that served as the Skeeter's "muscles". The machine gracefully, well as graceful as a 35 ton machine could manage, rose to its feet and strided over to the launch port. Behind the "small" mech a gigantic set of thrusters latched itself to the Skeeter. A self powered high trust propulsion unit...not bad inner spherites. "Sergeant Von Heinrich in the Skeeter launching!" Wih a force that practcally shoved 10 Gs of force into its pilots gut the Skeeter roared out of the bay, and was rocketing straight for Rokkaidon.
Despite his half drunk state, or perhaps because of it Carlos was now in one of the (suprisingly) many gardening stores in the underground Geofront city that surrounded NERV headquarterd. At the moment he was attempting to barter five pounds of C4 plastic explosive for some soil, seeds a UV lamp, and a mini hydration system. "Come on this is good stuff! It's gurranted to blow a hole through a solid ton of reinforced armor and whatever the hell is hiding behind it. This shits a steal for what I'm wanting." "U-uh I'm sorry sir but we only accept cash or credit." The young cashier at the counter nervously stammered, hoping that this strange man would just go away, far far away. "Oh I see! You think this stuffs fake huh?! Ok thats understandable how about I demo some of this stuff for you? Uh....got anything I can blow up around here?" "NO!" "...........Does the Gardening store across the street have anything I could blow up?" ".....maybe" Suddenly the comm device strapped to Carlos's thigh began flashing, picking the stravag piece of junk up he read the message being sent to him from NERV. "**** I gotta go. look just bag these up for me I'll be back with SEVEN pounds of C4 later quiaff?" With that the mechwarrior rushed off toward the hangar where his Skeeter was under lock and key. Meanwhile a distraught cashier down the street was wondering how she'd explain the five or so pounds of extremely explosive plastique sitting on the store counter to her manager.
thats actually pretty cool, its like lex luthor's power armor except not.....ridiculous.
he nodded dumbly, not knowing what a "second impact" or an "angel" was, and then shrugged with a sigh. "Well whatever I'll accept that explanation even if I don't like it...or this little situation here on Terra." He took another hard drink before somewhat dropping his facade afterall it was damn good alcohol and not all of it got spilled on the floor or his shirt. "So from what I gather these 'angels' as you call them aren't affected by conventional forces, and these 'children' are the only ones capable of actually fighting them, quiaff? *sigh* Ok well I am going to excuse myself now, sorry for wasting your time lieutenant I'll be seeing you and these 'childeren' tommorow." He rapped off a somewhat sharper salute this time, afterall he was still a soldier dammit and if these damned inner spherites didn't know or care to use proper manners well that was there problem. "Lieutenant", with that curt farewell he was off to his assigned quarters. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
He bristled at the official titles of the two pilots he would be training alongside miss fancy britches. So they didn't even try to hide the fact that they're using child soldiers.... For some reason that pissed him off all the more, though the sergeant was quick to mask it. Upon hearing the Lieutenant decline his kind offer, the mechwarrior feigned as if he was tugging an invisible dagger out of his heart. "awww urrr n fun. Well thats ur choice lieutenish." He stumbled up from his seat and gave her a sloppy salute. "So ave you mets the little tykes yetsh? any firs impresions?"
The Sergeant turned around with a wan grin and two bright red slap marks on his face, his shirt was untucked and reeked from the copious amount of alcohol he had spilled onto it. Well the more alcohol that ended up on his shirt the less that actually got into his system, and that was always a good thing when spying right? If that fueled his image here as a slovenly drunk well let us just say that the lower peoples' opinion of him got, the better it suited him. After all nobody suspects a drunk! He took extra special care to slurr his words, while keeping his eye on the sharply dress Lt. "Aff! tha be meh!" Getting a closer look at this rather striking young woman he smiled and made room for her to join him at the bar counter. "Wellls com n up lady! This heres all on Ikari's tab so wees can drink ash much as weeb want!" He gestured wildly for her to sit, and in the process spilled some of the contents of his glass onto the floor before taking a long dramatic drink from it.
"AFF! MY COMMANDER!" The sergeant shouted out loud and clear as Ikari left, and just as the oh so esteemed commander slipped past the corner Carlos took extra special care to make an extermely rude gesture in the man's general direction. If I ever have to see you again It will be too soon my commander, but I am be more than happy to take you up on your kind offer! Carlos made his way through the facillity making mental notes of the sections leading to the facillity's power generators, weapon caches, and repair facillities. Pulling out his comm device he casually pressed a few buttons on the glowing screen, sending a signal to the dormant skeeter to reboot its OS and to purge itself of any of the software upgrades or any other "gifts" that Ikari's goons may have installed onto his mech's computer. After several minutes of aimless roaming he found the cafeteria that Ikari was referring to, and just in time to cause he was starting to get thirsty. "A rum and coke barkeep! and make it strong!" He caught the eye of two nubile NERV lab techs, and shot a dashing smile at them. Oh this was going to be a fun night!
Awww thats the big purple monster eater I saw earlier. Despite seeing it in action earlier Carlos still let out a slow appreciative whistle at the sight of the armored giant. He had seen big mechs before, hell even ones bigger than this so called "EVA" standing in fornt of him, but the thing exuded a raw power that made it seem almost alive. Dor a plit second the sergeant could have sworn he saw it twitch, but that was impossible right? Mechs weren't living breathing things after all. and that line about this thing being humanity's last hope? What the hell was this? Some sort of comic book? Then again it was beginning to look like his time here wouldn't be a complete waste of time. It wouldd be a shame if these "Angels" destroyed the Earth before the Clans could conquer it. The mechwarrior smiled like a wolf that had just come across a injured deer, "Well we will see if I am or if I am not. So! Were can a soldier get a drink around here?! The first thing these children should learn is how to deal with a CO with a hangover! GWAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Carlos, or rather sergeant von Heinrich smirked. "I'm good with kids, and I'm even better at teaching em how to fight." So these guys were using child soldiers to pilot those monstrosities, well that just made him feel a hell of a lot more comfortable workin for his new "boss". His claim was no bluff though, during his time with the pirate RedJack Ryan, he was often the one put in charge of teaching the young ones how not to get their head blown off with their own weapons. "So, when do I get to meet the rascals?"
Carlos sized up the commander before making his response. "The name's Carlos Pham von Heinrich, but I'm guessing you're the type that adresses people formally, So to you I'd guess I'm Sergeant Von Heinrich." Carlos didn't like this man, and he outright hated that this was the person who he'd be taking orders from...well at least for the mean time. Masking his misgivings, though the sharp old ******* could probably pick up on them anyways, Carlos gave the middle aged man a sharp salute. "I am trained in four forms of unarmed combat and a master of two, I'm proficient in the use of small arms, timed and remote controlled explosive charges, and anti-mech weaponery. That being said my speciality in combat is piloting a mech." Not that my Skeeter,or any battlemech would be of much use against those.....things. "If I may say so Commander, that fight was sloppy as hell. If your not going to have me detained or killed then I humbly suggest that you put me to work training those beasts on how to really fight."
Carlos arrived at the underground facility that served as NERV's headquarters. He had seen and even lived in one of the underground fortresses that the clans refered to as Castle Brians, though submerging an entire city beeath the surfae of the Earth and god knows how many tons of armor was just ridiculous, then again after seeing that fight maybe this amount of fortification wouldn't be enough if more of those....things were out there. He made his exit in a nondescript building that served as a hangar. In it he saw other things that could be battlemechs, except these were gaudily painted and ornamented. They seemed more suited to an arena match than an actual battlefield. Shrugging he leaned back against the side of his battered mech when the NERV crews finished unloading it and waited form some officer or afficianado to turn up to give him a proper greeting. Carlos had dark weathered skin, and a lean hungry look on his face. His hair had been trimmed down to point where only a paper thin layer of blackish peach fuzz covered his pate, he liked to call himself clean shaven though a few whiskers and patches of stubble dotted his chin and cheeks. He had on a plain pair of militairy trousers and a worn and much patched up ballistic vest. Basically he was what a typical mercanery in a holo-movie or action novel whould look like. Tough yet unassuming, the only real thing that distinguished him was the tattoo of a snarling wolf's head on his left cheek which was so ugly that it might as well have been branded onto him.
Fine I'll play their lackey for now. After all the clan's need all the information about those things as they can get. Despite being alone in the Skeeter's cramped cockpit Carlos nodded in agreement to this Gendo's terms. "Very well consider me your bondsman for the time being, now when can I expect a pick up? You seem like your from a profesional (among other things) organization commander I do hope you won't keep one of your new assets waiting." He had dealt with these sorts of people before, cold calculating beings who disregarded the value of human life in favor of political and influential power. Though Carlos would prefer not having to serve a commander like Ikari, with the shape he and his mech were in he didn't have much of a choice. Besides whoever piloted those mechanical monsters (if they were even piloted) were rather sloppy, maybe he could teach these inner sphere barbarians how to fight.
"Come on just behave for once you stravag piece of......" Sparks rained down on Carlos's grease stained face as he worked with a jumble of wires and circuit boards underneath the control panel of his mech. "Let us see here just reverse the polarity........cross the blue wire with the red...and there we go! HAHA! suck on that you-AGGGH!" An ark of electricity shot out from the shoddy jury-rigged comm system and scorched the mechwarriors hands. Whatever annoyance the shock caused however was soon replaced with a not unsmall feeling of self-satisfication as his Skeeter's comm system suddenly flared back to life. Punching a button on the console he sent out a general SOS signal that surely even these Terran barbarians would be able to understand. "To whoever can hear me this is Mechwarrior Carlos Pham Von Heinrech of Clan Wolf. I am injured and my vehichle is heavily damaged, under the Honors of War I request aid from anybody willing to send it. For this aid I offer either my battlemech as salvage, or my services as a warrior as payment." Pressing a second button he sent out a second message specifically encrypted for Clan transcievers. The message was simple it identified him as a fellow clansmen, confirmed that he had made landfall on Terra, and most importantly contained the battledata for the brutal fight that the Skeeter and its pilot had witnessed. --------------------------- past Jupiter's Orbit Eighteen Figures were arrayed across the dark antechamber, each seated upon a meteor hewn thrown. Some possesed a dignified, intelligent air and had clothes made of the finest silks, others seemed to be forged from the constant wars that they had fought in all sinew and scar and made do with simple pilot uniforms, while others were almost giant-like in stature and were clad in inhuman battlearmor that comlpetely encased the enthroned individual in steel save for their faces. The one thing that all of these individuals had in common were the masks that covered their faces. These masks each resembled, or rather paid tribute to a specific animal: the cunning Nova Cat, the vicious Wolf, the deadly Ghost Bear, the opportunistic Diamond Shark, the murderous Ghost Jaguar, the majestic Jade Falcon, the enduring Hell Horse, the swift Ice Hellion, the psychotic Blood Spirit, the prideful Steel Viper and more. The masks seemed more lifted directly from some metallic beast god rather than crafted by the hand of mortal and each mask conveyed the power and sheer presence that each member of the room commanded. "Brothers! Sisters! Our homecoming is nye! Now which clan shall have the honor of being the first to return?"
What the hell did he just witness? Carlos pushed that thought out of his mind, and ran towards a nearby boulder to take cover behind it, not that a rock would provide him with much protection against those....things. The enemy of my enemy isn't my friend, I've got to be careful. Slamming a fresh cartridge into the side of his SRM launcher he slumped down against the boulder, and waited for the giants' next move.
The Earth which his people were finally returning to, the armored giants who now fought each other on its surface, the soul chilling effect their very presence had on him Carlos had no idea of what to make of any of those things. What he did know howevever was that the fight was over. The purple demon had its prey in its grasp while its orange companion was holding the creature steady for its coup de grace. Finally having a moment to relax and catch his breathe Carlos lowered his SRM launcher and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. Putting them on smoothly he said. "Looks like the big guy stopped by.....for lunch".
**** don't worry bout it brother. Hope your life starts tunin around soon ----------------- new OC time! Username: LongN4 Pilot Name: Miranda O'Connel Appearance: Spoiler Series: OC Age: 20 Sex: Female Abilities: - Professional Pyrotechnian (can make, handle, and operate fireworks) - Decent cook - can make a fire using practially any junk that is nearby - expert in treating burns - Mid-level Brazillian Ninjpo practioneer (Smokebombs, Machinery, and Traps speciality) Weapons: Miranda always keeps the folloing on her person at all times x1 minature flamethower disguised as a Zippo lighter x1 multi-tool x4 black-powder bombs Personality: She has an in-born tendancy to nurture and care for others. Despite this caring nature she possesses a quiet strength and an inner fire just waiting to be let loose. She has a gentle if somewhat firm way of dealing with others. Paired with: Mechanical Inferno Hanabion! Bio: Born in the STATES Miranda was raised by her parents. Her father Frank was a master of Brazillian Ninpo and the defender of the STATES. Her mother Caeli O'connel was an Irish pyrotechnician famed for her fireworks. As her father was always dashing from one place to another on some half insane quest to "save the STATES", and her mother was likewise on tour spreading the wonders of her fireworks throughout America the little Miranda while not tied to anyone place in particular eventually came to regard the whole of the United STATES as her home. Also since her parents where always off doing there own thing Miranda was often left alone to take care of the family's lodging and occasionally one of her parents if they ever got injured in their work this led to her developing a patient and nurturing personality. Eventually this roaming lifestyle came to an end as both of her parents passed away due to natural causes, however before they passed her parents left Miranda with two things. Her father left behind a ancient scroll containing the teachings of his clan and with that his title as the defender of the STATES! Her mother on the other hand taught the young woman the art of fireworks giving the Miranda a means of feeding herself, and bringing joy to those she protected. Five years after their deaths Miranda has fused the two arts together to give birth to her "partner" Hanabion. Other information: BGM - My Glorious Days! Likes: - Fireworks - Silly people - Festivals Dislikes: - Spicy Food - Those who spread misery and despair - Hyper Weapons -------------------------------------------------------- Spoiler Username: LongN4 Mecha name: Mechanical Inferno Hanabion! Appearance: Spoiler Abilities: Can generate and control fire -Fire Clone substitution technique (Bunshin lvl1, 15% to completely avoid attack, deals damage if activated during melee attack) -rocket-powered jumps - can't fly but can jump long distance by using Fire Ninpo Heart of the Amazon - mystical ruby from the Amazon rain-forest that responds to pilot's emotions, serves as the super robot's power source Weapons: Fire Enrobing Panther's Claw - Covers arms with mystical flames that can be used to enhance strikes. melee range, high accuracy ,moderate damage, moderate criticial Justice Flint - Shoots a stream of sparks from the super robot's fists to disorient and blind opponents. moderate range, high accuracy, negligible damage, low critical, SP: lowers accuracy and evasion Scorched Eagle Talon - Generates knives of self contained fireworks to be thrown at the enemy with explosive results. moderate range, moderate accuracy, moderate damage, high critical Plague of Flame, Fire locust (Map) - Hanabion creates a "hive" of fire in its hands before launching it skyward directly above itself. After reaching acertain point in the sky the hive explodes and sends rockets down towards the battlefield. As each rocket is guided by Miranda's Chi friendly fire isn't normally a problem. moderate range, high accuracy, moderate damage, low critical Burning Caiman Bite - Suumons a spike of lava below an enemy to impale and hold an enemy in place, a sword of fire and sparks is summoned in Hanabion's hands as it jumps down at the impaled enemy from above for the coup de grace. short range, moderate accuracy, high damage, high critical Finishing Move OH SAY CAN YOU SEE?! YOUR DOOM'S DAWNING LIGHT! - The Hanabion overloads itself with the energy of a million fireworks and rushes forward to tackle the enemy. If it catches its enemy it jumps high into the sky and releases the stored energy in a massive explosion with the unfortunate mech or kaiju at its center. moderate range, low accuracy, very high damage, high critical Secret Killing Move Wildfire Bloom (locked)- Summons three other shadow clones which are used to generate a tornado of fire, as the enemy is sucked up into the cyclone the Hanabion strikes at it from all sides each strike setting off a small explosion of brightly colored sparks. As the enemy reaches the top of the tornado a final burst of flame, smoke and light causes the cyclone to "bloom" into a flower to eulogize the fallen foe. short range, high accuracy, extreme damage, high critical Paired with: Miranda O'connel Bio: A Super Robot created from the skills of Brazillian Ninpo and the secret arts of Irish-American fireworks. Other information: N/A
bout time you showed up webhead
nah, it just means your a jedi
I'm gonna be zombie Andrew Garfield
Diving behind a boulder Carlos collapsed intoto a heap while he caught his breath. Scurrying from cover to cover while taking what potshots you could was par for the course in anti-mech warfare and while it went a ways in keeping you alive. It sure as hell wore a person out. He somehow managed to score a hit on the monster and it even looked like it had had some sort of effect on the....thing. With some luck and the help of those other two giant mechs the mechwarrior allowed himself to believe he might come out of this alive.. Diving out just long enough to get a lock on the angel Carlos sent another rocket towards it before darting towards his next hiding place. During his mad dash for cover he pulled out his comm deviceand punched in a few remote commands for his wounded brother in arms. On the other side ofthe battlefield the damaged packhunter began to rouse to life with a loud hum as energy from its reactor began to flow throughout the mech's metal frame and collect in the large cannon mounted over its left shoulder.