We're going to tell stories with picture! Watch: Once upon atime, there was a psycho: She ate cheese: Then the psycho ate.... a fish: The End! no, seriously. Clap.
Ok, After several days of thinking up bizarre things... (I do mean VERY bizzarre) I finally decided to get this started. Point: Nothing. Literally. It's a severe crossover thing. Right, 'Nuff blathering. ~~~~~~ Chapter 1: "What did I say?!" [In a random world....] -Sora: "I'm bored." -Riku: "Ok. Point?" -Kairi: "Ooohh! Ooohh! I know! Let's play DDR!" -Sora: "YAH!!!! DDR!!!!" -Riku: "No way. Everyone knows that Rockband is soo much cooler!" -Kairi: ".......... What's that?" -Riku: "Wtf....." -Sora: "WAIT! My brain is working!!!!!" -Riku: "you have a brain....?" -Sora: "Let's go on a road trriiiipp!!!! lolz" [ok. 7 minutes later; Gummi Ship] -Sora: "Chaaaarrrllliiieee.... Chaarrlie..." -Goofy: "Charlie!" -Sora: "No! I'm Charlie!" -Riku: "Someone please get me out of here!!!!" -Donald: "I'm driving! I'm driving!" XD -Mickey: "Raaawrrrr..... IMA firin' mah lazah!" -Kairi: "Lookie! There's a world!!!" -Sora: "LEMME DRIVE!!!!" -Donald: "Okay." *lets drive* {They crash in 1 second} ~~~~~ Lemme think how it is.
Is attempting to eat my arms and hands!!!!
I want to be random now. Moot.
Seriously, I had a competion last year on amother site. Evdentally, we never got to fininsh 'cuz the site got changed. But today, what ever day that may be cause I'm forgetful and stuff... My username is- Shammalammadingdong! Moo! Spongebob! Some other name that I don't know! Blahblahblah black sheep have you any wool? YESSIR YESSIR I SURE DO! Get the drift? Okay then.
Seriously! I got nothing to do now! Can someone give somethin' to do...?
ok, after a long time of boredom, I decided to make an anime rpg! yay! Rules- 1) no power play! (I'd have to virtually beat you somehow then....) 2) Cussing is allowed. (ya, like I'm the one to talk against it...) 3)Ask to kill first! 4)Pg-13 in violence and romance. 5) I'll put a 3 perosn limit for now. (might be higher later...) 6)Video game characters ARE included. (9 times outta 10 it was an anime/manga at some point...) When you sign up, please put the series the person's from... I don't like extra work. Made ups? Well.... Sure, why not. Go nuts... I'll sign up after the first person. Characters: -Rikku; FFX(Maria) -Dark Link; LoZ: (i dunno; me) -Naruto(shippuden); the darkness grows within -Jak; (Jak X combat racing) the darkness grows within -Link: (TwilightBlader) -Gohan(as teen) TwilightBlader -Lucario: (ericy11, my school pest.)-Pokemon -Goku: (DBZ) leon47 -Vegeta: (ditto) leon47 -Misa from Death Note(Random Angel) -Demyx from KH (ditto) -Sora: kingdom hearts (dur) Prince_of_Hearts
Me? Sleep or draw. Aslong as my mind's occupied.
Yup. I'm doin' it again people, exect, I tossing out all the rules I possibly can, so go nuts! You can do about.. Everything, I guess. I'll start off. When they told us that there would be a fight between Link and Dark Link, they never expected this to happen. It's all yours, people.
Everyday, I sit and talk to my friends about paradies, and when I can, I draw them out. I'll show you one: http://fanmanga.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=3848 When I originally did this, I actualy thought of doing a cosplay based on dieing from boredom, tripping over flowers, terrorising siblings, and even collecting soda opener-top-things. I was wanting to know if these sound good, or if I could do better.
Yes, I'm sure alot of poeple are tired of these threads that I create, BUT OH WELL! This time around, I'm putting in a prize! So be as random as physically possible! :) (Note, I'm just here for competition, the prize goes anyone but ME.
Yes, I know we love reading these, I do myself. Such as:
Same rules as ever, people! ^^ I'll give out a topic, and we basically talk about what it makes us think. TOPIC: Why's there crappy T.V shows where good ones are?
Obvious? just use random pics/attachments.
As the title states, this is where the kh cast go to the nonexsistant limits of their randomness! You know the rules, just sign up! Demyx- amberdslovick Sora- #1 DestinyX Luxord- keybladeofdarkness4 Roxas- Twilight--XIII Axel- Kingdom Konoha
Self-explainitory, as usual, tell me who you want to be and stuff. Kh characters: Roxas Sora- The Servant of Light Riku- XxRikiaKuchixX Kairi- lanihead7 Demyx- hitna3510 Axel: hidden_light Larxene- Canano Namine- Nymph of Destiny (And a bunch of other people I'm too lazy to add) Naruto: Narutard- hitna3510 Sasuke(older)- the darkness grows within Sakura- XxRikiaKuchixX Itachi(me) Hinata: hidden_light Sasori- Canano Lee- Gatekeeper Ino- Nymph of Destiny Gaara- SandyDeath (she'll be here shortly, her account was just made.) (and more people I'm too lazy to add) Oh, and you can be your "Made-ups" too. Here's mine: Name: Myra (but for some reason I can't remember, everyone calls her Wacko. @_@') Age: 18 Abilities: Has Kekkei Genkai that copies other Blood line traits... (-_-' almost like the ol' Sharingan...) Story cut short: Originally abandoned by family, Myra grows up with no idea of her heritage. When she turned 6, she found out that the family that she came to know as her own wasn't hers. (blah blah blah... 10 years later...) At 16, Myra finds herself faced against Itachi... (They fight.... blah blah... mental torture...) 2 months later, Myra and Itachi still ended up getting into fights, though they were begining to get along. Shortly afterwards, Myra finds something out about herself that she never noticed before: A Tailed Demon (6-tailed at that...) was sealed inside of her. Runs away; finds out who her family was and why they abandoned her; Kills mom... I'll stop there. Appearance: Long, dark brown hair that goes to waist; Wears black jacket; red shirt that has an xp on it; dark blue jeans with 2 pockets on the left side; light grey eyes; long bangs covler part of face. oh, and before I forget... family: Has 1 older brother (don't criticize me about this either!) Deidara. Myra's also fairly good friends with Naruto, but they don'y see much of each other anymore. She also kind of likes Itachi too, constantly referiring to him as "Itachi-san" Ok. That's it.
I figured it was the right time to put one of these threads here! Rules are self explaintory, but I'll give an example any way! ex: What if chickens could fly? There.
(Once again: Bored.) Ok, A) fly B) breathe fire C) breathe water [O_o?] D) shapeshift or E) wtf Wacko, I don't want ANYTHING.
Yes, I'm most likely not the only one who made this thread, But I don't care! ^^ Rules are simple: Be as radom as possible! Ex: Whooooo-ooooo-ooo..... CHEESSEEE! Simple?