My dog likes to eat my clothes.... I almost became teh Champion in Baten Kaitos Origins, But I always get killed in the last match. Chiken go clark
Ok. If anyone asks, It's all Matt's fault 'cuz I say so.... soooo... *runs away*
It's here at last! My lastest series! It's kinda like LoZ, (in a slight parody thing) but I pretty much replaced everyone except... Link 'n.... Sadly, Navi. So............. Yah. Enjoy! ^_^ All shall be reveled soon enough. And I'll often switch the format I put it in. Because I'm not good at desciption and junk. chapter 1: The need for help A figure stood at the end of a half-lit hallway, facing a large crate-like cage. He had flaiming red hair with dark emerald eyes and wore black clothes. Another figure entered the hallway. This figure has blonde hair and deep blue eyes, but wore all green. With him was a light blue fairy... Which was talking away and was clearly being ignored. "Hey!" The fairy said suddenly. "Look Link!" The figure in green glaced up. "Huh?" Link saw the figure in black ahead. The figure was staring strait at Link. "Well well well... I'm suprised you managed to get this far." "Matt!" the fairy shouted. "What did you do with the princess?!" A wry grin crept onto Matt's face. "Oh come on, Link. Like I would seriously do anything to her. I'm only interested in the shroom." "That would be 'THA Shroom' to you, ya little pipsqueak!" A voice rang out from the cage. Link suddenly reach for his sword. "Mr. THA 'Shroom! Are you OK?!" "I'm fine, kid. Just powahless." The voice anwsered. Matt walked up to the cage and rested a hand on it. "Quite interesting, really... All the ultimate power in the world... So easily contained in a simple crate..." He grabbed at the katana on his back. "Makes on curious of the possibilties... Doesn't it, old friend?" Link's hand slowly left the hilt of his sword. The fairy fluttered about wildly. " 'Friend'?! You two know each other?!" "Hm? You didn't tell her our story? Heh.. Not that it suprises me any." Matt smirked. "Navi..." Link said quietly. "When we were little kids, Matt and I were the best of friends.... But... One day... That all changed!" He pulled out his sword. Matt did the same. "Admittedly, Link... If it weren't for his deal, we wouldn't be here. However, a deal is a deal. And I always keep my end of the bargain... And my end is making sure no one gets in the way!" ~~~~~ ok. Chapter ish cut short... fer now.
You are boring meh. Because I says so.
In a world where war is a way of life..... 1... no, 2... 3.. errrrr... alot of people try to change that in the most rediculious, unnecessary, and bizzarre way possible! ~~~~~~~~ IT ALL STARTED...... last week. Sora jumped off the bridged... And thought he was pushed by military spies. ~~~~~~ Sora flew around. "OMFG!!!!! The freaking military people pushed meh off!!!! >_<" Everyone was too busy playing checkers to care. Roxas stood up. "Sora, No one wants to even touch you." He said. OOC- lemme know how it is.
Just follow the forum rules and jump in! ^_^ ....................... Well, I must have alot of time today.
ok. So I was showing Rainbow Stoner some random pics until there was this: Well, this is the convo. So here we are. Yesh.
>_>........................................... *twilight theme* O.o WTF?!
And I'm starving.
Today...... I'm going to sue myself.
Yup. I figured it was time for this. sooo.....;init:.jpg
Yeah, Me and one of my friends always get into this subject.... He calls Nero a lil b**** then that would result in me bashing his head open. So, To make an attempt to prove otherwise, I made this poll. I personally can't decide between the two.
YESH! XD! Now for random pictures! O_o... Oh... My... god... YESH! X3;init:.jpg BUY IT NOOOOOOW!!!! XD!
Finger like pinnapple.
*eats taco* TAAACO!
It's me again and I think I actually have a good RPG idea! It's pretty simple: Plot: Everyone lives in an apartment complex that has few rat problems, the walls certainly NOT sound proof... >=)... heheh... Yeah, that's the basics. Rules- 1) no power play! 2) Cussing is allowed. (just be sneaky XD jk) 3)Ask to kill first! 'Cuz there'll be a possiblity of death via other players.... 4)Pg-13 in violence and romance. 5) I'll put a 3 perosn limit for now. (might be higher later...) 6)Video game characters ARE included. Oh yah.... 7) Check in too. When you sign up, please put the series the person's from... I don't like extra work. OCs? Well.... Sure, why not. And they don't need powers. Annnd... the laziness sets in.
Wood Could A Woodchuck Chuck, If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood?