It's also not like a straight invert is the only option. Here is Nova Master, each top image is the inversion of the bottom, the bottoms are Sepia, Black and White, and Original, respectively. [DOUBLEPOST=1422642606][/DOUBLEPOST]You can also do some interesting things with double layered inversions. The right here is the original, while the left is inverted, then Sepia filtered, then inverted again.
No reason not to start the process before the images are finalized though.
As I said in the same post that I put those images, I had only intended to create a few cards as a concept, so I didn't give them images. Then, when there were 16 of them it was on a bit larger scale than I had intended, so I decided I might as well ask for approval. I have since gotten images for all but one of the monsters. None of the S/T yet.
DHD, with the cards I submitted not being changed in any way, have very strong option selection and sustain. They can search monsters when they get normal summoned, they have mini-avarice both from grave and banished which can be recycled instead of drawing, they have a spell that can search their S/T. However, they are also Very expensive to get started. If you want to get a monster out you must have either DH Pathfinder Dragon (and wait a turn), or Vanguard/Ritual (and discard a card). You can't summon Any DHD monster aside from Vanguard without either using Ritual or tributing at least one monster. And they don't get their search effects when Special Summoned. Their card that can search any S/T needs a discard for a cost. If they can't get cards into grave/banished, their mini-avarices are dead. When you tribute one DHD to bring out another, the search stops you from losing hand advantage, but the tribute stops you from gaining field advantage. Let's look at an example turn one hand. Say I get both DH Pathfinder and Universal Magic, along with two DHD monsters not named Vanguard or Harbinger, and one Denial of Hope. If I want to get a DHD monster out, I have two options. The first is to normal summon/set Pathfinder, set Denial, and hope that you're too scared to kill Pathfinder, so that next turn I can use its effect to tribute it and normal summon a DHD, then get a search into Vanguard. The second is to play Universal Magic, and discard one other card. Let's say I drop a DH Pathfinder. Now I have Summoning Ritual. I activate that, and need to discard Another card. So I drop Denial of Hope. Now I have Summoning Ritual and two DHD monsters in hand. The only real move I can make at this point is SS with Ritual, get a monster that can't do anything until the end phase, then either sit with one random DHD in my hand, or tribute my DHD on the field (which will be banished) to summon the other DHD, and search one of my choice. Either way I'm stuck with one DHD monster (from two randomly selected) and one continuous spell card (that does nothing but help me summon from hand) on the field, with one DHD monster in my hand (Which my opponent may or may not have seen when I searched it). Since mini avarice needs three banished or five in grave, I can't count on getting one of those to help me out. So if my opponent clears my field, I've essentially lost the game. If my monster dies but the spell does not, I have to draw a DHD to be able to SS > Normal to end up right back where I started. If neither dies I can't use my spell, so I'm forced to either swap my DHD on field out for a better one (with no net effect to field/hand advantage) or just sit and hope to draw something good. I can see why you say that Denial of Hope needs some editing though. I'll think about some minor limitations for it. Edit: Just realized I could go Universal > drop DHD > search Blitz Tactics > normal + tribute Pathfinder > play Blitz > normal DHD and search. That would allow me to keep Denial of Hope at the price of not getting to keep a Summoning Ritual on the field.[DOUBLEPOST=1422497945][/DOUBLEPOST]New copy of Denial of Hope. Spoiler: Denial of Hope
I made a new Archetype. I was originally just going to submit a few cards as an archetype concept, so there are no images yet, but I ended up making 16 cards, so I'm going to submit them for all format approval. Spoiler: Doom Herald Dragons This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. You can banish this card and 1 other "DHD" monster from your graveyard; add 1 level 10 or higher DARK Dragon-Type monster from your deck to your hand. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. You can discard 1 "DHD" monster; Special Summon this card (from your hand). You cannot Summon monsters, except DHD monsters, during the turn you activate this effect. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, banish that monster face-down. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. If this card battles an opponent's monster, all battle damage is doubled. If this card inflicts more than 3000 damage in one battle, banish it face-down. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. Negate the effects of any monster that battles with this card. During Damage Calculation, if this card battles a monster with 2000 or more ATK: This card's ATK becomes double its original ATK until the end of the Battle Phase, but your opponent takes no damage until the end of the turn. *Note this is NOT a DHD monster* If you have a "DHD" monster in your graveyard, this card can attack your opponent directly. You can tribute this card; Until the end of the turn, "DHD" monsters can be Normal Summoned without Tributing. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. This card is unaffected by Spell effects. During the End Phase: Change this card to defense position. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. During your turn, this card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. When this card declares an attack; its ATK becomes 3500 until the end of the turn. When this card is targeted for an attack; it loses 500 ATK. When you activate this card; Discard one card. While you control no other cards, you can Special Summon one "DHD" monster from your hand. Until the End Phase, that monster's effects are negated, it cannot declare an attack, and it is banished if it leaves the field. You cannot Summon monsters, except "DHD" monsters, during the turn you activate this effect. While you have 5 or more "DHD" monsters in your Graveyard, banish one monster from your Graveyard face-down to target 3 "DHD" monsters in your Graveyard; Shuffle those targets into your deck, then draw one card. During your Draw Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, instead of conducting your normal draw: You can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand. Target 3 of your banished "DHD" monsters;You can banish one card from your hand face-down, and if you do, shuffle those targets into your deck then draw two cards. During your Draw Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, instead of conducting your normal draw: you can pay 1000 Life Points; add this card from your Graveyard to your hand. Activate only if there are 5 or more cards banished face-down. Gain Life Points equal to 100 x the number of cards banished face-down, then, if there are 15 or more cards banished face-down, you can draw one card. During your Draw Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, instead of conducting your normal draw: you can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand. Discard one card; Add one "DHD" Spell or Trap card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. During your Draw Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, instead of conducting your normal draw: You can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand. [/i]You can Normal Summon 1 "DHD" monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set (you can only gain this effect once per turn). You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "DHD" monsters, during the turn you activate this effect. During your Draw Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, instead of conducting your normal draw: You can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand.[/i] When your opponent declares a direct attack: pay 500 Life Points; Special Summon 1 "DHD" monster from your deck. That monster becomes the attack target. At the end of the Battle Phase, banish that monster face-down. Until the End Phase, "DHD" monsters you control cannot be targeted by card effects or destroyed (by battle or by card effect). You cannot declare an attack or activate a monster effect during the turn you activate this card.
Eh? He challenged me to a duel? When?
I had a dream that Jay challenged me to a random draw duel here.. 'Twas bizarre.
I forgot it had been so long since we had people... Something about the combination of Rafael, Bastion, Yakumo, and my own bad time sense, has my Duel Arena Timeline all messed up.
I feel like we had this conversation when Yakumo joined.. But I may just be imagining things. Yakumo is polish though, and Rafael was not, so I rather doubt they're the same person. Geographically speaking, Rafael is more likely to be Abby. Edit: I definitely meant that Yakumo was used to polish things, not that he was from Poland. Thanks for trusting me, spell checker.
It wont cause trouble right now if it's accepted, true.. But it also wont add anything. Adding the card to the list wouldn't give anyone anything more than a vanilla level three tuner, and has the chance of doing something unexpected later. Even if it weren't for the fact that it would replace a currently usable and potentially useful monster, I would say that it's not a good idea to accept it without there being at least one card it can work with. Since it's also replacing a card that can do something, I think adding it is actively harmful as well as providing the potential to be harmful later. Aside from what I have posted here, and in my prior post, I have no objections to it, so if you say you want to pass it despite those, I'll add it.
I think this card should not be accepted on the grounds that, given the fact that it is the only "Synchronizer" monster in the game, its effect is currently useless. All it does is act as another card to possibly mess things up if another card with "Synchronizer" in its name is released. If you intend to release other "Synchronizer" monsters, please submit this along with them so that it can be judged in the context of the cards that it will be used with. Also, keep in mind that the original Fiend Synchronizer was accepted. So to accept this we'd need to remove the previous version.
Wait, I think I missed something... Are you telling me that Yakumo and Rafael are different people?
That sounds like the best deck.
But then you don't get any of their effects! It's weak unless you're using a pendulum set-up. if you are, it lets you run less ritual spells without getting hurt too badly. Not worth IMO.
I summoned trish twice that game, just he negated it with Quasar once. It's what I used to allow myself to set up that play
Nekroz are so OP that this guy surrendered when I attacked his quasar with a 300 attack monster.
My Fire Princess burn deck runs Recycle.
Have you seen Ritual Beast? Contact fusions that defuse themselves for free as a quick effect. And they can defuse themselves into monsters that they weren't even fused out of. They can even defuse themselves if they weren't properly fusion summoned. GG.
RIP Duel.
I'm pretty sure the double post wasn't intended to be related. Even if it was, the card he posted was just legal Utopia with a picture change.