CB are an OTK deck. I was actually remembering the wrong number. The best I could do without any setup is Activate field spell > normal summon Cruffsant (1500 base atk, +500 from field) use Cruff to bounce the field to gain 300 atk (now 1800) and then play the field again. That's one attack for 2300. My deck could not SS a single thing without setup. Some Madolche deck can certainly OTK. Mine could not. And yet, it was a strong deck.
A lot of decks Can't OTK. A lot of strong decks even. At least, not without a lot of set up. I know my Madolche deck was strong, and the most damage it could do in a turn without setup was 2700, even if the opponent had no cards. And Robin doesn't Just allow you to pull off easy OTKs. Remember, it ca also search Autonomous Action Unit, Premature Burial, and Snatch Steal, to name a few. It can even give you draw power through the searching of Wonder Wand or Break! Draw![DOUBLEPOST=1424568258][/DOUBLEPOST] Why is temple of the kings banned?
Your Vigilante Heroes aren't much stronger than blackwings, which is why Yakumo said "Robin can open some nasty OTK with him adding any equip spell card. You should probably change it to one specific equip spell card, that doesn't open so many nasty OTK. As with Buttman you should get rid off his negating ability/trap destruction ability. Right now its Wildman+++." I agree with him on both counts. They're not stupidly OP, but they are strong, and the ability to search anything with Robin could lead to some easy OTKs. However, what is super powerful is The Joker. The first incarnation was kind of like Pot of Greed, only much better. Not only does it give you the same costless, conditionless +1, it also takes a card away from your opponent. Adding to that, you can reuse it every turn. That's why Yakumo thinks it's such a terrible card. Harley is a perfectly fine card, if The Joker weren't OP, which is also precisely what Yakumo said. If you can look past the aggressive tone and the fact that he can over react a bit to cards that are too strong, a lot of what he says is very useful.
It actually has a different meaning. "This card cannot attack" would mean "This card is not allowed to attack, even if it would normally be able to." On the other hand, "This can can not attack" would mean "This card is allowed to not attack, even if it would normally be forced to attack."
I thing that Copper and Murica are OP in random, but acceptable in non-random. As for assemble.. Maybe you're right. I said okay in anime/manga because monsters are weak in non-random, and all it does is give tons of monsters which, now that they aren't raigeki immune, can be easily dealt with. A cost or condition attached to it would definitely be better.
All accepted for non-random use. The previous posting of Hawkeye and Black Widow would also be accepted for non-random. Additionally, Avengers Assemble would be accepted for anime/manga exclusive non-random.
You do realise that Iron Man is a four star 1800 attacker with an effect that allows him to discard the opponent's entire hand the turn after he destroys a monster by battle.. right? Do you not understand that that is over powered even without his immunity to card effects?
They're completely unaffected by the opponent's card effects. Combine that with waboku, and they're literally impossible to remove, except as a cost. Additionally, for the cost of one spell card (avengers assemble) you get enough of them to OTK if the opponent has no monsters, and to costlessly destroy all monsters the opponent has while doing damage. If you want to play against them, include that as part of your terms and conditions. But those cards are too strong to be balanced even in the Anime/Manga Exclusive Non-Random format.
The customs that Smokebomb posted would shatter the balance of the game in any format. As such, I refuse to add them to the list of the cards approved by the Custom Card Group (CCG). As such, you should either add that Smokebomb may use his customs in this duel to the terms and conditions, or disband the CCG.
I was suggesting 101 and Raigeki as alternatives to Assassin. If 101 is fine, I don't really see why Assassin is not. 101 doesn't even allow leaves the field effects to activate, and can attack directly after using its effect, and Raigeki will wipe a whole field of things that can be destroyed.
If you control a card (fusion gate) you can't draw with Bubbleman.[DOUBLEPOST=1424009034][/DOUBLEPOST] I get what you're saying, but with things like 101 and raigeki being common, having a (moderately) expensive monster that does nothing but take out one opposing monster still fail to immunity to destruction by card effect would make it pretty worthless.
It's only protected from effects during the owner's turn, so you can nuke it to bits on your own. Sending was to avoid cards that can't be destroyed. Didn't think of things that need to be destroyed to trigger. I wanted to make Assassin more relevant, since it seemed kind of useless, but for some reason I don't really like this rework. Back to the drawing board I guess.
Added all DHD cards to the approved list with the exception of Fortress and Ultimate Assassin. Proposed rework of Assassin: "This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effects of "DHD" cards. This card can be Tribute Summoned by tributing one level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned; You can add one "DHD" monster from your deck to your hand. During your turn, this card is unaffected by card effects. If this attacking card battles a monster with 2500 or more ATK: Send that monster to the graveyard before Damage Calculation. During your opponent's turn, this card loses 500 ATK."
I played three rounds against brook, he used Heraldic, I used this decklist (not bothering to put it into a nicer format. It's very close to the one you posted) Spoiler DHD Vanguard DHD Vanguard DHD Harbinger DHD Harbinger DH Pathfinder Dragon DH Pathfinder Dragon DHD Destroyer DHD Destroyer DHD Dark Matter DHD Dark Matter DHD Desecrator DHD Desecrator DHD Desecrator DHD Fortress DHD Ultimate Assassin Totem Dragon Totem Dragon Blaster Redox Tidal DHD Summoning Ritual DHD Sacrifice & Recovery DHD Lost Soul Syphon DHD Universal Magic DHD Universal Magic DHD Universal Magic Goblin Circus Goblin Circus Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Forbidden Lance DHD Day of Rest Vanity's Emptiness Vanity's Emptiness Raigeki Break Raigeki Break Raigeki Break Solemn Warning Compulsory Evacuation Device Torrential Tribute The first game went pretty well. I had started both Circus and Desecrator. He started by summoning Plain Coat, which gets nice effects when sent to the grave, but I just banished it face-down. After some trading back and forth, I got him below 1k LP, but he got out C69, which killed me before I got my next turn. In total, eight cards were banished face-down when the game ended. Just past half way to Soul Syphon being useful. The second game was over in an instant. Opened some DHD monsters and some unhelpful spells, he went second and turn one C69. 4k direct attack. I draw and set Totem Dragon, he summons another monster, kill totem > direct attack for game. Third game was going well, I had a solid lead, Destroyer on the field, Solemn Warning set. Then he normal summoned a monster and played Creature swap. Didn't have any of the other traps, so nothing I could do about it. 3-0 in favor of Heraldic.
If you can build a deck that averages exodia turn two or earlier, you should be using that thing in tournaments. If we're lucky, you might get Exodia banned. I'm surprised you didn't get wrecked by trish.. Was that with your Malefic deck? Because your Syphon build looks like it would die horribly if it got a monster from the field + syphon/ruler from the grave banished. I think that I'll copy your Syphon build and run a match against Brook here. Honestly, the more we talk about it, the more I'm convinced that the spells are perfectly fine, with the possible exception of Syphon, but that the monsters are too easy to get out.
I can build an Exodia deck that averages a turn four exodia. Forgive me if I'm not impressed by massive LP gains starting turn 7. If you look at my duels with Brook, I was dead on turn 2/3 each time. The first duel even if I had gotten a monster out, it would have just been banished (in the same way that my face-down pathfinder was), and in the second game he had Tachyon Transmigration, so if I summoned a monster he could negate its search and shuffle it back into the deck. I don't doubt that DHD is good against the current meta, but that's because the current meta plays a slow game (i.e. Shaddoll) or focuses on countering extra deck (i.e. Nekroz). If you get hit with Nekroz Trish, you're going to be having a very bad day. I also don't know what decks you were playing against, or how you did your testing.. But a strong OTK deck should pretty much hard counter DHD (as seen in a more or less trivial example when I played Brook).
I didn't know about Goblin Circus. Should have done my research before assuming there was no way to reliably banish cards face-down. Lost Soul Syphon was made more as a concept card than as something I intended to use. I personally didn't think that it would ever be worth running with the large quantity of cards banished face-down that it needed, but would be nice for fighting against stall-burn decks. That said, how often do you actually get 15 cards banished face-down? How long does it take? If we assume that literally every turn you banish one card with circus, one card with Sacrifice, and one card with Desecrator, that will still take you until the end phase of your fifth turn to be able to start using it with the draw. I guess that it wouldn't be unreasonable to remove both the draw condition and the restriction on using it with less than 5 banished face-down.
The cards were designed for and used in a format where all OCG and TCG cards are legal, since the arena makes no destinction. You say you've tested them.. So give me some builds. Show me what build could possibly get a big advantage out of running multiple copies of Any of those spells. If I see them being used in a strong way, I'll change them.
This is also possible if you're not bilingual, as long as you know what the card does. Or at least can convince your opponent that it does what you say it does.
Brook and I set up a duel on DN, and he used a deck he had built on DN for the duel, so he could use all of its stuff. I used a very primitive program that I had written previously specifically for the purpose of allowing random draw with customs.