It's actually not that easy to look something up based only on an image. Giving the name would solve that problem, and it's also not difficult to just include this link.
*If a pendulum would go from field to grave, it goes to extra deck instead, face-up. *If you play two pendulum monsters to the pendulum scales, you can pendulum summon *when a pendulum monster is played to the scale, it is a spell card and not a monster *When you pendulum summon, the monsters summoned must have a level higher than the lower scale, and lower than the higher scale. *You may only pendulum summon once per turn *You may pendulum summon any number of monsters from your hand and/or face-up pendulum monsters from your extra deck at one time. *There is no cost to pendulum summoning
I don't think going pendulums is a good idea.
Not sure how I missed that but noticed that headquarters could self search.. As for vest, I think as long as it's destruction, it makes sense. Like, you'd survive being shot by Barrel Dragon. Maybe make it "The first time each turn that the equipped monster would be destroyed, it is not." or something to that effect?
HQ shouldn't be able to add itself. I don't think Vest makes sense for preventing targeting as well as destruction, but I think the card is okay how it is. I'm going to say okay to everything except HQ (until it can't add itself), but I expect that Yakumo wont like Steve, and it seems a bit borderline to me, so I probably wouldn't overrule him.
Marquis, Kalakaua and Kelly are fine. The rest are too strong.
Even if you had a quick-play that said "When your opponent plays jar robber: win the game. You can activate this card from your deck" Yakumo could still just negate it with another face-down, like Magic Drain.
Because if I say "I opened Exoida!" they can say "Me too!" and then it's a draw.[DOUBLEPOST=1425660499][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, he actually made it, and random draw is default.
Until I found out, joined, and made you banish your entire deck turn one. Every game.
You're not nearly a strong enough player to stand a chance against Yakumo. Yakumo, Brook, Myself.. We could all beat you with our hands tied behind our backs. No matter what deck you use, that wont change.
If it's criticism of people, 90% is aimed at Yakumo. If it's criticism of cards, 90% comes from Yakumo.
Wait, I'm confused, why are we burning Yakumo?
I would like to point out that if Brook and I both vote against Yakumo, he will be overruled. To this point, we have not felt the need.
I was actually just joking about the level of bodily harm that could be incurred by posting things onto the internet.
RIP Sora's customs.
I don't know, I heard there were rabid alligators about. It's probably too risky. Or was it crocodiles? If it's just crocodiles, you should be fine.
Yeah, I was joking about Yakumo dropping it. Your hand was already declared anyway. Yeah, if it were something he could do without being DQ'd, I wouldn't have said anything.
Random splashed Silva for game!
Well, I didn't quite agree with your arguments up to that point.. But you've really got me with that one. /concedes defeat
Almost every card effect in the game goes against game mechanics, whether it's Goblin Attack Force switching to defense mode after attacking, Pot of Greed letting you draw outside of your draw phase, or Mystical Space Typhoon letting you destroy an opponent's spell or trap card. There is no monster card that has an effect saying "This card can be normal summoned" or "When this card is destroyed by battle it is sent to the graveyard," nor is there a spell card that says "You can activate this card during your Main Phase." The only card effects that don't go against game mechanics are those that go against other cards' effects, like "This card cannot be destroyed by card effects" or "Target 1 monster on the field; negate that monster's effects."