The main reason I don't like Skull Beast is that it can discard things that you want to discard.. But you're right that I was slightly under-rating Summoner Monk and Goldfish. I'll accept all three as they are, pending Brook's judgment.
The new version of Skull Beast looks like Tin Goldfish/Summoner Monk only better. If it kept its no Xyz tag, I'd say fine to it and Advanced. Naburus I'm not sure about because he's only semi-nomi, and can special summon once per turn for free. There aren't many things you could revive with a Monster Reborn that would be stronger than Naburus + Advanced. I'll probably still say okay to it if I don't think of anything very abusable.
I had intended to specifically say that I was just double checking, but apparently forgot to. The list is updated with the new versions of the cards, as well as adding Sword.
A lot of the cards in the spoiler have the exact same wording, so I don't want to read through them all right now. Are they just versions of the already accepted cards that change wording but not effect? Also, Sword accepted.
Spoiler: Analysis of Yakumo's argument Insult Thesis statement. Fact. Fact. Poorly defined statement. Baseless statistic. Generally accepted statement. Generally accepted statement. Fact. Fact. Opinion. Conclusion. Rhetorical Question. Insult Removing the insults, opinions, rhetoric, poorly defined statement, and baseless statistic... If you want to argue with his opinion that the test sucks, try to find a reason that the statements (aside from the first one, which was the point he was trying to prove) leading up to the final statement don't necessarily indicate that it is true. Or, that it does not matter if it is true. If you can't find fault with any of the actual facts, can't find fault with those facts leading to the conclusion, and can't render the conclusion irrelevant, you have no means to refute his statement that the test is ineffective.
And the rest don't watch the show.
I agree with the test labeling you as lawful good, although you may be neutral good, and with your description of yourself, except for one point. I think you're generally well liked here as well. I know that Jay can get angry easily, so he may well not dislike you. I don't know how I come across, but you're one of the people I like the most in the arena. Probably you, Brook, Droid, and (for reasons unknown to me) Fearless would be the top four.
The test is just terrible. I am almost definitely Neutral Good, although you could make an argument for Chaotic Good. The test gave me a very strong Lawful Good read. I'm pretty sure you're Chaotic Neutral. It gave you a strong True Neutral. Brook seems true neutral, but it gave him a read that could either be True Neutral or Lawful Neutral. As such, I'm pretty sure the test is biased away from Chaotic. Additionally, the way it reads Neutral is weird.. But hasn't done anything strange this time, so no need to say anything about it.
Spoiler: broken up to be easier (for me) to read As stand alone card (outside of series): >Total of 4000 combined ATK and DEF. >Ability to attack twice. >Once per turn attack negation. >Its level 4 Warrior-type monster. With 3 copies of ROTA legal I see Warrior Beatdown coming back to life. >He can also be used in Normal Monster Beatdown, when after using No-Skill Drain its 2100 ATK beater. >Its only downside(s) - not being able to inflict damage, is very insignificant, when compared to its 3 positive traits. With score 3 to 1, it would need at least one more negative trait to balance it out. (I don't count restriction to being able to control only one monster.) There is total of 96 monsters with ATK of 2100. 5 of them are Normal Monsters over level 4. That's 91 monsters left. Next we have 13 Fusion Monsters (all over level 4), 1 Ritual Monster (also over level 4), 13 Synchro Monsters (with only one being level 4) and 14 Xyz Monsters (with none of them being level 4). That leaves us with 50 Regular Effect Monsters. Its worth mentioning that none of previously mentioned had effect that would be unreasonable for monster with this Level/Rank. But back to 50 cards left. One of them is Level 5 tuner. With still reasonable effect. Next we have 1 Level 5 Gemini monster. It also have strong, but reasonable effect, giving that it must be Normal Summoned twice OR Special Summoned then Normal Summoned to even use its effect. Also we have 1 Level 6 Spirit monster. Strong and annoying, but still reasonable. So that leaves us with 47 Effect Monsters. Only 12 of them are level 4 monsters, and none of monsters over that level have unreasonable effect, except for one Limited Monster. 1st being Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand. Monster with strong counterbalancing effect and effect negation of effects of LIGHT and DARK monsters. Weaker than Kenshin. Next is Worm Rayuken, that can only attack after its flipped face-up and is flipped to vulnerable face-down position after attack, with 1200 DEF to defend itself. Very similar monster is Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa", that changes itself to defense position after attack and when its attacked, leaving it with pathetic 1100 DEF. Next we have 3 monsters of "Field Series" that all are 2100/800 monsters that can be discarded to search appropriate Field Spell and cannot live without it. 6 more to go. Zombyra the Dark cannot attack directly and looses 200 ATK every time it destroys a monster. Naturia Spiderfang can only attack you if you activated some effects during turn in question. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast must be Special Summoned and cannot be Normal Summoned. Then there is Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk. It cannot attack if you have non-"Mecha Phantom Beast" monster in your graveyard and cannot attack you directly; gains levels equal to combined levels of all "Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens" you control and if you control a Token you can Tribute it to banish 1 card in either player's Graveyard. This card also cannot be destroyed by battle or card effect if you control a token. So far the strongest one Level 4 2100 ATK monster, but it have only 100 DEF and cannot produce tokens itself, so its still reasonable. One of 2 cards left is Photon Thrasher, that must be Special Summoned and cannot be Normal Summoned and cannot attack at all if you control other monster. Then as a last one there is Scrap Shark, that dies when any effect is activated and when its destroyed be the effect of a "Scrap" card you can send 1 "Scrap" monster to Grave. Out of all monsters with 2100 ATK, none of them is unreasonable for its effect without some kind of counter balance. And only one of them (Rank 4 Xyz) can attack twice. That means all cards in game that this card can relate to are worse than this card. But there is more. We have 1 custom card with 2100 ATK so lets check it out. Crystal Giant, that is Level 5 monster with ability to special summon itself by destroying 2 "Crystal" cards, and when its send to the graveyard you can add 1 "Crystal" monster from your deck to your hand. Still worse than this card. 97 cards that are better balanced than this one card. Coincidence? I think not. As part of series: >Being part of condition for Special Summon of 2 other monsters - one directly and one indirectly. >Relation with 2 cards - "Instinct of the Manslayer" and "Battousai the Manslayer" - that give this card too many options for OTK. Lets go over most basic combo with this card that leads to OTK. You Normal Summon Marauding Captain, Special Summon Kenshin, equip Marauding with Axe of Despair, attack twice with Kenshin to clear the board out of monsters, use Instinct to Special Summon Manslayer, and then you have exactly 8000 damage. You don't need luck at all to get this combo out. And that was it, without me thinking over more complicated OTK, using only old school cards in combination with those customs. >Relation with "Amakaeru Ryu no Hirameki!!!" - a quick-play that can be activated from hand, negate the attack, destroy monster and inflict damage to your opponent. Need more Dakka? TL;DR - broken as stand alone card, even more with series to help it.
In my test, good and neutral were tied, and lawful was one point below neutral. There was not a single point for either Chaotic or Evil. That's a reasonably strong Lawful Good reading. As for you, not putting value in the law makes you Chaotic, even if you don't actively seek to break it. So while you may be True Neutral, I find it more likely that you would be Chaotic Neutral. And while the test gave me True Neutral, going by its data I should be Lawful Good, and in reality I should be Neutral Good.
I got true neutral, but it should have given me lawful good, given its information. Honestly though, I'm neutral good.
My personal view is that deck builds are meta, not archetypes. So if I made a Nekroz build without any rituals, for example, it wouldn't count as meta just because there is a build of Nekroz that is meta. That said, the other interpretation is perfectly valid.. So I will escape by saying that I played them before nekroz were meta, thus dodging the 'While it was meta' clause. If we're not using that clause, I've played a bunch of meta. Some HERO builds, Wind-up (No loop), Monarchs, TG, Dark World, Verz, ect. I even built a GB build recently.
I don't count Nekroz due to the massive differences in the deck construction. It's like if Hero Beat were meta and I was playing a HERO build focused around protecting Woodsman to recycle Polymerization. Seeing people play meta Nekroz actually makes me feel physically ill.
The only meta deck I've used is Dino Rabbit, which I used for one duel (or maybe two?) to understand how they worked. The amount of power those things had was amazing. I deleted the deck immediately afterwards.
It's a loop. It doesn't cost more than a card or two. Pot of greed + Pot of Avarice. If you drop Troll & Lock after PoG, your hand is down to two, draws to three. Only need to set four.
Reckless? The moment you play a hand trap, I can just set five and win.
So you're saying.. I couldn't beat you?
And then during that one open turn I could use a loop to beat you. Edit: Scratch that, I don't need a loop, just to reduce your hand size by one.
Unbeatable combos will get you DQ'd. So either you would give me the ability to stop you from getting exodia, or you would automatically lose.
Go for it.