It feels like the text would get more bulky than it already is, although I never tried to optimize it. If I decide to work on the archetype, I'll consider it. They're Hero, not HERO, so they don't count. I thought about instead of normal draw, but I decided that I like the discard better. Can't remember why though.
As far as I am aware, nothing meaningful has happened, except with regards to custom cards.
The cards are my own design, not based on an anime (except loosely inspired by Yuki Yuuna, I guess). The images were taken from Legend of the Legendary Heroes.
New archetype concept. Spoiler New key word: Replace. A card that is Replaced is removed from the game entirely. It goes nowhere, it's just gone. Then, the card that replaces it (Which comes from outside of the game, not put into a deck or anything) is sent to where it would be. This card's effects are always negated. This card's name is always treated as "Unlimited Hero: Twin Shadow". This card's original attack is 2400. This card's original level is 7. Once per turn, when this card is targeted for at attack: Special Summon one "Shadow Token" with Type, Attribute, Level, ATK and DEF equal to this card's Type, Attribute, Level, ATK and DEF, and redirect the attack to that target. The token is removed during the end phase. Once while this card is face-up on the field, it can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. If it does, banish it at the end of the turn. When this card leaves the field, Replace it with "Bound Hero: Tatsumi", then Special Summon that card in face-up attack position. This card's effects are always negated. This card's name is always "Unlimited Hero: Sacred Radiance". This card's original attack is 2000. This card's original level is 8. Other monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once while this card is face-up on the field during either player's turn: All monster you control gain 1000 ATK. During the End Phase of the turn this effect is activated, banish this card. When this card leaves the field, Replace it with "Bound Hero: Kyoko", then Special Summon that card. This card's effects are always negated. This card's name is always "Unlimited Hero: Twilight Sniper". This card's original attack is 2300. This card's original level is 6. This card can attack directly. Once while this card is face-up on the field, during either player's turn: You can banish one card from your opponent's hand, then, if it is a monster, banish one monster they control. Otherwise, banish one card from their graveyard. During the end-phase of the turn this effect is activated, banish this card. When this card leaves the field, replace it with "Bound Hero: Tomoya", then Special Summon that card in face-up attack position. Target one monster you control; That monsters effects cannot be negated by its own effects. Then, if it is not an "Unlimited Hero" monster, lose 1000 Life Points. During your Draw Phase, you can discard one card except "Hero Contract" to add this card from your graveyard to your hand. "Hero Contract" can only be activated once per turn. Thoughts?
Argument: 1. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. 2. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. Debate: 1. argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner. No logical debate can occur without presenting arguments.
While I would debate the fact that arguing and debating are different, there is no "debate" flavored equivalent for "argument" the way it was being used there. To have a debate you *Must* present arguments.
Yakumo is saying that because the card that needs to die to summon it isn't approved yet, this card is impossible to summon. The cards currently approved are all of the customs that Yakumo posted in his most recent post of cards with the exception of Speed Bird, and nothing else.
Helmet approved. I just looked through the existing level 5+ tuners. The only one that can be summoned (at level 5+) without assistance or a tribute is Quickdraw. Additionally, Quickdraw cannot be used for generic synchro summons. Everything else is essentially vanilla (in the generic case), or only has an effect that is rarely useful. After thinking about it, I am over valuing the card, but I still don't like it... I think I'll give it the okay though.
My knowledge is probably dated, but I recall looking for level 3 tuners specifically and finding Junk Synchron and Delta Flyer to be the only practical options. Additionally, high level tuners are a thing that tend not to be a thing. The intention was for cards to be submitted tagged with what category they were trying to be accepted into. That way we don't have to worry about someone trying to design a random card and it getting accepted into non-random, and then they re-make it to be acceptable in random and suddenly we have two different accepted copies of the same card. Lightning Chidori (Maybe Lightning Plover now?) is a 2x4 WIND requiring Xyz that on summon sends a face-down card to bottom of the deck, and once per turn can detach to send a face-up card to top of deck. It's a very strong card. Also, Goblindbergh doesn't help you with fast beating, which that card did. The decks that come to mind for me tend not to have strong first turn swarm. At least not that I've seen. The chances of you getting exactly one copy on the first turn of the game are roughly one in four. Also, if you have board control (unless it can't attack, the link is broken so I can't double check) you can use it for an easy 3600 damage worth of direct attacks. What comes to mind for me: Super Poly (now banned) > MST > BoM > Forbidden Chalice/Lance. Additionally, there are a lot of archetype specific things, like one of the Shaddoll fusions. Not sure how much of that exists in the current meta.[DOUBLEPOST=1421713545][/DOUBLEPOST] Accepted. Accepted. I don't really know what this card combos well with. It looks innocent enough though, so I'm going to let it through unless Brook has a reason not to let it pass. Approved. Approved. I'm still a bit uncertain about this card. Quick-play cards have traditionally been strong, and there will be custom quick-plays for this to play with.. But I guess I'm willing to give it the okay. Approved. When I was making my argument in the prior post (which this got merged into) I had forgotten that it was while you control no other cards. I don't really like this card, but it might be fine and I'm just over valuing it. I'll pass this over to Brook to decide on. I don't like the fact that this card protects itself and everything else with a double-layered protection. It Wabokus the first attack at a given monster, then puts it in defense mode so that you wont take damage from a battle involving it, and makes it bulkier. If it didn't protect itself I'd okay it, but with stats that low it would also be worthless. I don't know what to do to make this card work. Approved. Still saying no to this one until you make some arguments with regards to what good level 3 tuners, and tuners that can be treated as 5+, we have right now. Since this was apparently intended for non-random, accepted as non-random only. Approved.
I rate that chin 10/10. Approved.
Some issues with the OCG. Fix them and it will be accepted.
I'm not sure if that's official, but I'll assume that it is for a moment. That card has text on the bottom stating that it can be used for other tokens, but that its name/type/attribute/stats/level are adjusted to be whatever is specified on the card that summons it. So Zombie Lamb Token would need to have that text.
From yugioh wikia
Approved: Twin-Flame Golem, Tri-Blade Falco, Disarming Arrow, Fiend Gardna, Dark Rift, Crystal Giant, Narrow Escape. Suggestions for change: Zombie Lambs, Heavy Armored Duck, Fiend Synchronizer, Blue Warwolf. Spoiler First glance > Slightly more expensive, slightly more effective scapegoat. The problem: You can use them for tribute summons, making it (probably) far stronger than any other generic tribute summon support. Going to say no, but that would change to a yes if Scapegoat's inability to tribute the tokens for a tribute summon was added. Technically not a proper token, but since having the information there makes things more clear, I'll say that it's fine. Not that it will do much without Zombie Lambs. A not so great five star that can be used instead as a not so great four star. Has three attributes while face-up. Looks fine. generic 6 star synch, only gets effects based on attributes of non-tuners. Any one of its three effects on its own is fine, and they don't have great synergy with each other. I think this is fine. First effect makes it a strong but slightly risky attack stopper on the field. Second effect feels like a safer version of Necro Gardna. The only problem I have with it is that 1k def is a large gain, and it doesn't ever fade away. Going to say no, but would say yes if the def gain was until the end of turn/battle phase. This card seems like it's meant to support Dark Grepher, but is also a strong partner card to Dark World Dealings. The sheer scope of "Dark" monsters and "Dark" spells makes me not like this card. It gives you the draw from being hit by Dark Hole, or being killed by Dark Armed Dargon, as well as a lot of other things. Additionally, its ability to repeatedly special summon itself from the grave is very strong, especially for a level 5 tuner. I'm going to say no to this card. I still don't like the "Dark" support due to it being super broad. In this case, I don't mind it too much though. I think the ATK gain is also fair. The part where I'm going to say no to this is the last effect. There are tons of strong splashable DARK monsters that want to be in the grave, and "Dark" cards like Grapha and Manticore of Darkness that are high level and don't really mind the death. And it's strong even when just used on a level four. I really like this card. It's strong to be sure. It wrecks a single monster to the point where it can't do much of anything, and then you can attack into it for damage. But we also have things like Mirror Force and Dimensional Prison. Approved. it's a nice pseudo Waboku. It applies pressure on your opponent for as long as it's in the grave, but can be worked around. This gets the OK. Banishing a single monster from grave isn't a very high price for getting a tuner to be whatever level you feel like (aside from 1, 2, 4). I'd like to see it get some kind of restriction on what it can synchro summon. Until then, no. This card seems fine. Approved. This looks like it's meant to work with CB's Pendulum support. It's pretty strong in combination with them, and can be used without them, but they aren't very good. This will help them get played, so I'm going to say it's fine. Again with "Dark" support. This time it gives you an easy (you can destroy it by playing over it and still get the effect) 4k/4k vanilla in the form of a negated Darkness Neosphere which it will search for you, as well as giving you the ability to search any "Dark" while dropping cards you want in the grave, for no net change in hand. No. Very strong effect, doesn't specify when it gets it, so I'm assuming it's for the entire time the thing is face-up, it does that for all monsters you control. No. Monster Reborn that also hits banished with a 2k price tag. Given that Banished is supposed to be harder to get things out of than grave, MR is banned, and LP means nothing (for most decks) until it hits 0.. No. "Must attack if able" is a mostly meaningless drawback, since you can just put it to def in MP1. The other drawback isn't too meaningful since it has 1500 def, and in some cases it's even beneficial. I'd probably accept this if it were 2100 or if its Def were lower, but as it is now, no. This card is a 1900 beater if you don't use its effect or have anything else, and your opponent has no wind. It also gives you a free summon which will make it even stronger if you use it. Combos especially well with Harpy Dancer for repeat use, and spamming rank 4s. Going to say no. I would definitely say "Sure." if this wasn't a tuner.. But I'm not really sure what I would be doing if I let this go in its current state. It feels like a card that either does nothing or is super effective in one specific deck. Given that that's the case, I'm not going to accept it unless given a deck that would like to use it, and wouldn't be broken with it. Negate attack that also bounces your monster. Could be strong, but in the general case it's just worse. I like it. Approved. This card forms a strong wall for a single normal summon at the start of the duel, and provides deck thinning. Since it forces your opponent to either swarm (over committing to the board), mass destroy (using powerful effects before they're most useful), or face a free 2x4, I'm going to say no. It's like Zombie Solidarity, only without the limitations. And it's a free foolish burial every turn. Going to say no. While I can see the case for Continuous Spells.. This card is just silly. You can normal it > search whatever quick-play you want > set that quick-play and use it in the draw phase. No. Since Brook is now a member of the Custom Card Group (Because CCG) I will wait for his comment on the cards I approved before adding them to the list.
Jay gave the green light, so I'm going to go back and edit my post on the first page (roughly half way down) to be the list, and then edit a link to it into this post. If anyone wants to use custom cards in the future, please make sure to submit them for approval before using them. This applies to all customs, even ones previously approved.
You mean they would only be usable when both customs and either anime or manga exclusive were set to yes? That sounds interesting. In that case, I'll ask Jay for his official stamp of approval before starting the lists.
How about this: We keep two lists: One of all cards that have been accepted for random, and one of all cards accepted for non-random. I have a post on the first page that I could use to maintain the list, although since it's not the second post it would be nice if the first post included a link to it, if we decide to use it. As for deciding what cards get approved, I suggest a group including Momo (assuming he's willing), myself (assuming I'm willing), and anyone else who feels confident in their card judging skills, and would like to join. If it's just two members, after discussing the card, one member okaying it is enough. If more, more than half of the members must okay it. Either way, if one of the members made the card, they don't count as a member for that card's judgment. When a card is submitted to be approved, it must either be submitted as a random card or a non-random card. When a random card is accepted, unless there's a specific objection to it being allowed in non-random, it will also be considered accepted for non-random. Thoughts?
Yeah, that's fine. It's entirely card lore, so there's no reason to read it if you aren't particularly interested in the back-story of the different characters my cards represent.
This contains most of what I know about most of the characters (the sections on Hyoku and Murasaki are a bit light) so it's a Lot of text. Have fun. Spoiler I don't have much overall lore, since I haven't specifically been thinking about that. Just have character interactions and character back-story for the most part. The Elemancers are essentially a mercenary company, although they technically hold allegiance to their country of residence, and will lend their aid in the case of a foreign invasion on the understanding that the details of payment will be worked out afterwards. Holy Elemancer, Hyoku Hyoku is in a kind of "Generic Protagonist" role, with the rest of the cast starting to develop around him. I'm hoping that he'll develop without my looking at him, but he's probably just a shallow character. He learned how to fight using his magic before he learned the arts relating to constructing Golementals. Elemancer of Black Lightning, Murasaki Murasaki is Hyoku's sister. He spent a story arc or so trying to convince her to stop her involvement with something shady. Not quite sure what. She's a bit over protective of him, and ended up getting into something bad with the intention of shielding him from it. She's actually a very real combat threat without the use of Golementals, unlike most of the other young Elemancers. She's also the one who taught Hyoku to fight. Butterfly Elemancer, Rei Rei is the main person who's been supporting Hyoku since he joined the Elemancers. She's a very cynical person, and a natural trickster. The kind of person who will lie and cheat with nothing to gain, simply for the amusement. This goes double if the person she's tricking doesn't doubt her in the slightest. She's been feigning excessive innocence and purity in an attempt to make Hyoku fall for her (with moderate success) with every intention of dropping the act and shoving the fact that she's been tricking him in his face the moment he starts to show an actual interest in pursuing a relationship with her. Rei was also good friends with Murasaki up to the point that she revealed her intentions with regards to Hyoku. Now they're on kind of bad terms, although after a long argument Murasaki agreed not to interfere out of respect both for her friendship with Rei and for Hyoku's right to choose who he associated with. Crystal Elemancer, Matsuda Matsuda came from a poor family. When they discovered his ability to synthesize crystal from natural energy, his parents put a lot of pressure on him to use his power to support the family. At first the crystals he made were small and full of impurities, but through rigorous practice he was able to reduce the impurities and increase the size. Soon enough, he was drawing a fairly substantial income from creating crystals. However, the regional government discovered that the crystals were synthetic, and marketing goods created through magic is illegal. All of the family's wealth was confiscated by the government, and his parents were imprisoned. He was forcefully employed by the government, but managed to escape, leaving behind only a letter stating that he would be back with sufficient wealth to buy pardons for his parents. Seeing a lot of money to be made in the military applications of magic, he joined the Elemancers. When he joined, he made a promise to himself that he would be the strongest recruit the Elemancers had ever seen, and that he would make it look easy, never letting them know how hard he really worked. He was well on his way to this goal until Hyoku joined. All logic dictated that Matsuda should be the stronger of the two, whether it be raw power, tactics, or sheer time spent training. And yet, somehow Hyoku would always come out ahead. As a result of this, Matsuda has been spending even more of his time training and the stress associated with that is pushing him to the limits of his ability to maintain a calm exterior, especially as his attempts to look better than Hyoku become more and more desperate, and still amount to nothing. Elemancer Lab Technician, Hikari Hikari has a rare talent for magic: She has great affinity with every element. While most elementalists have an affinity for only one or, on occasion, two elements, Hikari can use all of them, and use them all well. Hikari has always believed that it was possible for everyone to work together and live in harmony with each other. At an early age, she was considered by some to have the potential to be one of the strongest Light mages of all time. However, her parents were killed by brigands, and she was sold into slavery. One might expect that this would shake her belief in the ability of everyone to work together, but instead it only seemed to strengthen her beliefs. After she was found and taken in by the Elemancers (they purchased her legally, then granted her her freedom in exchange for her working for them) she declared her intent to study all forms of magic equally to better understand what was necessary for them all to work together for the greater good. It's unclear how much she truly believes what she is saying, and how much she's just desperately trying to stop her world view from coming crashing down on her head. Either way, while she has refused to set foot on the battle field, her ability to precisely control large quantities of energy of any element has made her invaluable to the Elemancer's magical research, making many formerly impractical experiments suddenly plausible. Blazing Nova Elemancer, Tsubaki Tsubaki is around the same age as Hyoku (and by extention the rest of the characters listed thus far), but has been on active duty working for the Elemancers for the majority of her life. She tends to look down on Hyoku and Matsuda as foolish children who can't be depended on to act intelligently in combat situations. Similarly, after discovering Rei's tendency to tell lies for no reason, she treats Rei as a liability. She views Hikari's idealistic beliefs as the forced delusions of a child, and hates even needing to be exposed to that nonsense. Tsubaki and Murasaki share a mutual respect, but due to Murasaki spending much of her time with Hyoku and Rei, and Tsubaki not wanting to deal with either of them, Tsubaki tends not to interact with Murasaki much. While she would prefer to work alone, Tsubaki is too well trained to go against orders and act on her own if she's told to work with another of the young Elemancers. Guardian Elemancer, Tsubasa. Tsubasa is one of the older members of the Elemancers. Having retired from field work, she mainly serves as an adviser and recruiter. She was the one who recruited Hyoku, and who discovered and purchased Hikari. She is also Tsubaki's mother, although, due to putting her work first, the relationship between the two is strained. When major operations are conducted, Tsubasa uses her signature Wings of Light to oversee the battle, making minor tactical adjustments with the information she gains. If a situation goes from bad to worse, Tsubasa will make her presence known, and buy time for other Elemancers to escape with their lives. Sparking Elemancer, Ryu. Ryu was born with a strong power to use Fire magic, but without the ability to control it. After burning down a large portion of his village he was disowned by his family, exiled, and left for dead. With the assistance of a friend of his, he was able to survive until he met Tsubasa by chance. Recognizing his power, Tsubasa offered to take him in, and teach him how to control his powers. He has gained the ability to control part of his power, but the rest has been sealed away for his safety. Blizzard Elemancer, Erika. Erika was taken by slavers as a child. Convinced that her parents had sold her, she fell into despair and unleashed her ice magic at full force. The slavers and other slaves were all frozen to death. Shortly after she began living on her own, an old man asked her if she was alone. Without a second thought she left the area a frozen wasteland, and the man dead. Teaching herself both to survive on her own and to never trust anyone, Erika continued an empty life of simply living to the next day until she met someone else who had been betrayed by the world and had nowhere to go. A boy named Ryu. Exchanging vows to never abandon each other, the two of them continued their life of wandering, but it was no longer a solitary life. When Ryu told her that he was going to join the Elemancers, she saw this as a betrayal. Losing control of her powers, she froze her entire surroundings. Realizing that if it weren't for Ryu's fire magic saving him from the cold she would have just killed the only person she had ever cared about, she reluctantly agreed that they needed to learn to control their magic, and joined the Elemancers alongside him. Prismatic Elemancer, Makoto Makoto is one of the few Elemancers that has never seen death first hand. Possessing the rare ability to convert energy from one element to another, Makoto is one of the best Golemental craftsmen, able to create a Golemental of any combination of elements. However, unlike Hikari, Makoto can only control one element, Wind. As such, Makoto learned the ancient art of Formulaic Magic. Unlike most modern forms of magic, Formulaic Magic is reliant on the creation of runes which, in combination with words of power, can take in raw elemental energy and output a specific magical spell. While carrying the benefit of removing the need for the magic user to manipulate the power directly, runes are large and take a long time to craft. As such, combat styles utilizing Formulaic Magic have little versatility, and are easily predictable. In exchange for teaching Hikari how to use Formulaic Magic, Hikari now assists with creation of new types of Golementals, cutting down on a long and expensive prototyping phase characterized by the continuous rewriting of runes. Makoto gets along well with both Tsubasa and Tsubaki, and is often called on to mediate between the two. Minor edits to Erika's text to make pacing more clear.
I figured out why I don't like it. I'm not sure how it fits into the lore. If I think of a nice way to write it in, I'll probably make whatever edits are necessary to fit with the story while trying to keep its mechanical role more or less the same. If not, I'll probably drop the concept.