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  1. Juicy
    We have Highschool Musical toilet paper in my house x:

    My dad says he's honored that Zac Effron's face can wipe his ass :v
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 28, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Juicy
    How did you get on my leg? D:


    brb, dying of ink poisoning.

    also, lol moles.
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 20, 2009, 66 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Juicy
    Result of my boredom, pretty much.


    <3 any thoughts?

    sorry its not scanned, cant afford a scanner :/
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 20, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Juicy

    He is seriously just standing there, ****damnit Im scared D:

    OH GOD x:

    I look out the window and like wtf D:
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 16, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Juicy



    It's my special recipe >3
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 15, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Juicy

    D: !

    I am not even kidding, I think I just saw the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life D: and it had like, a sac of eggs on its back and it was on my staircase ;A;

    It looked like this D: !

    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 14, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Juicy


    [she likes chocolate rape ;DD ]
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 13, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Juicy
    [ :<3: ]

    doo doo dee daa
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 13, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Juicy
    Now that I have your attention.

    [I swear the amv world is dying more painfully by the day]

    Pleaasseee <3
    Thread by: Juicy, Jun 13, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. Juicy

    oh wow :v

    [I just realised Ive been here a year today xD; wow am I glad I made that noobish decision]
    Thread by: Juicy, May 29, 2009, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Juicy
    I'm sorry, but your wedding shall not top the marriage of myself and Gintasthebest :/gasp:
    Thread by: Juicy, May 28, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Juicy


    Would you rather be overweight but extremely intelligent, or have an amazing body and be stupid?
    Thread by: Juicy, May 26, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Juicy
    Thread by: Juicy, May 25, 2009, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Juicy

    Had a strange urge to write a fanfic again. :v

    This one is pretty cheesy, just to say.

    KH: Under the Stars

    It was yet another stunning day on Destiny Islands. It was the height of summer, and the midday sun blazed down on the hundreds of citizens outside enjoying the heat. Many teenagers were out, escaping their parents by spending the day on one of the many islets. Wakka and Tidus were two such people.

    “Wakka, stop throwing it so hard!†Tidus flinched as he deflected the blitzball once again. They were on the beach, and Wakka shook his head, drinking from his bottle of water. Anybody would think he should be calm; after all, they were off school and could relax all day- but no, Wakka supposedly had too much on his mind.

    “Sorry man. Been thinking about…that other stuff again.â€

    “Still worried about the Island Dance?†Tidus chuckled. He picked up his own drink and began to gulp. The Island Dance happened once every five years. It was a tradition that everyone followed; but if you didn’t have a date you couldn’t go. Luckily for Tidus, he was popular with the girls and had asked out his date pretty early. Riku was going with a girl called Shell. Even Sora had a date. Wakka, meanwhile, was struggling to even speak to girls.

    “You know, you could just ask Selphie. I heard she hasn’t got a date yet either.â€

    Wakka’s eyes widened. “N-No! Dude, she’s like the prettiest girl on the island!â€

    Tidus laughed again. Maybe he had hit a soft spot. “Aw, got a thing for her, have you?†He had suspected it for a while, and when his friend’s cheeks grew red, he decided this was truth.

    The blond haired boy looked out across to the other islets, shielding his eyes from the sun. In the distance, he could see a speed boat rocketing across the water, heading for a beach about half a mile away. The people on board suddenly turned around, and waved.

    He waved back half-heartedly, then with more effort when he saw the flash of red and yellow and realised who these girls were.

    “Wakka! Wave! It’s Kairi and Selphie!†Wakka snapped out of his trance and shot an arm into the air, almost jumping. Tidus was surprised he didn’t dislocate his shoulder with that much over enthusiasm.

    “What are they doing?â€

    Tidus poked out his tongue a little. “Sunbathing, you think?â€

    “Ohoho…†Wakka seemed to drool a little. Tidus punched his shoulder playfully. Wakka was confused when his friend reached into their bag and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He was even more confused when said friend let out an evil chuckle.

    “Tidus.. You can’t...spy on them!â€

    “I can’t?†Tidus grinned, pulling them up to his face. After a few minutes he gave a low whistle.

    Wakka dug his feet into the sand. “What is it?†He tried to block out what was running through his mind and concentrated on the calming sea instead.

    “They’re in bikinis… standing near the water…†Suddenly he took a sharp intake of breath.

    “What now!?†Wakka blushed a little.

    Tidus paused. “Kairi is…helping Selphie rub her sun cream in.â€

    “Dude! Give those binoculars to me now!â€


    “Give them…†Wakka gave up and dived on his friend; they started to wrestle in the sand. After a tussle Tidus realised Wakka’s foot was in his mouth and started to cough. He let go of the binoculars, and Wakka was standing up in an instant, staring through them.

    A small pause.

    “…..Holy Paopu, Tidus. We’re going over there right now.â€


    Ten minutes later, and the two boys were pulling into the small dock on the islet the girls were on. Tying their wooden boats to posts, they climbed up onto the beach, and started to walk.

    “Kairi! Selphie!†Tidus called out in the direction of the sea. Wakka’s mouth was dry and he suddenly found his tongue felt like it was swelling up. To make things worse, he tripped over a log right before the two of them reached the sunbathing girls. What the hell was wrong with his feet today?

    “Hey guys,†Kairi giggled; Wakka had always hated that irritating laugh, “come to join us?â€

    “Um..we, um..†he mumbled.

    Tidus interrupted. “Yeah!â€

    Selphie suddenly looked straight at Wakka, and the poor boy found himself slowly turning red. Her green eyes were behind shades; but usually they twinkled and Wakka’s heart was beginning to race. Everything about her sent him crazy- he wasn’t even sure what it was. Maybe it was that beautiful smile, that cute face. Maybe it was the way she winked at him across the square in town. Maybe it was the way she was walking towards him now across the sand….in a bikini.

    “We brought ice creams, you wanna share?†Selphie grinned, pulling off her shades. Wakka was sure his thundering heart could be heard over the roar of the sea and the screaming gulls in the distance. Once again, his mouth seemed dry. Great.

    “S-Sure…That’d be…urm… g-great, thanks.†Mentally he slapped himself for seeming like such a ******.

    The girls delved into their bags and brought out four ice creams; surprisingly not of the sea-salt variety which was so popular on the islands as of late. Wakka was glad- who the hell wanted salty ice cream, anyway?

    “Thankyou,†he said politely, accepting the icecream and noticing it was vanilla, “oh awesome, my favourite flavo-â€

    But he never got any further- suddenly he tripped forward over a piece of coral he had stepped onto and fell face first… Right on top of Selphie.

    Perhaps the worst part was that she now had two icecreams worth of vanilla all over her shirt. Wakka stared in shock down at Selphie, expecting a scream or a fit. A chocolate flake was stuck to his shirt and it fell down onto her, landing on her neck.

    “Selphie! I’m…oh God I’m so sorry!†He recovered fast, leaping to his feet and offering her a hand. He was still expecting her to erupt into a rage and her loud blush seemed to foretell this- and so he was surprised when she accepted his hand and started to giggle.

    “S-Selphie?†He stuttered. For the first time he noticed they were alone; it seemed Tidus and Kairi had slipped away without them. Wakka was a little annoyed at his friend but also secretly glad- maybe this could be an opportunity?

    Yeah right, if he could stop mumbling like an idiot.

    “Oh Wakka, its all over my shirt!†She laughed, clutching her hip. He couldn’t stop a smile, she was so beautiful when she was happy. He felt like a fool, standing there with icecream on his shirt and an embarrassed blush on his face- but he was a happy fool.

    “Here…let me help you.†He handed her a cloth from the bag and together they managed to clean themselves up a bit. Five minutes later and they were sitting side by side on the sand, gazing out to sea. It was late afternoon now and the sun was starting to disappear.

    “Hey Wakka, you think maybe you…†She had started to speak but then cut herself off, her voice quiet. Wakka’s heart thundered; he wasn’t used to this stuff, this was the stuff of his dreams.

    “What is it?†He watched her eyes survey the water. The evening sun was casting orange rays across the surface and these reflected in her pupils. The sea was sparkling.

    “You…You think maybe you and I could go to the Island Dance together?â€

    He was speechless.

    She had asked him?!

    “I…er…I… wow, Selphie…â€

    Suddenly she was on her feet, stammering. “Well, if you don’t want to… Doesn’t matter… I’ll… ask someone else…†And she started to move away across the sand. He panicked and shot up, racing after her, struggling to find his voice.

    “No! Selphie! Wait!†He called out, and when he reached her he spun her around by the shoulders. She looked hurt, and it killed him to see her like that. She was shaking slightly.

    “I want to go. With you.â€

    Her face shone. “You do?â€

    His grin felt like it would break his face. “Yeah.†He took her hand in his.

    “Then it’s a date.†She giggled; and Wakka finally felt it had all been worth it.


    Hours had passed since they had agreed to be partners. The two sat together; still on the sand, still smiling. The sun had set and the stars were out above, blazing through the darkness. The crescentwas huge- it looked like it was balancing on the tip of the ocean. Moonrise.

    It all seemed perfect, the night, his smile, the girl next to him. Nothing could go wrong.

    Then Wakka realised something.

    “Oh damn!†He said aloud.

    “What is it?â€

    “I, erm…â€


    “I pretty much suck at dancing.â€

    “Oh shutup, you!†She smiled, and she kissed him under the stars.

    Lol. Thats it.
    Thread by: Juicy, May 20, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Juicy
    Link ~

    Thoughts? Think this is all its hailed to be?

    I think the fact it has fingernails and opposable thumbs is amazing.
    Thread by: Juicy, May 20, 2009, 39 replies, in forum: Current Events
  16. Juicy
    and asked for a McFlurry :v
    Thread by: Juicy, May 9, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Juicy

    I lol'd

    this was a comment on a youtube video

    Come on guys, get blowing on those shoulders!
    Thread by: Juicy, May 9, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Juicy
  19. Juicy
    Folks say they were touched by his noodley appendage in the most unexpected places.


    lol, you can see where I failed to rub out his mouth properly. :/
    Thread by: Juicy, May 4, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Juicy
    and everyone inside noticed he had a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender turned around and said "Oi you, how does that feel?"

    the pirate replied: "It's driving me' nuts!"
    Thread by: Juicy, May 1, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone