Search Results

  1. Juicy
  2. Juicy

    For Advent <3

    Hm, Im annoyed that my scanner didn't pick up any of the shading on his arms and face. It doesn't really work well with light shading.

    I consider this a cute and simple gift rather than anything serious :3

    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 7, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Juicy

    For the lovely Xaale <3

    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 5, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Juicy

    On the Bus

    It's weird, I randomly found something I had to write for English a while ago. The criteria was "write a short description of a bus-full of passengers when the bus has stopped halfway".

    Yeah, it was odd. I thought I'd post it here though. You weren't allowed to make the piece a narrative.


    Once again, the bus had stopped.
    The passengers onboard shifted anxiously in their seats, craning their necks to see what had caused the stop. Outside, winter's icy claws had enveloped the land in a cold mist, and the breath of small children against the windows of the bus caused the glass to fog. Babies gurgled, too young to understand the situation but old enough to feel the chill. The sound of impatient tapping of fingers on wood filled the air and those with keen noses could smell the distinct aroma of petrol.
    The engine of the bus chugged on, the vehicles bright coat of red paint making it a secluded beacon in the mist. Elderly men coughed and sneezed in their seats, haunted by a January cold and clutching at their tattered coats. Near the back of the bus, a group of enigmatic teenagers huddled- their faces hidden by hoods. Each person onboard was different, united only by their frustration over the now visible road works. It was fast approaching noon, and a red haired woman coughed to disguise her rumbling stomach. Perhaps her wish for food was granted, as finally the bus crawled on, a red ant in a world of bitter grey. The passengers shared a sigh of relief.

    Yep, I hardly think it's the most exciting thing you've ever read xD This was working on imagery, mostly.
    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 2, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Juicy
    well, I think they're kinda cute c:

    I'm a bit out of practice so these are simple, feel free to use any if you wish o:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Cnc? :B ​
    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 2, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Juicy
    I just dropped my phone down the toilet bowl. FML.
    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 1, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Juicy
    After nearly a year of the idea being abandoned, the short story contest has been revived!

    I am your host Obsessed, and the following are the rules for this month''s contest ~

    - The theme for this month is "disastrous holiday". Write a serious or joking story about a holiday that has gone wrong; we don't mind what the tone of the story is, as long as it's creative and a pleasure to read!

    - Please note this IS a short story contest, we don't want essays to read. The minimum is about six average paragraphs and the maximum will be about thirty, but we're willing to alter that. I may change the requirements later, depending on how this month goes.

    - Please submit only one story per member.

    - Deadline is the last day of this month.

    ***NOTE*** - I am looking for one other person to judge the entries with me. Please contact me if you wish to do so ~

    Have fun!
    Thread by: Juicy, Sep 1, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Juicy

    Dear khv,

    today was the best day of my life. It feels good to be happy c:
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 23, 2009, 79 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Juicy

    'sup KHV

    went swimming with sharks and sting rays c: It was beautiful, and one of the rays swam right next to me, it was covered in stripes a bit like a tiger x3

    at first I was terrified and almost choked on my snorkel, but it was awesome :'D
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 21, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Juicy
    I watched Hannah Montana and I.. kind of liked it c:

    p.s. wtf America fruit loops are gross >:
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 21, 2009, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Juicy
    somebody has left their Blackberry unattended next to me.


    *shifts eyes*
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 15, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Juicy


    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 13, 2009, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Juicy
    >| Im leaving...FOREVER.

    [No but seriously, Im going to Florida for just over two weeks. Im leaving tomorrow morning, and you may have heard that I am meeting the lovely Advent there ;DD Ill be back by the 1st of September, ilu all o:

    Ill have my psp on holiday so Ill be on here whenever Im bored or whatever, but I wont be able to do much really, except talk to a few of you <3

    baiii ~ ]
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 13, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  14. Juicy
    HAlP ME D:
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 12, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Juicy

    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 11, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Juicy
    lol, Im on a roll :'D


    Her hair is nyeh :/ but Im pretty pleased with how the shading came out :33

    CnC? :B
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 11, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Juicy
    I think I destroyed half my pencil doing this one :'D

    >< Im annoyed over the jacket, irl it doesnt look too bad but once scanned the shading looks really messy and stuff >:

    anyway ~


    CnC? :B
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 10, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Juicy
    Got my scanner up :'D aaaand this is where I realise that my scanner doesn't pick up on some of the more delicate shading ;~; her skin looks completely white when in reality it isnt, I drew shadows.



    CnC? :B
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 9, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Juicy
    For your reading pleasure, we have gathered a list of recommended stories and fanfics ~

    (Note- Guys, some of these stories are quite old. If the last post was over six months ago, please do not necrobump; and if you're posting, make it a good review)

    PM me if you wish for your story to be added to this list <3

    Some of these are completed, some are still on-going.


    Title: Spam Wars
    Author: Shades
    Spam Wars: A Noob Hope- A story where KHV and Star Wars have collided.

    Title: Valentine of Destiny
    Author: Braveheart
    This story begins where KH2 ended- now Sora and co. must return to school
    and face the truth.

    Title: Sunset
    Author: Magick
    And you thought all of Yuki's troubles were over... (Vampire Knight)

    Title: A Kingdom Hearts Alternate Future- Sora and Kairi's Wedding
    Author: Destiny's Force
    What it says on the tin- will Sora and Kairi make it down the aisle?

    Title: Saving Kairi
    Author: P E A N U T
    The trio are safely back on the islands, but what will happen
    when Kairi is struck down with an illness with terrible consequences?

    Title: Kingdom Hearts 2- Untitled
    Author: Forever Love
    The tale of the gang back home on the islands, with Roxas and Namine
    still with them.

    Title: What's Xigbar's Age, Again?
    Author: 2Foxxie4U
    Funny story centered around the oldest member of the organization,

    Title: The Seamstress of Hearts
    Author: Imiko
    A special Riku fanfic where YOU are the main character.

    Title: A Kingdom Hearts Original: The Disneyworld Chronicles
    Author: Shades
    Kingdom Hearts and KHV characters together at Disneyworld?
    What is this madness?

    Title: Sora and Kairi: SWITCHED! A Kingdom Hearts Alternate Future
    Author: Destiny's Force
    The crazy tale of what happens when Sora and Kairi swap bodies!

    Title: Kingdom Hearts III: The Revival
    Author: Soushirei
    A focus on Kairi's past and her development from a princess of heart
    into something much more...


    Title: Her Savior
    Author: P E A N U T
    Kairi was witness to an assassination, and now the FBI must protect her.

    Title: How Aerith and Yuffie met Saix
    Author: Theonly9one
    A short and funny story; what will happen when the girls meet Saix in Hollow Bastion?

    Title: The Highwayman
    Author: 2Foxxie4U
    AkuRoku. Roxas always knew he could rely on his Highwayman.
    Until... (based on the poem)

    Title: Gentle Giant
    Author: 2Foxxie4U
    A tale of Lexaeus, the gentle giant.

    Title: The Scientist
    Author: TheOnly9one
    The inner musings of the Chilly Academic, Vexen.

    Title: KH: Under the Stars
    Author: Obsessed
    Cute and cheesy short love story.

    Title: Do you feel it? The 'moon's' power?
    Author: TheOnly9one
    A humorous tale in which the organization seeks to discover the reason behind Saix's chosen power.

    Title: Destiny
    Author: twilightsown
    What happens when you can no longer control how you feel?

    Title: Love me Again
    Author: Anniexo
    SaixXAxel yaoi.

    Title: The Fading Flower
    Author: twilightsown
    Riku takes advantage of Sora's absence and reveals his true feelings to Kairi.

    Title: KH: Short Story
    Author: Roxas
    What happens when Sora becomes sick of his role in the games?

    Title: KH: Elevator
    Author: Obsessed
    Riku and Kairi are trapped in an elevator, what will happen?

    Title: Emptiness...
    Author: 2Foxxie4U
    Sad short story from the view of Roxas.

    Title: Myde goes to a recital
    Author: TheOnly9one
    A silly poem-fic. Myde = Demyx's true name, apparently.

    Title: Incomplete
    Author: DarknessKingdom
    Kairi's thoughts after being seperated by Sora at the end of Kingdom Hearts.

    Title: Love in a Bun
    Author: Obsessed
    Roxas and co. work at a fast-food restraunt.

    Title: Falling Rain
    Author: twilightsown
    Kairi ponders where Sora is as she goes about life five years later.

    Title: Blackmail Leads to Love
    Author: Anniexo
    DemyxXZexion yaoi.

    Title: Scattered Petals
    Author: Rouge Angel92
    Kairi's beginning to doubt that Sora and Riku will ever come home.

    With thanks to Breakeven for helping me put this together :3
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 5, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Juicy

    Post here if

    You can juggle :v

    [I was locked outside my house today so I taught myself]

    note- does not include juggling with own balls.
    Thread by: Juicy, Aug 1, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone