Heads up if you can tell me what the second thing is :lolface: thoughts? B|
Out of anybody in the world who could be online, the first person I talk to is called Harriet. She lives in my town. She's the same age.
Oh, he's walking closer... what gorgeous hair- oh! Nice arms too. He's getting nearer, I can make out that body now.. what a lovel- OH GOD A SKIRT FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Happy new year, guys! I hope you all had a lovely break. The award for last month's contest goes to mister Captain Sparrow. It was a disappointing outcome last month due to so few entries being put forward, but I'm sure you guys can rustle up some delicious prose this time round. ;D This month is a little different. Your entry this month must start with the line "I bit into the sandwich slowly." I'm looking out for rich description this month- though don't assume you have to describe the sandwich! Take it as you like. Deadline is the last day of the month. Haha, have fun.
[What exactly is a huggle? I need a definition :v]
Ive fallen flat on my butt in the ice three times, cheered about a snowstorm, worn five layers to school and got my tongue stuck to a lampost, and thats just today. Yay! :lolface:
and I won't be back until the 4th. And since I probably won't make it on after tomorrow... have a nice Christmas guys ::L: Then again, I might make it here Boxing day. This is goodbye, anyway :3
Click <3 Incredibly simple yet I really like it. :3 Thoughts?
> Click < Used buttons as the basis and went from there. xD
Santa's sleigh just pulled into my street, and there are loud bells ringing and flashing lights and he's yelling "HO HO HO!". He seriously came out of nowhere, it was weird as ****. xD
omnomnom c: some smaller ones~
Hello again!~ Last month's winner was Typhlosion and his story Time and Tides. The repetition of phrases and the way the story was segmented was simple but effective; however, the judges feel dialogue could have been used to break up the vast amount of rich but intense description. Special mention also goes to Snorlax who wrote an extremely simple story but one which was a pleasure to read. The quick reference to KHV brought a smile to my face. c: This month's theme is Murder. Deadline is the end of the first week of January, since I will not have internet access during the New Year. Good luck guys!
playing with [my fluorescent glow in the dark bracelet thing from a party I was at the other night. So I'm bending it one way absent mindedly when suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE IT EXPLODES AND LIQUID SQUIRTS IN MY FACE ahflahf I'm kind of concerned over whether it was poisonous or not to be honest :v]
I just wanted to have a go at drawing a lion to be honest. And then it ended up purple >| Click <3 any comments? 8D
I attempted to make a pasta with bolognaise sauce for dinner. I ended up crying my eyes out over the onions. xD damn them ;_;
Your car slows for just half a minute, and next thing you know, you're surrounded on all sides by sheep :l
btw she's 14. Don't read if you're offended easily. I was kind of disgusted myself. Bear in mind she's damn ignorant. *at the dinner table* Sister: When I'm older, I want to join the KKK ::L: Me: Erm...why would you want to do that? They kill people. Sister: Yeah, well I hate Indians and Pakistanis. Me: Actually, they usually targeted people descended from Africans. Sister: They're all the same to me. They all want to bomb us. Me: It's not to do with their race, more their religion. And it's only the extremists. Sister: I don't care. Kill them all. Me: That's terrible o__o Sister: Not really. They say bad things about us, why can't I say bad things about them? Me: ... *gives up*
We're in the middle of a test and he gets down to desk level on his knees and starts doing a re-enactment of when Gandalf gets pulled down by the Balrog in LOTR. He's clinging to the edge of the desk and then falls down in slow motion :v He's honestly one of the nerdiest people I know. When we studied nuclear fission he tried to compare it to a game of pacman and spent the lesson running after students making pacman noises.
Last month's winner was The Joker. His story Crooked Walls was rich in it's description and totally unpredictable. I am extremely frightened of maggots so when they were mentioned within the storyline it instantly creeped me out. x: There was also a pleasant mix of formal storyline mixed with informal thoughts of the narrator. This month's theme is Piracy. Your stories this month have the potential to be whatever they like, as long as they shiver me and the other judge's timbers! /terrible joke We want cruel seas, fight scenes and amputations resulting in wooden legs! Deadline is the 30th of November. Looking forward to some intresting entries this month.
Its my parents' anniversary, and they just went to bed giggling... The walls in my house are thin ._.