Search Results

  1. Juicy



    I received the very first note on the 12th July, at quarter to nine in the morning.

    It was an average summer day, and I sat perched on my usual chair of the classroom. The class had just settled in, and despite the protests of the newly arrived teacher a dull murmur remained in the room. I occupied the desk closest to the window, eager to be distracted from the usual monotonous drawl of the teacher by taking in what was outside. Geography had never interested me.

    It was only when the class had quietened down and the infuriating sound of chalk scraping blackboard had begun that I noticed it. A slip of paper, folded into a triangle, taking residence on my desk. Absent-mindedly I unfolded it, feeling as much enthusiasm as the muggy sky outside.

    You look good in red.

    I started, surprised, then felt my face heat vividly. Now slouched in my seat, I half-hid behind my curtain of hair and surveyed the room. Nobody was looking my way. I felt almost embarrassed for being so jittery and making wild assumptions of secret admirers.

    “Adelida, are you listening?â€

    I flushed an even darker shade of scarlet, ashamed at the use of my real name. The teacher glared down at me through rose-tinted glasses. I quickly crumpled the note into my fist.

    “Yes, miss.â€

    Of course, I spent the remaining hour deep in contemplation.

    * * *

    At lunch I wound my way between the sweaty population, searching for a space to eat. I ate alone these days; it wasn’t that people disliked me, they just didn’t like me enough. I often pondered over what it was- everything about me was generic. I wasn’t odd, I conformed, I had manners and I was average looking.

    Ah well.

    It was at my locker, returning my bag, that I discovered the second mysterious note.

    You left your math book on the kitchen table.

    “Mom?†I said, for one wild moment, looking around shiftily. There were a few laughs from my neighbours, and I realised how foolish I was behaving. I examined the note- it was triangular, as before. This person likes habit. And slightly freaking me out, it seems. I was probably better off not thinking about it until more things came to light. The rest of the day passed in a usual, scholarly haze.

    * * *

    “Hello?†I called, emerging through the front door. Immediately I was greeted by three things- the smell of roasted chicken, a smile from my mother, and an alarmingly loud father.

    “Ida, hello?†He called, despite the fact he was now standing mere inches away. He quite suddenly took me by the shoulders. “Are you feeling alright? Ida?â€

    I focused on his face, confused. “I’m… fine. Why wouldn’t I be?â€

    “Barry, don’t do that.†My mother’s face was stone. He released me from his grip, grunted, and walked into the kitchen. Mom’s expression softened as she took me in. “Don’t worry about him, I guess he’s had a rough day.â€

    The smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

    “Oh.†I worked my cheek muscles to return the gesture.

    “Dinner’s almost done.â€

    The conversation felt awkward and phatic. I excused myself and ran upstairs, but not before peeking around the kitchen door. The purple cover of my math book littered the kitchen surface.

    * * *

    Later, I eavesdropped.

    “Barry, please don’t do that to her again. You probably scared her.â€

    My father’s answering tone slowly faded to an inaudible mutter. “I just thought...â€

    Sighing, I left my listening spot at the top of the stairs and retreated to my bedroom. Only the warmth of my bed and the solace of a good book would distract me from my confusion now. Climbing into bed, I shot straight back onto my feet when I realised my collection of teddies were not alone. A small triangle rested between them.

    With slightly trembling fingers I took it into my grasp.

    Have sweet dreams, Ida. I’ll be watching.
    Thread by: Juicy, May 10, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Juicy
    I wish I could say this thread was an impressive story I'd cooked up, but this is just where I'm posting a scrap from English class. Basically about once a week we're given prompts and have nine minutes to write a description based on the prompt. I wouldn't mind some opinions and feedback, despite how short this is. The prompt was "fast food restaurant".

    Artery-Clogging Burgers

    It was a sweltering summer evening and the usual crowd queued up inside Grease ‘n’ Go. From outside, the place could almost be mistaken for a venue where decent meals could be obtained, but this façade was broken the second a step was taken through the double doors.

    The customers waited impatiently, trapped in the monotony of their junk-fuelled lives. Boards advertised supposedly healthy meals but above the dim chattering of staff members only the sizzling of a deep fry grill could be detected. A faint aroma of sweat and cooked meat lingered in the stuffy air.

    The queue of people shuffled forward slowly, uncaring for each other but united in their need for food. Each man and woman in turn felt their mouths water at the prospect of the artery-clogging burgers that awaited them. Small children sat at rounded tables, delighted in the free toys they had received. Their keen ears picked up on the whine of a fly struggling against a window. It alone had the sense to escape death via grease.

    This was a busy day, but noise was minimal; the shared urge to eat quickly and leave the sweaty prison kept the customers quiet.
    Thread by: Juicy, May 8, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Juicy
    It was certainly a delight reading last month's entries- although I am afraid I can no longer rid the name Terry from my mind. It was difficult choosing a winner when the options were two quite excellent stories. International Worker's Day by Jiku Neon delighted me when I discovered Terry's gender and was written in a rather obscure manner; I was almost confused but the story came out true in the end and it felt good to emphasize with a character that speaks of death in such an offhand-ish fashion.

    The winner, however, was What? with Teashades. His story was written in the pompous prose that both authors favour, but the latter made me laugh just that little bit more. Each sentence just seems to suggest humor, no matter the content. Perhaps it is the tasteful overuse of adjectives or the way I find precision when describing rather funny. Either way, Terry's tale was quite a good one to read(although my eyes hurt from squinting).

    Wow, I spent longer than usual commenting.

    This month's theme is Nightmares. Deadline is the end of this month<3
    Thread by: Juicy, May 3, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Juicy

    I chuckled

    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 25, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Juicy
    Click click~

    I made it as a birthday present for a dear friend of mine, but I'd like some feedback. I think I did a pretty decent job, though I did rush the cake as time was running out. xD
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 21, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Juicy

    Hey guys

    Why is pingu's dad always ironing when he has a wife?
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 21, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Juicy
    When she was cremated, all flights in Europe were cancelled.
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 21, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Juicy


    Snoop Dogg wants to do a duet with Susan Boyle.

    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 13, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Juicy

    and you receive it with excitement.
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 10, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Juicy
    Any suggestions about where I should go? I'm not really sure about what to take either, any help guys?
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 5, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Juicy
    Loyalty always pays off, and despite the fact it was conjured up in a mere 40 minutes Jiku Neon's story, entitled Pi, was a real treasure. Sadly it was the only entry last month (slow section = </3), but the author's usual genius would surely have outclassed most other efforts anyway. The story broke out of its monotony in a simple but sweet fashion, and I'm not sure if the rhyming couplets were intended but they were just right.

    This month's theme follows the style of February's contest. Your story must begin with the sentence "It was not a normal day in the life of Terry."

    Take it as you will. xD

    Go guys. <3
    Thread by: Juicy, Apr 3, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Juicy
    ...atleast any I've ever taken. xD All the little lambs are being born at the farm near me, and I seriously want to cry when I look at this ;~; it looks like a plushie, it's so perfect.

    Thread by: Juicy, Mar 28, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Juicy
    It was like a real life version of Clue. In a huge mansion. It was the most badass thing I've ever done.
    Thread by: Juicy, Mar 28, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Juicy
    I have to repeat it in a ******ed voice. xD [yay team america]
    Thread by: Juicy, Mar 24, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Juicy
    With a disappointing lack of entries for last month's contest, I can pronounce no winners! Perhaps it is merely the lack of activity on the forum generally these past few weeks. I hope this month has a better turn out. (:

    This month's theme is Love. It couldn't possibly get any cheesier, but I want to see variety here. Hell, you can write about love between inanimate objects if you so wish.

    Good luck guys. Deadline is the end of the month, as usual. :3
    Thread by: Juicy, Mar 1, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Juicy
    So we had this crazy Italian woman as a cover teacher. She was absolutely insane, she told members of the class they looked like Hitler, shouted RUN JEWISH BOY RUN to a guy in the class, AND THEN SHE GOT OUT AN UMBRELLA AND SAYS "I'll get you in the ass!" and brandished it around.

    She was like "ohoho, I'm feeling a little naughty today!" I then proceeded to watch as she creeped up on this boy from behind and pretended to rape him with the umbrella. She spent nearly the whole hour dancing around making racist comments and laughing to herself.
    Thread by: Juicy, Feb 26, 2010, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Juicy


    So there is apparently something called "CoffinCam", where you can choose to install a camera into a loved one's coffin and watch them decay. It was just mentioned on tv. What the ****.
    Thread by: Juicy, Feb 19, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Juicy
    So sorry for the delay guys, it's been a rough start to the month for me.

    Last month's winner was Horo with her story Of Lettuce and Tomatoes. It was simple yet suprisingly touching, and rather an unconventional love story. Special mention also goes to What? because I have never laughed so much at the thought of a bologna sandwich in a wedding dress. Well done you guys. (:

    This month's theme is also a little different. The title must be A Day in the Life of a Scarecrow. Take it as you will. Remember, anybody is free to enter.

    Good luck! Deadline is the end of the month, as usual.
    Thread by: Juicy, Feb 6, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Juicy

    Finally used my new art stuff from Christmas. It feels like ages! <3

    Thoughts? :3
    Thread by: Juicy, Feb 3, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Juicy

    ... ;-;

    Thread by: Juicy, Jan 24, 2010, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone