Why? If he made the deal then given the raid was his predetermined date of death he would have died before. If it wasn't then I think he would have lived more than a week provided light didn't kill him. But even then light would have to avoid letting soichiro see misa or he would be ruined.
Sorry, does it matter, I've had weirder...
He nodded. "what d'you think he'll do down in that cell now she's a lost cause?"
I <3 Sidoh XD and about L and light both going to MU , good point. If soichiro's death was programmed to be killed at the raid then if he made the deal he would have died before the raid began. That means he would have survived a while after the raid having if he had not been shot.
Hey Pugman XD
"for the dancing?" "just, never again" OOC: x')
Matsu grinned and snuggled her. "well I guess you can't expect me not to bleed when you get a small missile through your skull" OOC: X'D darks last two sentences..
He smiled back "I wuv you Rika Onee-chan" "gee thanks..." She clutched onto his front.
Matsu hugged her tighter. Viv stood up aswell wobbling a bit "Christ how much did I bleed?"
He hugged her and wiped his eyes. "disguises suck, I'll just find someone else to bully"
Matsuda's eyes went watery. "mommy and daddy don't love eachother any more?" "this means I can't punish him though"
"oh" he said simply. She smiled and kissed him.
Matsu looked Confused. "plus splat?"
L giggled more "I suppose so" she sulked
"but it was funny ....and degrading" OOC: oh like noodle then? Woop BIC: "you've disfigured me"
OOC: I assumed he shot her in the back of the head... "and you thought I had anger problems"
Does remember how they gr ninja'd
"now I'm gonna have a bald patch" L was in fits of giggles.
has manage to colour 'tear drinker' in a red/purple gradient